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Postby bikipatra » September 6th, 2007, 8:42 am

Queenie, I walked 420 stairs on Tuesday, 60 at a time and was also so pleased that I wasn't out of breath and I smoke! My butt hurt a little but I could breathe!
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Postby SuzyQ66 » September 7th, 2007, 11:24 am

Queenie - how is my fellow Wisconsinite doing? Your posts always make me exhausted with all the exercising you do....keep up the good work.
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Postby DogMa » September 11th, 2007, 6:47 pm

Hey, Queenie, where'd you go? Everything OK? I hope so.

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Postby queenielou » September 11th, 2007, 6:53 pm

Hey Robin,

Everything is fine, thanks for checking. I've been trying to decide if I'm going to follow the nutrition the plan that comes with the 60 day fitness challenge I started this week or if I should just stick with Medifast throughout the challenge. The workouts are really hard core - today we just did push up and chin up testing and it was tough. I'm not sure what I'll do since we don't go over nutrition until Friday. That will give me a better idea of if I should do their plan or stick with Medifast.

I know MF works so that isn't the issue. I'm just not sure if I should do the fitness challenge as it is structured since I paid so much for it.

Any ideas?
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Postby nickieluv » September 11th, 2007, 7:00 pm

I don't know for certain, but I'd say you don't have anything to lose by following their plan for 60 days so that you can do the fitness challenge. You know MF will be here for you at the end of that time, if you decide to start up again.

I think long term, the fitness goals you have might be more important, because the weight loss goals I believe will follow. But you're talking with a chick who ate ravioli, candy bars, pizza and ice cream for dinner today. Oh, and Twinkies. Yep. So weigh my advice accordingly.
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Postby holberry » September 11th, 2007, 7:42 pm

Hey Queenie,

What a dilema
I know that I could not possibly kick it up as hard as I would in a boot camp type atmosphere. I simply do not have the calories in me for it. But Im far older than you too. That said, I am doing mild exercise that I break a little sweat with right now. But watch out hard bodies, after Christmas I should be amazing. :shock:

You sound so ready for this challenge, it's only 2 months. I can only imagine that you will come out stronger, leaner, and closer to your goal, or there!

Maybe a discussion with a MF advice nurse?
Good luck sweet thing.
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Postby DogMa » September 12th, 2007, 3:55 am

I assume the fitness challenge folks will tell you you're not getting enough calories on Medifast to do something like that, and they're probably right.

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Postby Tawanda » September 12th, 2007, 6:36 am

What a tough dilemma. You want to do the strenuous exercise, but MF has been working exceptionally well, too. I hope whatever decision you make will work extremely well for you. You've come so far and made such great changes in your eating habits and your activity level. I think you are going to be successful no matter which way you chose to go (you've got the right mind set and you've made so many positive changes).

Whichever way you decide, I do hope you'll stay with us and keep posting. I'd miss you if you decided to not post any longer.

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Postby queenielou » September 12th, 2007, 6:38 am

Thanks for the help, ladies!

I'm actually sore this morning from the push ups and chin ups testing yesterday. Instead of going to the 7 am class this morning, I'm waiting until 6 pm because I woke up sore (wimp). I think I might try to do the first real week of the challenge next week while doing MF and see how it goes. If it is too tough and I feel drained, it's off to oatmeal and nuts - their plain incorporates nuts throughout the day.

Hol - by December you'll have to change the meaning of HB to hard body :)

Nickie - I'm struggling right along with you with eating right. I start off the day on plan and have had off plan dinners more than a few nights.

Robin - On Friday, I'll find out how many calories they recommend and if it is significantly more than MF, I guess that will answer my question and I won't even need to try the challenge for a week while eating MF foods.

So if in 60 days I've lost 25 lbs and gained 7 lbs of muscle by following their plan, does that mean I come back to MF or keep eating and exercising like the challenge? I don't want to give up on MF since it's brought me so far.
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Postby DogMa » September 12th, 2007, 7:40 am

It's a tough call, but I guess see where you are after the challenge and then think about it. You're SO fitness-oriented, I can't see you cutting back on your workouts to do Medifast, but who knows? It's not like you need to decide now (and it doesn't have to be all one way or the other, either; maybe you'll do best with Medifast supplemented by some extras like the nuts).

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Postby queenielou » September 12th, 2007, 7:44 am

Tawanda wrote:What a tough dilemma. You want to do the strenuous exercise, but MF has been working exceptionally well, too. I hope whatever decision you make will work extremely well for you. You've come so far and made such great changes in your eating habits and your activity level. I think you are going to be successful no matter which way you chose to go (you've got the right mind set and you've made so many positive changes).

Whichever way you decide, I do hope you'll stay with us and keep posting. I'd miss you if you decided to not post any longer.


Thanks, Tawanda! I plan to stick around but I wouldn't want to discourage anyone from sticking with MF as it is written so I will probably only post about my workouts. You are so sweet!
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Postby queenielou » September 12th, 2007, 7:49 am

DogMa wrote:It's a tough call, but I guess see where you are after the challenge and then think about it. You're SO fitness-oriented, I can't see you cutting back on your workouts to do Medifast, but who knows? It's not like you need to decide now (and it doesn't have to be all one way or the other, either; maybe you'll do best with Medifast supplemented by some extras like the nuts).

I'll post a sample menu day this evening to see what you think since I know you have had lots of experience choosing the right foods for maintenance. You're right - I don't have to decide right this minute and maybe it will be better to do a hybrid plan. I liked it better when it was as simple as which 5 MF meals to choose for the day :?
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Postby DogMa » September 12th, 2007, 8:21 am

Just staying on program is definitely simpler. But once you get addicted to exercise - and if you want to do the really intense stuff you do - it just isn't feasible. I can't imagine doing what you do on 1,000 calories a day (and maybe that's why you've had more trouble sticking to the plan lately).

I'm no expert, though. I'm still finding my way - and I still eat less than other maintainers seem to (and FAR less than all the guidelines out there say to eat). My body just doesn't handle calories like other people's.

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Postby queenielou » September 12th, 2007, 10:32 am

So even after working out and jogging and doing the stairclimber and stairmaster and lifting weights, the warm up yesterday at the fitness challenge was tough! We did drills where she had us in a line PE style jogging, crawling, sidestepping, skipping, high knees, butt kicking, and grapevining all the way to the wall and back - repeated 3 times each. Then we had to start testing.

First, we got in the top of the pushup position where your arms are extended and you're holding yourself up for 1 minute. I was able to hold that pretty easily. Then we had to test on pushups. I was supposed to test at knee pushups/halfsies because of how long I held the first pose, but I had to do the knee pushups because the halfsies were too hard. I couldn't figure out how to get aligned correctly for the pushups even after one of the trainers came over to help me.

After that, we did these weird chin up things where we used some belt contraption thrown over a beam. We had to hold ourselves up 90 degrees from the ground for a minute. I couldn't hold myself up for that long. I was able to do quite a few of the chin ups (not really like chin ups on a bar - this is 2 levels away from getting there). The nice thing is that you work with a partner for each exercise.

The warm up alone was tiring. Looking forward to this evening!
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Postby BabyTrace » September 12th, 2007, 10:57 am

Wow Queenie! That does sound challenging. And really pretty exciting. I couldn't imagine doing any of that stuff before starting Medifast but as crazy as this sounds now it sounds fun! :lol:

How often do you go?
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