Question about growling stomach

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Question about growling stomach

Postby Laramedifast » April 16th, 2005, 6:21 am

Hey all you wise MFers!
I have a question. I was on a weight control plan in the past (Weigh Down Workshop) which suggested getting in touch with when you are really truly hungry and eating only when your stomach actually growled and made noise. Well, my stomach hadn't really been doing that on MF. Now, however, since I've started exercising more I am finding that even before my 3 hours, my stomach is actually growling outloud. Does anyone know if this means anything or has any relation to ketosis? Should I have a small snack at that time or do I have my next shake or just notice it keep on going about my business. I can handle it. I think I'm beyond responding reflexively to my mind's emotional clues to eat, but I want to do the right thing to make the ketosis really work in my favor. Any wisdom? Thanks!
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Postby dlr2424 » April 16th, 2005, 8:09 am

Lara.....I think the pro's can better answer this ...but just wondering how intense your exercise is at this point... :?: ....the suggested waiting time is about 4 weeks and then the exercise suggested is low key... :exercise: ....if you are over exerting yourself you may experience the dreaded stall..... :x ....but I would post your MF schedule & include the type & amount of exercise and let the MF pro's answer best..........

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Postby Diet Diva » April 16th, 2005, 8:23 am

Hi Laramedifast,

Quick question: Do you feel hunger when your stomach growls, or is it just the growling? Here's a bit about my experience, for what it's worth:

One thing that I've learned throughout my M-fast program is that my body responds well to eating every 3 hours. If I get close to the 3 hour mark, my stomach starts to tell me, and it will start to growl--loudly! By the time mealtime rolls around, I am ready to eat and I do feel hunger, but it's a comfortable hunger. My stomach does growl sometimes just because, although I don't have any real hunger. I no longer deal with the pre-Medifast " blinding ravenous hunger that causes you to face plant in the nearest bulk container of anything edible."
I rarely go the 4 hours between meals, but if I wait that long, it's usually due to time constraints that I can't control. I remember my first few weeks on the program my meals were spaced closer together, that seemed to work best as my system adjusted to the new program.

Most days my first two meals are only 2 or 2 1/2 hours a part. (Breakfast @ 6:30 and my second meal @ 9:00) The others are spaced out a full 3 hasn't been a problem since I've been completely program compliant. And...the Medifast police haven't come knocking down my door yet! This seems to work well for me as I've consistently loss the average amount and am now down 50+ pounds. Hope this helps.
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Postby Guest » April 17th, 2005, 10:46 pm

LaraMedifast ~

Diet Diva made a good point. Physical hunger usually goes away after the first few days and yet when it is feeding time, many do experience stomach growls or that gnawing/ empty stomach feeling. Usually it is satisfied relatively quickly and you're good to go for another three hours.

Many people find that their second meal of the day comes sooner than the others - no scientific evidence or studies on my part here, but I surmise it is because we're trying to "catch up" after the night time fast.

Your added exercise certainly can be the culprit for you since you have been on the program now for several weeks, if I recall correctly. If this is a new sensation for you after not experiencing it for a while and is only now reappearing after you recently began to exercise, then most likely you need more food. You may be expending many more calories than you are taking in.

Dr. Andersen recommends having a shake before exercise and to follow up your exercise routine with a bar. I have better success if I have a bar before I work out with 8 ounces of water, continue to re-hydrate myself frequently during the workout session and follow up with a shake about half an hour after my workout.
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