Question re: 80-85g Carbs/day

Questions/Comments about Weight loss Products.

Question re: 80-85g Carbs/day

Postby katie78 » February 11th, 2006, 8:39 am

I have a question regarding the reccomendation that we consume no more than 80-85 grams of carbs/day. If that's the reccomendation, why do so many of the products have more than one-sixth of that (14g of carbs) in them? It seems as though I'll need to be take Carb content into account and balance low (9g) carb with high (16g) carb meals throughout the day. Do I have this right?
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Postby Unca_Tim » February 11th, 2006, 10:02 am

Hi Katie and welcome to the forum,

The great thing about Medifast is that you don't have to worry about balancing or counting anything. When you follow the program as designed (5 medifast meal replacements - 1 lean/green) you'll be getting exactly what you should be getting.
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Postby Serendipity » February 12th, 2006, 6:41 am

I'm glad you asked that, Katie, because I've wondered the same thing. I don't worry about it as long as I'm on program. That's the fun of Medifast, no counting anything........oh wait - I forgot......5 supplements - 1 lean & green - 8 glasses of water - yadda yadda yadda.......

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Postby Jan » February 12th, 2006, 9:20 am

Hi there Katie,
Don't worry -- you've probably tried lots and lots of other things to part with those pesky pounds -- and have had to count, weigh and measure. Not only that you've had to dig through the cupboards and fridge looking for just the right combination. Talk about temptation to just pop some little tidbit right into the ole mouth :x I've been there right along side of you!!
Here's the good news -- those days are GONE. :D We don't have to worry -- everything is all figured out for us. And not only that ,it is all medically sound, so we are doing the very best thing for our body. :D Just choose 5 meal replacements each day (and you're right-- the carb situation is why we say only one bar a day) add a lean and green -- and you've got it. No muss, no fuss, just parting with the pounds. :mrgreen:
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Postby horsey girl » February 12th, 2006, 9:23 am

I don't worry about it as it is already counted for me but do remember to subtract the fiber which is not digestable from the total carb count. I just looked on one of my shakes and it has 13 grams of carbs, 3 grams of dietary fiber, and 11 grams of protein. At first glance thats higher in carbs than protein but when you deduct the dietary fiber it has 10 grams of digestable carbs, back in balance with what we need. The exception to this is the bars which is why they are limited to 1 a day. Hope this helps. :D Horsey Girl
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