whew... what an afternoon!!
i am behind on my meals right now! UUGGHH!!
i have a friend in grad school for psychology and she had a classmate that needed a 'volunteer' to do a 'clinical assessment/interview' so after she begged me, i agreed. Left work a little after 4 after i ate my choco pudding.... came home to let the dog out to potty, picked up mikaela, (oh yea, grabbed her a snack and some soy crisps for me) and headed to the grad school... that was like 5:40 when i got there. didn't leave til 7:45!!!! so i devoured my soy crisps in the car, got mikaela a 'happy meal' for being good, and came home... walked the dog again, and threw a chicken breast on the george and warmed up some canned green beans.... that was my L&G. nothing fancy, and i didn't sit down to eat til 9pm!!! hope i stay up long enough to get my last supp in, cuz i'm realllly tired... might miss one today.
so i bought some stool softeners today and took 2 at like 1:30pm... still nothing. My friend asked how i was, and i said i might take another one and she said NO NO NO... to just wait it out. I've never took anything like that, so i don't know how long its supposed to take,and all the labels said something different on every one...

I just wanna GO!
i'm soooo sleepy.... tried my jeans on for my friend and she said they looked great, so i'm happy... definitely taking the 16's back though....

happy dance for me!
okay.. i'm going to bed, i don't think i can stay up.... i hope having my L&G last doesn't mess me up even more...
til tomorrow