Question about Cappucino Shakes

Questions/Comments about Weight loss Products.

Question about Cappucino Shakes

Postby Mefirst » October 6th, 2005, 5:13 pm

Hello all, I'm stocking up on shakes and had a question. Is there any difference so far as weight loss, between drinking regular shakes and the cappucino shakes? I LOVE the cappucino but have read somewhere that the weight does not come off as readily when drinking the cappucino or whey based shakes? Is this true? Thanks!

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Other shakes

Postby Jan » October 6th, 2005, 5:30 pm

I have experienced no difference at all using the cappucino shakes. I like them too. Some people say the whey is not as filling. I think the confusion comes because on the former protocol we were to drink 3 shakes each day ( the regular soy ones) That has been changed --- so slurp away -- the cappucino is great I like it both hot and cold. I also sometimes put it in the blender, add water and ice - whirl, then add some SF chocolate syrup Hmmmmmm
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