Quarter ton man Old Journal Found

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Quarter ton man Old Journal Found

Postby big ron » March 5th, 2006, 11:19 am

My wife found my weightloss Journal from my fight in 2002.In it it had my tracking spreadsheet which showed my actual start weight in 2002 was a earth crushing 480 lbs :bricks: ( I was the quarter ton man). Between march and August that year I lost 86 lbs on medifast. I didnt have this forum and when life got in the way I started to slip and gave up. I have a new drive to win with this new found inspiration. I could feel bad and say to myself why try I didnt do it then but instead I look at the success I did without support and it motivates me that now I can do it. The important thing is I cant let anything life throws at me to get between me and my weightloss and success. I am proud that as of today I am down 67 lbs from my all time high. I have come to accept that I cant eat like other people and I will always have to be aware of my food intake and weight or I will be back here. I used to get angry that I cant eat what I want and have to be careful but whats the big deal?? I am working on changing how I look at food. Normally thin people look at food more as fuel yes they enjoy it but dont have the cravings like us. This program works if you work it and I thank everyone here for your support. I am here for you also. Ron
Restart 9-10-2007
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Postby Lizabette » March 5th, 2006, 1:08 pm


That pile of bricks is not so heavy now, and it will get lighter and lighter as you let go of those infernal pounds that have held you down. :bricks:

You are :cool: and we look up to you!

Lizabette :heart:
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Postby BerkshireGrl » March 5th, 2006, 10:17 pm

Ron... you rock. :kool:

You are an inspiratiom to me and all of this board!

Quarter ton eh? Peeshaw, I think a big ol' part of that was (and still is) HEART. :)

Keep trucking... :easyrider:
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Postby Marseilles » March 6th, 2006, 7:20 am

Wowsers Ron! I bet it sure is inspirational to see it now!

Cheers to your continued success!
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