First, about me:
I am 28 yrs old. I spent 10 yrs in the Navy when the only thing that ever held me back was my weight. (not that it held me back too much, I made E6 in less than 8 yrs.) When i was the best at doing what i did, and a great leader for juniors, i struggled continuously with weight. I was overlooked for awards, and my evaluations suffered from not being able to be within 'standards'. I accomplished so much, and am very proud of what i did and what i acheived, but i know that i could've been so much more is i had been in compliance with the physical fitness program. It made me mad to see 'skinny' people who could eat what ever they wanted, never exercise, be 'average' or below at their jobs, and never struggle with weight/pt requirements. UUGGHHHH how frustrating.
Anyway, i'm 5'10", and 10 yrs ago, weighed in around 185.... still over the max of 177 i'm allowed for the navy, but still within my body fat %. 7 yrs in, i had ate my way up to 200. But, i was working out, and i convinced myself that it was okay, because muscle weighs more than fat. At 23, i got pregnant, and at 24 and the birth of my beautiful daughter, i tipped the scales at 253. Well, needless to say, i've never see anything less than 210 since. Actually, i tried WW a few times, and i did get down to 208 at one point. WHoo-hoo, right? I decided to get out of the service. i was too good at what i did to be judged about my weight. In a regular job, doing the same thing i was doing in the military, i would be $$$$ alot more, and no one would tell me what i need to weigh and that i need to run a mile and a half in 15 minutes. So that's what i did, and i promised my self and my boyfriend (almost fiance

So now what? Sure i could keep believing people who say 'oh your just thick, not fat' or 'your so tall you carry it well' or ' the steroids they put you on are to blame, its okay' or 'you have such a pretty face' or 'you carry yourself with such confidence, no one notices your weight' whatever random saying that comes up to falsely justify me being fat. I'm uncomfortable in my clothes.. i went from wearing XL's and 14's to 2X and 18+.. How could i allow this to happen? i have an active daughter i need to keep up with and a boyfriend i want to be irresistable to, and a feeling that i need to fulfill by finding myself again; to actual own the confidence that i portray, to prove that I can do it, and Food is not a crutch for my pitying myself.
Wow... in no way am i writing this for any one to feel bad for me, cuz i know there are much much worse situations/reasons out there and everyone's issues are individualized. But i'm glad that i can express this in this forum, and face what is really going on with me. Now, through this journal, i can hold myself accountable and own my issues and throw away the excuses. I have gotten out of control in my own realm, and no one is responsible for that but ME. So I have to do this for ME. For MY self esteem, for MY confidence, for MY future, and for my daughter.
I used to like having my picture taken... i'm pretty photogenic, and not to sound vain, but it feels good when people say what good pictures you take. Now, i avoid the camera if i can. i don't want to face that that fat a$$ is really me! Well the heat is on.... i took the 'before pics' on day 1... UUUGGHHHHH

Time to change, forever, i've typed my lists of why i want to lose weight and posted them on the fridge, the bathroom mirror, the bedroom mirror (easy to do when its' just me and lil' bit at home); i've started on the MF plan, and am determined! I've pulled out the bathingsuit that i've never worn cuz i'm too fat (bikini from VS) Boyfriend already said (at NEW YEAR'S '06!!!!) that if i lost 20 lbs, we would do a carribean cruise.... you would think that would be motivating....
I haven't told him about MF... i want to surprise him. we don't have any plans to see each other right now... talking about Vet's day in November... i'm thinking if i stick to plan, i can be down 20 lbs by then.... If thanksgiving is the next time we see each other, great... maybe 30? I know if i see results, i can stick to it... my before pic will get me through

so if you took the time to read this entry, thanks, if not, i don't blame you, it's like a BOOK!

til next entry.... shakin' away....