Question about Chai

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Question about Chai

Postby irishgirl » February 24th, 2005, 8:15 am

Morning all. I just received my 2 week starter kit and I am gearing up to begin Medifast on Saturday. I will post my weight goals and such then. I have a question regarding the Chai Latte now offered. I have hypothyroidism and based on posts here, I am going to start my day with hot chocolate since everything else is much higher in soy and that will interfere with my meds. How does the Chai soy content compare with the hot chocolate? I absolutely love Chai and I think I would much rather start my day with that. Thanks!
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Postby Nancy » February 24th, 2005, 11:22 am

The Chai Latte is so good.

It is caffeine free and is whey based and does not contain any soy at all.
Since it is soy free and will not interfere with your thyroid medication.

It is not recommended for diabetics because it has 10 grams of sugar
FYI Medifast 55 shakes have 8 grams of soy protein (and 3 grams of whey) per shake, 9 sugars (except for the Dutch Chocolate, it has 8 grams), 13 grams of carbohydrates (except for the Swiss Mocha, it has 14 grams) and 90 calories.

The Chai Latte has 14 grams of whey protein, 14 grams carbohydrates, 10 grams of sugar, and 100 calories.
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Postby irishgirl » February 24th, 2005, 12:14 pm

Thanks, Nancy! I'll be sure to include that in my next order!
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Postby Nancy » February 24th, 2005, 3:35 pm

By the way -

According to Dr. Andersen, when you take your thyroid medication, wait 2 hours before having any soy.

Several clients of ours who take synthroid, take their medication when they make a run for the sandbox in the early morning. Then they have oatmeal after they get up for good.

The other non-soy products:

Raspberry and Peach Pro Tea (these would replace the shakes)

Hot Cocoa (replacement for the shakes)

Creamy Soups ~ Cream of Broccoli, Cream of Chicken & Cream of Tomato

Cappuccino (replacement for the shakes)

Cranberry Mango Punch and Tropical Fruit Punch

Creamy Italian and Caesar Salad Dressing

Essential 1 Grilled Chicken Breasts and the Essential 1Grilled Beef Patties
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Postby irishgirl » February 24th, 2005, 9:54 pm

So does the oatmeal not contain soy either? Thanks for this info - it is very helpful.
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Postby Nancy » February 25th, 2005, 12:30 am

Nope - the Oatmeal (all flavors) is soy-based.

For clarification - Thyroid meds are typically taken on an empty stomach. Person should then wait 1-2 hours before eating any soy.

One of our MakeMeThinner Health Advisors takes her thyroid meds when she gets up, waits 1-2 hours and then has Medifast oatmeal or a shake. Even though the protocol recommends that we eat within the first hour of awakening, she tries to wait closer to two hours. Check with your physician or pharmacist for advice, remember I am not a doc and cannot prescribe nor am I substitute for a doc.
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Postby irishgirl » February 25th, 2005, 7:52 am

Thanks, Nancy. I typically eat about 30 minutes after taking my meds, so I'll stick with the non-soy products as my first supplement.
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