Well, I suppose that title will attract some looks. Ok, here's the deal....
I am a vendor at craft shows on Saturdays and my normal routine would be to stop at Mc D's for a BEC Bagel on the way then stop in at the food booth/bake sale several times while I am there. The last show I was at, I was able to resist the tempations even though I was right in front of the bake sale table. Everytime someone would walk by me with a cookie, cake, pie etc I would have a major craving to eat something - this got to the point of being miserable. I was way past gum helping. So I had a thought.
How bad would it be if I took some oatmeal that I made into granola or a chopped up bar and kinda just grazed on it throughout the day in order to satisfy those cravings? I would count it as a meal, but not eat it all at one time, just munch on it when I felt the desire to head to the bake sale.
Opinions???? Thoughts????? Suggestions???? (Other than gum, because I did that at the other show and it barely got me through)