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Postby Karli » December 7th, 2006, 2:04 am

So, QT, have you picked out what you will be ordering tomorrow ? :mrgreen:

Just a little nudge, but oh so very gently :mrgreen:.

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Postby QT2Lose45 » December 13th, 2006, 12:32 pm

WEEELLLLLL.... I just ordered my food! i know i'm a few days behind... but better late than never... it should be here in 3-5 days! :)

and i have new motivation to keep me going. One, I ordered 4 weeks worth, so i can't run out and 2. i'm going to San Diego to see my friends on Jan 25th and want to be 200 by then.... 199 actually :) Sooooo i'll be back on my journey shortly. i've been working out also, so i don't know if i should stop when i restart or keep pushing.... i guess i'll play it by ear and see how i feel.

i actually ordered the RTD's this time... and i really hope i like them, because i ordered a CASE of them! I really like the chocolate shakes, so i figured the RTD's would be more convinient. and of course i ordered my fav's: hot cocoa, chicken noodle soup, banana shakes, pudding.... I should be good.

Thanks, Karli, for the push.... i tend to stay away from the forum when i'm not on program for some reason, but i'm back....

off for now, i need to catch up on other's progress/journals!!
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MF Start Date: 10/10/06-234lbs. Restart: 1/3/07
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Postby dede4wd » December 13th, 2006, 1:45 pm

Glad you ordered QT!

I really hope you like the RTD's! I LOVE them! Like chocolate milk in a juicebox!

If you've been working out...just cut it in half when you re-start. Listen to your body!

Don't be a stranger, on or off program.

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Postby QT2Lose45 » December 13th, 2006, 2:17 pm

thanks DeDe... i'm excited about 're restarting' ha ha :)

and motivated to stay on program til my vacation!!
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MF Start Date: 10/10/06-234lbs. Restart: 1/3/07
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Postby THINKnTHIN » December 14th, 2006, 5:22 am

WELCOME BACK!! It was so cool to see you in the forum again. GOOD FOR YOU for getting back on! We all make mistakes, it is how we recover from them that counts. My journey has sure had some slips!

Hang in there and if it helps, I remember when I started, I did low carb for a few days while waiting to get my order. It helped with the transition because it starts leveling you out of the carb, blood sugar swing that makes us shaky and headachey.

No time like the present to start! Have a GREAT DAY!
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Postby QT2Lose45 » December 14th, 2006, 7:10 am

thanks, thinknthin....

I just checked on my order and its been shipped... so hopefully by mon/tues i can start. I have a challenge going w/ a friend of mine who is doing atkins... i told her i want to be down 20 by the time i go to SD Jan 25th... and that i'm still 12 over where i was when i moved away from there last year, so she set our 'challenge' at 12.... but i'm still shooting for 20 by jan 25. i know i can do it if i'm completely compliant. our xmas party for the office is tomorrow, so that will be out of the way, and i should be free and clear of 'parties' til after the holidays. I don't know what the plan is yet for new years, cuz terrance is dj'ng a party and won't be coming home.... so don't know if i'm gonna go down there (kw) or what yet.... i'm not making any xmas cookies this year (sorry for daughter! she'll have to get her fix at Nana's house) and i work w/ a bunch of guys, so i doubt they will be bringing in xmas goodies. (unless they are store bought, and i can resist through motivation) so i should be safe so to say....

alright, gotta get to work... might check in later...
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MF Start Date: 10/10/06-234lbs. Restart: 1/3/07
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Postby Karli » December 14th, 2006, 7:14 am

So, QT, happy you are here :). And, like DeDe said, stay around whether you are feeling ON or off. We want you either way :).

I think you'll like the RTD's. I will admit, the very first time I tasted them they were a little surprising because they do taste a little different than the powdered shakes... to me they taste kinda coconutty ... but I like both types of choco shakes. The RTD's *DEFINITELY* help me stay on program because they are *so* easy and portable. Good stuff !

Enjoy when you get your new order. We are here for you :).

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Postby QT2Lose45 » December 17th, 2006, 9:10 pm

OKAY... so my food got here, yay!!! :)

I'm starting first thing in the morning... it should be really easy to stick to since i ordered all the stuff i like, and i have a semi short term goal.... 20 down by jan 25.... soooooooo it's late here, and i'm tired... will be on tomorrow to keep on track!!
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MF Start Date: 10/10/06-234lbs. Restart: 1/3/07
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Postby dede4wd » December 17th, 2006, 10:46 pm

YAY QT! I'm so happy you're restarting shaking with us!

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Postby QT2Lose45 » December 18th, 2006, 12:14 pm

Day one of RE-restart :) ha ha.... weighed this morning at 224 :( but whateva.. i'm on track now... if i can lose 20 by jan 25, that'll be great, if i can get to onederland by then, that would be AWESOME, but i need to be realistic....

so far i've had:

7:30- RTD (pretty good too, i think i like the powder ones better, but i'll adjust!)
10:45- Peanut Butter Bar~ yum...
2:00 - banana shake ( i know i'm behind, but i was out...)

still to come:
4:30/5- chk nood soup
7:30- L&G
10- pudding or hot cocoa...

my microwave broke last week, so that sucks, but i'll be going to pick one up hopefully later today....

alright, just wanted to check in and keep track! so far so good!
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MF Start Date: 10/10/06-234lbs. Restart: 1/3/07
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Postby bikipatra » December 18th, 2006, 12:21 pm

Congrats on restart! Hope the rest of your day and week goes just as well!
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Postby dede4wd » December 18th, 2006, 2:02 pm

Woo hoo!

You're off and running!

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Postby Karli » December 18th, 2006, 2:05 pm

QT, it's looking good !! Keep it up and I am happy you are here :).

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Postby QT2Lose45 » December 18th, 2006, 7:33 pm

Thanks you guys! I got a little off track today (but not in a too bad way)... I took a nap and woke up at 5 and hadn't bought my new microwave yet, so i had some soy crisps to hold me over, and went to the store.... well i was gone longer than i thought, and when i got home just started to make my L&G... that was about 7:30... so i'm about to have a hot cocoa and go to bed, but that'll mean i skipped one mf meal, but i had the crisps, so i'll just count that as a meal even though i'm not supposed to :oops:

i feel okay.. not hungry. real hunger anyway... of course i've got the 'your not allowed to eat that so now you really want it' hunger going on, but i totally used the '4 yr old in my head' method, and its worked so far.... and i keep telling myself that i want to look great in SD....

I haven't caught up on anyone's journals the last few days, so i have some reading to do!!! oh by the way... got the new microwave, yay!! (even though i didn't plan on spending that money :( )

Till tomorrow!
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MF Start Date: 10/10/06-234lbs. Restart: 1/3/07
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Postby dede4wd » December 18th, 2006, 8:35 pm

Glad you got the new microwave!

MAKE SURE YOU GET ALL YOUR MF MEALS IN!!! Even if you have to don't have them very far apart! I'm a really good nag, just a friendly reminder! You'll feel better! I know, you know...life happens, I just want you feelin' good and happy!

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