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Postby QT2Lose45 » January 4th, 2007, 6:40 am

Day 2...

so far i've had an RTD @0730

Sked for day:
10 - Bar
1- Chkn Noodle Soup
4 -Banana Shake
7- L&G
9:30 - hot cocoa

Last night i had a couple of nibbles of leftover lasagna that Mikaela was eating. Then i knew i had to stop, so what she didn't eat, i threw away to avoid the temptation.... And i walked for 20 minutes at 3.0 on the treadmill. I know it's not much, but it was 20 minutes more than i was going to do.... Also, my neighbor/friend took some pics of me in a bathing suit that i am determined to wear. She had taken Before pics of me in it back in Oct... so she took some last night. I can see a little difference. I can really tell on my 'back fat' ( :eck: ) and in my face and shoulders. Midsection is still YUCK. oh well, more motivation...one day i will post those, but not til i'm a MUCH smaller being :) It will be a great feeling when the pictures show the progress and I'm at goal :) (I still haven't really decided what goal is, i'll just go until i feel good and like how it looks)

Still waiting for Unca to post the pics.... I sent them yesterday afternoon, so hopefully they'll be up soon!

Until later.....
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MF Start Date: 10/10/06-234lbs. Restart: 1/3/07
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Postby Unca_Tim » January 4th, 2007, 9:49 am

Hi QT,
Better send your pics again.
Darn spam filters sometimes get the good guys....:(
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Postby QT2Lose45 » January 4th, 2007, 6:27 pm

Okay, thanks Unca... I will send them again in the morning from work.

Today was okay. Tough, but okay.. the guys at work brought in philly cheese steaks for lunch... the smell was torture... then later they popped popcorn! I told them they were killin' me! They all say I'm fine the way i am.... duh, you better say that! ha ha ha.... i know the truth though... so i stuck it out. EXCEPT i had a sliver of pumpkin pie (i mean a very skinny sliver!) It was the last of the holiday stuff from new year's and Mikaela wanted the last piece, but it was a LITTLE too big for her, so i had a small sliver w.out the crust. :( oh well. Water was good today... and other than the pie thing i did good. For dinner i had some spinach, mushrooms, onions w/ garlic and 2 scrambled eggs all mixed together topped w/ diced tomatoes.... It was alot and i was full after so that was good. Still got a hot cocoa to drink before bed. I was looking forward to watching Grey's anatomy tonight, but the guy on the radio just said its not on tonight, so i'm going to check but i'll be bummed if its not on... most nights i can't even stay awake to watch an hour long show, but i really like that one.

Tomorrow is day 3.. i haven't got on the scale yet. I'm not going to get on til Sunday for roll call.... i'm sure i gained a few back in my week off plan. so i'll give my body a few days to adjust and on sunday weigh and adjust my ticker.

Well that's it for tonight... i hope everyone had a good MF day.... (ha, after looking back at that, it could be taken a couple of different ways, ha ha ha :-P ) You all know what i mean :)
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MF Start Date: 10/10/06-234lbs. Restart: 1/3/07
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Postby bikipatra » January 5th, 2007, 5:23 am

Thank you for reporting in, Marilyn.
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Postby Unca_Tim » January 5th, 2007, 4:27 pm

"Failure is a choice"
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Postby bikipatra » January 5th, 2007, 4:39 pm

The pics are even more adorable than I thought they would be!!!
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Postby Taangrl21 » January 5th, 2007, 5:21 pm

she looks sooo happy.I am glad it turned out to be a good holiday for you.She is a beauty. :)
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Postby QT2Lose45 » January 5th, 2007, 6:01 pm

Day 3! Almost done!!!

Thanks, Unca for posting the pics... I wanted to get one with the lid on the box, but my Mom was in charge of the camera, my Dad was video taping it, and I was bringing the box in, so she didn't get the pictures i wanted, but you get the idea.... :) The poor doggie, Mikaela carries him everywhere... I think he likes the constant attention MOST the time, then other times, he's looking at me, like 'will you PLEASE save me??'.... he's cute though.

So today i did good....

