what a weekend... (that actually started Friday)
Biki, let me get it out of the way... you won.

i caved late Thursday night on some popcorn and i made pb cookies for the guys at work for friday... good for you though, i haven't caught up on your journal yet, this is the first chance i've had to be online since thursday, but i saw your loss in the roll call, and congrats! 208 is so awesome!!! Good for you!
okay, i started my drill weekend for the reserves Friday... i fell off the wagon thursday night, and on friday was analyzing that it would take 3 days to get back into ketosis and then i would only be compliant for 3 more days, because i'm not going to be on program for my vacation starting this thursday... so i have been incorporating some of the products in my day, but i haven't been compliant. Good news is that i haven't gained, and i'm still at 212... i expect to gain a few pounds on my vacation, but would like to be able to maintain, and not go over 215 when i return home Feb 5th.... so we'll see. I'm going to try to incorporate exercise in my daily routines, even if it's just walking for 30 minutes.
This weekend Sucked! I had to drill ALLLL weekend long (usuallly i find a couple of hours to sneak away to catch a nap, but not this weekend!) Then i babysat both Friday and Saturday night.... uugghhh... didn't get home til after 1 am friday, and midnight Saturday, and up at 5 both days for work. Good news is i made $100 to put towards my vacation babysitting, so it's all good, i'm just glad its over! Back to work today, but don't think i'm staying, i'm sooooo beat!
Haven't been compliant all weekend, but trying to watch what i'm eating. I will need to order more products while i'm on vacation so i can jump back into the swing of things when i get back 5 feb.... man, by that time, Biki will be well past ONEDERLAND!!!!
okay, need to catch up, and get some work done so i can try to get out of here....