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Postby aquarianskye » September 12th, 2007, 11:07 am

Whew, I'm pooped just reading all you did! GREAT JOB! As far as the food thing goes...you just have to figure out what works for you. You are the only one that can make that choice. Unfortunately everyone's body is different. Let us know what you decide.
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Postby SuzyQ66 » September 12th, 2007, 4:25 pm

Queenie - you amaze me.
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Postby bikipatra » September 13th, 2007, 3:09 am

That warm up alone would have put me in hospital! You are amazing. I just still sit here waiting for my bras from title nine so I can jog if they handle the boobage issue and you have turned into the Bionic Woman before our eyes! :)
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Postby queenielou » September 13th, 2007, 8:14 am

Thanks ladies!

I don't feel very amazing since I'm consistently testing at the lowest level this week. I was particularly discouraged when I told the instructor that I wouldn't be able to make it today due to schedule conflicts and she was like oh ok, well it doesn't look like you would be able to do any jumping rope so we'll just place you at the stability level.

So I look like I can't jump rope? Great. I guess all that rope jumping I did at Curves was for nothing. I know, I'm not taking it personally. I can't wait to shock her in 60 days, though.

Yesterday's workout was rough because I couldn't get my form right on the squats. We started off doing some movements with a medicine ball. First, we pivoted from side to side with the ball 20 times on each side. Then we had to do that faster, again 20 times each side. Next, we did a diagonal move where we started with the ball in the air on on side and ended with ball down on the other side. We passed the ball under our legs like a basketball drill. We would squat down with the ball then extend up on our toes with the ball. We had to make the biggest circle we could with the ball keeping our arms extended and squatting low. Oh, and we had to bounce the ball to face height to work on our core strength. I think that was all we did with the medicine balls.

After that we had to test our squats. Somehow, I am incapable of doing squats in the correct form she wanted us to do them. In fact, I was so bad that after everyone worked with their partner, she had me demonstrate my bad technique for the rest of the group so they would know what not to do and what to do to correct anyone who was doing the same thing. Fun. I was squatting facing a wall and I had to have two people sit beside me and put their fingers under my foot so I would know where the weight was supposed to be. One lady was a little apprehensive about touching me but I guess I might be, too, if I had to place my fingers under some stranger's bare foot. Little did she know we would have to touch our partners later in the workout :)

After being a squatting failure, we actually did the squat testing. I think I did reasonably well on that. 49 squats in 60 seconds. If we did 65, we had to retest at a higher level.

After squats we had to do lunges. I wasn't the poster child for bad lunging, thankfully. I tested reasonably well on the forward flexion test we did after the lunges, too. That exercise is supposed to get us ready for broad jumps.

Today I will miss out on the cardio testing and some other test since I have class tonight and I had a dentist appointment this morning. Friday is nutrition day. I really like the simplicity of MF so I'm going to try to stick with it during the challenge until my body tells me otherwise.
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Postby bikipatra » September 13th, 2007, 9:34 am

You realy are amazing! :)
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Postby queenielou » September 14th, 2007, 1:23 pm

NSV - today after a meeting my boss said have you lost weight? You look like you've lost a lot of weight. I said, yes, I have. She said, yeah I looked at you the other day and I had to look again because you've lost a lot of weight. My officemate Richard said "I didn't want to say anything because we work in the same office, but you look great!" I was ecstatic!
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Postby bikipatra » September 14th, 2007, 1:54 pm

queenielou wrote:NSV - today after a meeting my boss said have you lost weight? You look like you've lost a lot of weight. I said, yes, I have. She said, yeah I looked at you the other day and I had to look again because you've lost a lot of weight. My officemate Richard said "I didn't want to say anything because we work in the same office, but you look great!" I was ecstatic!

That's so cool! :)
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Postby BabyTrace » September 14th, 2007, 4:56 pm

That IS awesome Queenie! Just goes to show that some people really do notice only sometimes they don't know how or even if it's appropriate to say so. Especially in the workplace, people can get so caught up in their own day to day stuff that they don't take the time to notice someone sitting right beside them that is shrinking every day.

So happy for you! Other people noticing definitely is a great NSV!
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Postby bikipatra » September 15th, 2007, 4:20 am

Queenie you are probably the only one remotely interested, so I wanted to let you know I posted some pics of new stuff I got off EBAY in my journal, mostly all BCBG. :)
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Postby katesmom » September 15th, 2007, 4:58 am

Congratulations Queenie !!

I just learned what an NSV was,! (Thanks to Biki)

What a feeling you must have had when you got the well-deserved compliment ! Makes you want to really put the charge on to get to goal, eh?

Have a great day !
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Postby Tawanda » September 15th, 2007, 7:09 am

Congratulations on the NSV!

You are doing so great. Keep your eyes focused on your goal and don't allow yourself to lose sight of what is most important......YOU ARE!!
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Postby queenielou » September 15th, 2007, 7:52 am

Thanks, Biki, Trace, Pam and T for stopping by and sharing in my excitement!

I'm trying to refocus so I can really make the most of this fitness challenge and reach some new goals before I go home for the holidays and realizing that people are noticing my weight loss is a huge factor to keep on going.

T, thanks for reminding me that I am important and that should always be at the front of mind when I decide to take another day "off."

Of course, all of you wonderful ladies have noticed all along so I really have no excuses for not staying motivated and focused. Thanks for everything!
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Postby queenielou » September 15th, 2007, 7:56 am

After the nutrition lesson yesterday, I realized that their plan is not defined enough for me to follow it. The trainer who leads the challenge was making some claims that I know not to be true scientifically (my BS is in chemistry/molecular biology) so I kind of tuned her out after that. I'm going with medifast. People on the the mymedifast boards have engaged in tough workouts and stayed on medifast so I will try to do the same. Plus, my workout schedule is 3 days a week of a strength and conditioning class and 2 days a week of yoga for the first 2 weeks. That isn't so tough (I'm saying that without having gone to any of the strength and condition classes yet :? )

After 2 weeks, our schedule will change and hopefully I will get to do the more difficult conditioning class.
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Postby bikipatra » September 15th, 2007, 11:16 am

I am glad you decided to stay on program through your highly educated and informed opinions and not be lead astray. I wanted the best for you and if that meant giving up Medifast I thought that was okay if it meant you were achieving your goals. But I am so glad you are going to keep on shakin' with us! :)
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Postby Joy » September 16th, 2007, 2:29 pm


just stopping over to wish you a wonderful week-

joy :D
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