Chkn Nood Soup
Banana Shake w/ orange crystal light and rasberry sf dasani syrup and ice... just like a fruit smoothie!!
L&G shrimp and veggie stir fry
still to come: Hot cocoa

No headaches this time around, so i'm wondering if i'm actually in ketosis yet... I was SOOOOO tempted to get on the scale this morning... but I'm really trying to hold out til Sunday morning. I'm excited to see what it will say, and hope I'm not disappointed. Even though i know it will be of my own doing whatever it says... I've drank all my water.. so that's good. And Mikaela and Vegas (dog) and I went for a walk tonight along the bayshore... couldn't really walk the speed that i wanted w/ a four yr old and a puppy who has never been on a leash prior to coming in our home... BUT it was better than nothing. We probably walked about 30 minutes, and it was a beautiful evening. I could've stayed out there for another hour, if i didn't have anyone to yell at or something to drag :) ha ha ha

alright... well tomorrow is another day! Hope everyone is doing good today... i haven't had much time to 'hang out' on the forum today, but hopefully will later or tomorrow...
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MF Start Date: 10/10/06-234lbs. Restart: 1/3/07
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Postby Karli » January 6th, 2007, 12:57 am

Hi, QT ! Super cute puppy, super cute daughter, super cute photos !! It sounds like you are doing great, keep it up :).

Whatever the silly scale reads on Sunday morning, you are equipped to handle it :).

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Postby QT2Lose45 » January 6th, 2007, 9:24 am

THanks Karli...

Sooooooo I totally couldn't wait to get on the scale til tomorrow and when I woke up this morning, i tinkled and got on it....

216!!! :bouncieball:

I know.... it is about the same as it was when i 'took my break' But that's why i'm so happy!! I haven't gained ( I probably did, but the first 3 days i probably lost some)... Soooooo once again back to 18 lbs total lost. Maybe this week i'll join the 20 # club! I'm actually glad i got on the scale, because i could've been very tempted to cheat today, and now i'm so on track... 2 more lbs to 20, and I would like to be under 210 by the 25th.... i actually want to be 205 by the time i go on my vacation... so we'll see. I have 2 things to plan for before then that may be hard (hard-er than every day i mean).... Wednesday night is 'Mom's night out' with my neighbor to go out to a little bar/restuarant/club down the street for $1 drink night while her man keeps the girls... (they have 2 girls) but i guess i'll be drinking diet cokes w/ lime... and then on the 12th (friday) i have a luncheon at Outback for a coworker who is retiring after 20 yrs active Air Force but i think i'm gonna do the small steak w/ steamed veggies no butter(i'll take my icbinb) and salad w/ no croutons/cheese and lf dressing on side. (or i'll take my salad spritzer) So i should do okay...

When i got out of the Navy (active) last year, i weighed about 207, BUT i had been working out every day, so i looked good. I had all the curves in all the right spots... of course, i wasn't small and skinny, but that's not what i want anyway! I want to be curvy and 'thick' just not flabby and fat! so looking at my comparision pics in my bathing suit, i am slimming down, but i need to start exercising to tone my midsection up.... i'm trying to walk... (trying, how hard is that? i walk all the time, its not like my legs are broke) I mean, i need to walk for distance w/ some speed to break a sweat :) I have an abs and buttocks dvd... maybe i'll start doing that. I don't know why i'm being lazy about working out. I used to enjoy it. In fact, i used to go to aerobics and LOVE it.... not feeling it now. There are lunch time aerobics on base that i can go to, but i choose not to cuz i don't want to do the whole shower and get re ready for work in the mid of the day... how lame is that? talk about lazy! we'll see... maybe i'll try like 2 or 3 times a week. Before i became a mommy... i used to work out in the mornings and i liked it because it jump started my day... but (here comes more excuses...) now i don't like doing that because 1. i have to wake up earlier (lazy) 2. i have to get her ready which takes more time (lazy) and 3. i don't like doing it at home... it's too tempting to NOT do it at home and stay in bed ( i don't know if you noticed the treadmill in my living room in the pics.... dust collector. Even w/ a pic of when i looked good taped on the display!) UHHhh SUPER LAZY The way i see it is if you get dressed and have to drive somewhere to work out, then you can't get all the way there and cop out. Right? hmmmm..... i know the solution, Wake up, get dressed for the gym, take Kay to school and take my butt to the gym. Maybe i'll try that too....

