thanks for the vibes, eskywre... I sure need 'em....
and i hear ya nova.... thanks. I have said that he needs to make more an effort... maybe i didn't say it 'forcefully' enough! He says he gets it, but i don't think he does.. he's just too comfortable right now... It's funny cuz a few mnths ago, when i first started losing on MF, i didn't tell him til i was 10 lbs into it.... and i was really happy.... told him i wasn't happy about something, then all of a sudden we saw each other 3 weekends in a row! granted one was a day trip; flew down at 10 and back at 7 pm, but it was worth it! So i don't know what's up with him.... i want to ask if he is talking to someone else, but how do i do that without being accusatory??!
soo its totally killin me not to pick up the phone and ask T what the heck his issue is!?
i'm trying to have a nice peaceful evening. I came home from work around 4:30... walked the dog (well not really walked, just took him out and stood out there for him to do his business) Then i came in and Kay wanted to watch Spongebob (for the millionth bajillionth time) so while she said all the words out loud along with spongebob, i decided to try on my jeans... All of them. I will say i don't have any super skinny jeans... the smallest is a very small 14... oh yea, and a 13 in juniors (yea right) My ultimate goal is to be very comfortable in a 12. So there i went, trying them on. I don't even know what size i got up to, cuz there i came a time i just stopped wearing jeans altogether. in fact, my friend/neighbor said in beg. of december she had never seen me wear jeans

that's sad! anyway, out of 10 (guessing now) 5 fit.... nicely. 1 that i was really shocked about... they used to be my favorite jeans, they are so comfy... i wore the heck out of them, cuz between the legs is frayed... i didn't think they would fit and they were quite comfortable!!! yea! score for me. So all the other 'skinny jeans' i could get over my backside and hips, but not zipped/buttoned. One pair i laid on the bed and got them zipped up, but WHOA..... talk about muffin tops!!!! EWWWWW. oh well, at least they got up! So my jeans episode actually made me feel a little bit better.
And i had another NSV! I was going to pay my rent (late

) and the office manager was outside, so i walked up and gave him the check and was chit chatting, and he said, what have you been doing, you are getting all skinny! (okay, don't push it buddy!) but reminder that i'm 5'10... i have alot in the trunk too... which i DON'T want to lose

Skinny, no? but i am slimming down and people are noticing, yay!!!
so for dinner i had an awesome little filet mignon that was pre seasoned in the package. I can buy these little pacs of two for $5 at the commissary. now that i'm thinking about it, i think i can eat 2 at a time, cuz the packages are originally 4, and the label says 1 lb... so that means each little round is 4 oz prior to cooking. Oh well, i was good with one and a bag of the garlic cauliflower you just throw in the microwave and it steams itself in the bag... yum. So that was my dinner: one little steak and cauliflower. Mikaela had a frozen pizza, one of the small totinos or jenos or whatever... i'll admit i had a couple of small mouthfuls that i chewed up and spit out for the taste... i almost ate a small piece, but then thought about my jeans, and that i would rather fit into them for my trip then eat that garbage pizza.
so Mikaela had an episode tonight, and i must be in some weird mood, cuz normally i'll flip out (i'm a 'yeller') and get really frustrated, but instead i just calmly told her her punishment and she didn't like that and tried to have a crying tantrum.... it took every thing in me NOT to laugh.... what's up with that??! This is what happened: after her spongebob movie ended, i told her no more movies, she had to take a bath and get ready for bed. this is nothing new... most days she's not even allowed to have the tv on during the school week. So i started her bath and told her to turn the tv off and leave the movies alone. So i come out of the bathroom, and sure enough, there is another movie in the dvd player and the tv is still on. we had just decided that after her bath she could go downstairs to see her friend for a few minutes before bed. Well, not anymore... i told her that she was no longer going downstairs, and OH MY GAWD..... you would've thought that i told her she was never going to see her friend. ever. So here she is in the bath tub crying her little eyes out talking, moooommmmmy... i WILL listen.... PLeaaasse.... mommmmmy..... *sob sob sob* i willlll listen i wanna see Chloooooooee....(chloe) *boo hooo hoo* So i repeat that she will not be seeing chloe tonight, and that i'm glad she is going to listen so maybe tomorrow she can see her friend... oh my.... the tears kept coming. Whateva. normally she gets 2 bedtime stories and a song when she gets in bed... so i tell her its time to get herself together or else she'll lose her stories too..... long story short, some tears later, and few back talkin 'NO's' coming from her.. she was in bed BEFORE 8 pm, with no stories,..... i didn't yell not one single time! i almost busted out laughing a few times....
so i'm totally rambling on right now to keep from picking up the phone and calling T..... bear with me if you are actually keeping your eyes pinned open to read this.... trying to wait a few more minutes before i kennel up Vegas for the night. i try to wait til 9 to put him in there...
okay... guess i'll go read everyone else's journals now... then make some hot cocoa and post up in the bed to watch law and order ( i watch it almost every night on TBS/TNT/Bravo/USA whichever its on, cuz it's ALWAYS on one of those channels....)Til later....