Question about Health Advisors

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Question about Health Advisors

Postby Emma » May 30th, 2005, 1:53 pm

When I decided to do Medifast, I registered on this site (Nancy and Terry's) and was going to call the 800 number to get an advisor. But the next day, an advisor called me. Are they assigned by location? and I'm assuming my advisor in on Nancy and Terry's team, correct? She's new but has been very helpful and nice. Just curious, trying to figure out how TSFL works.

Thanks for any insight. Emma
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Postby Nancy » May 30th, 2005, 2:08 pm

:byebye: Hi there, Emma ~

:hmmm: Nope, we do not assign an advisor by location but we do have our ways of matching up clients with one of our top notch advisors.

She'll be there to answer your questions, to help you with your program, to let you know how to save you $ on your products - I always try to post the sale items here on the MakMeThinner Forum as soon as I am made aware of the product specials by the company and your Health Advisor will help you select your products and place your orders for you, if you so desire.

Health Advisors can be your :coach: coach or your :whip: drill sergeant, depending upon what level of serice you need to get you to your goal.

Welcome aboard the train to Thinsville!

:toast: Shake it up and shake it off!
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Postby martha » May 30th, 2005, 9:02 pm

Hi Emma, :D
I too did the same thing that you did and got a call the next day from my advisor,Bonnie.. She is great.. calls and checks on me and lets me know all the sales that are going on.. she is also my husbands advisor too. Really like her bunches.. All of the advisors are really nice .. They are such a help about everything.. if you have a question about anything do not hesitate to email or call on any of them.. This forum is the greatest thing I have ever been connected with.. all of the ladies are GREAT!!!! Good luck with your program.. You are doing great!!!!--Martha
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Postby Emma » May 31st, 2005, 4:36 am

Thanks Nancy for the explanation. I'll definitly make sure I communicate more with my advisor (especially with orders) for any questions. I saw the post with the TSFL website problems - yikes!

Thanks for your encouragement Martha - you're doing great also! Hope to see you in ONEderland someday soon.

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Postby Nancy » May 31st, 2005, 12:06 pm

I recommend changing Auto Ship orders by phone.

Phone your HA 5 days BEFORE your Auto Ship is scheduled to ship and be charged to your account. Holidays, weekends, serier problems can ost likely be averted with a five day change.

Or call TSFL directly with your Customer ID number in your hand, your exact order in your hand and the call center personnel will take care of you.

Be sure you get the name of the person who helped you and your Auto Ship Order number. Double check and make sure they cancel the current order and replace it with the new order.

Everything works out and you save at least 5% off your order. I am up to the max savings of 12% now.
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