so i know i'm totally rambling on here right now.... but had a minute so figured i'd get it allllll out. I'll probably be back later.... :) Hope everyone has a compliant day!
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MF Start Date: 10/10/06-234lbs. Restart: 1/3/07
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Postby QT2Lose45 » January 7th, 2007, 1:41 am

so tonight i was babysitting for my neighbor.... (the one with the 2 girls) and the baby woke up at midnight and wouldn't go back to sleep... they just came home about 3:30... i'm beat. I tried to lay down with her but she wanted to play then she did fall asleep for about 30 minutes then back up again looking for mom and dad. Anyway... i finished off my day w/ some choco pudding...around 10 pm... yum. i hope my interupted sleep doesn't mess up the magical weight loss that happens in our sleep.... :roll: i guess we'll see when i wake up.... all i have to say is i hope they don't call me at the crack of dawn when the older girls wake up talking about come get mikaela!!! i need some sleep! Alright, off to dream land, hoping to wake up lighter!!!
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MF Start Date: 10/10/06-234lbs. Restart: 1/3/07
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Postby Taangrl21 » January 7th, 2007, 6:31 am

hope you caught some good zzz's when you finally went to bed. I had the choco pudding last night too, and I agree yum.
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Postby QT2Lose45 » January 7th, 2007, 10:16 am

well i only slept for about 5 hours :( BUT the scale stayed at 216... so i am going to adjust my ticker to that and I'm seriously contemplating hiding the scale until next Sudnay.... That would be really really really hard for me so we'll see.

had an rtd at 10 and a bar at 12... gotta make them closer together to squeeze them all in today.... getting ready for 'quiet time' w/ mikaela, we are going to watch Annie in her bed... (hopefully she'll take a nap cuz i'm gonna need one!)

Alright, let me check in to roll call and fix my ticker!

til later....
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MF Start Date: 10/10/06-234lbs. Restart: 1/3/07
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Postby QT2Lose45 » January 7th, 2007, 2:51 pm

Wow... another super lazy day slips by! It is almost 5 pm, and i just got up from 'quiet time'!! I think we laid down at around 1:20 pm, i fell asleep almost instantly, and Mikaela watched cartoons til i turned the tv off at 3pm. She's still asleep. So I am drinking a shake now, but have only about 5 more hours to fit in 2 more supps and a L&G... I think i'm going to take Mikaela out for dinner, since we've been holed up in the house all weekend. And we are supposed to stop by and visit a friend. so i'll be waking her up soon to rock and roll outta here for a few hours. Don't know where we'll go yet... maybe Shell's for seafood. I could use some shrimp and scallops w/ veggies... we'll see. She loves shrimp.... (what can i say, she has good taste! :) ) I'll check in before bed.....
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MF Start Date: 10/10/06-234lbs. Restart: 1/3/07
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Postby QT2Lose45 » January 7th, 2007, 6:34 pm

well we just got back from dinner a while ago... Mikaela was great and so well behaved. I like taking her out just me and her from time to time... i think it's important so she learns how to act in different situations. (not act as in put on a front, but how to control herself and behave)

We did go to shell's, i had the shrimp and scallop skewers w/ veggies, no butter. it actually wasn't that much food and i'm wondering if it even equalled the 7 oz of seafood i was allowed to have.... Mikaela had the kids shrimp pasta, which was a whole lot of spaghetti, and she must've been hungry cuz she ate almost all of it! and it came w/ fruit that she ate all of, and some teddy graham crackers (which we classified as 'dessert' to save me from buying ice cream or something). I even got a compliment from the lady next to us who happened to be an elementary teacher about how verbal and clear Mikaela is for her age and that she was very impressed with that and her behavior...

okay, time to walk the dog, and go watch Annie.... (we didn't watch it earlier) i got some pudding chilling in the fridge right now, and will guzzle down some hot cocoa after the movie before bed to make sure i get all my supps in.... til tomorrow!!
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MF Start Date: 10/10/06-234lbs. Restart: 1/3/07
Current: 212lbs. 1/14/07
5'10"/28yrs young :)
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