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Postby KeleeGrl » January 16th, 2007, 7:58 am

I wish I had your problem QT....everything I buy is way too long! :idontknow: <--- my leg length!

Good luck with the dog and have fun shopping for a smaller size!
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Postby QT2Lose45 » January 16th, 2007, 8:22 am

thanks Kelli....

at least when it's too long, you can get it hemmed! When it's too short, you're just SOL... or what sucks even worse, is it's just the right length, then I have to hang all my pants to dry so they don't get attacked by the shrinkage monster that lives in my dryer!!! What a pain!
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Postby Sojourner » January 16th, 2007, 9:12 am

QT2Lose45 wrote:When it's too short, you're just SOL...


Shake it gone, babeee!!!
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Postby KeleeGrl » January 16th, 2007, 9:21 am

Capris!!LOL...they fit me like regular pants!
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Postby GucciGoo » January 16th, 2007, 9:35 am

LOL- My friend is 4'10" and she has to wear capris as pants too!
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Postby DonicaB » January 16th, 2007, 11:31 am

QT~ You need to cheer up girl. :lol: Get a smile on that pretty face. :mrgreen:

You are doing great. Don't worry about that scale. You know in your heart of hearts that you are doing everything right and you will be rewarded for it. It's funny, we always want everything in our time.......but rest assured the time is coming.......and you're gonna look great. :cheerleader:

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Postby QT2Lose45 » January 16th, 2007, 1:07 pm

THanks Donica... what your saying is right... just get frustrated with that darned scale!! :x

Weeellll, i took Vegas to get his shots.. what a scaredy-dog...he was yelping and crying as soon as the doc touched his leg, but when they actually put the needle in, nothing... anyway, i left him there for the afternoon, because they said you have to watch for allergic reaction, and i had to come back to work.

Good news, though... stopped at TJMaxx that was next to Petsmart; i was looking for the sf syrups. Well, they had the jeans that i like (baby phat brand) so i decided i would try a pair or two on. My fav pair of jeans now is baby phat size 15 that i bought in May 05 when i was on deployment. They've stretched out with me, and hung in there for the long haul... so i grabbed a pair of 16, a pair of 14, and a pair 13/14 apple bottom jeans.... tried the 16 first, no problem! they are a little stretchy, so i know after a few hours wear, they would probably be too loose, cuz they fit just right. So i chanced the 14... They fit! :exercise: so i tried the 13/14... they fit too!!! Granted, the 13/14 and 14 were snug... but the muffin tops weren't TOO horribly bad, and they all have some stretch to them, so they will loosen for sure with wear.... YAY for me!!! so that made my spirits a little better. Trying to get a hold of my friend to ride over there with me when i go to pick up Vegas to get her opinion before i buy. They are holding them for me. Also found a really cute jean jacket but it won't button yet.... its an exLarge, but its a brand that runs small... so i'll get her opinion on that too. very exciting stuff! definitely motivating...

then on the way home i talked to one of my girls out in SD... she has turned into a party animal in her 30's!!! She's already got Friday and Saturday nights planned out for us! so that friday, we are going to go shop for a new 'club' outfit for me.... FUN!

okay... need to get some work done! til later.......
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Postby bikipatra » January 16th, 2007, 2:38 pm

See, you are shrinking! I am proud of you! Screw what that scale says, you know you are getting smaller and staying compliant. (Or I win the contest!)
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Postby Sojourner » January 16th, 2007, 6:27 pm

bikipatra wrote:Screw what that scale says...

QT, there are more measurements (and better ones, at that!), on which we can rely to get an accurate picture of our progress. I am on the plateau from hell right now, according to my scale...but my clothing, tape measure, and the increasingly longer end of my belt tell a different tale. That I'm even using a belt says a lot all by itself!

Don't you feel better than you used to? That's another measure! It's funny how there are so many other things we can look to, but we somehow tend to give the scale more WEIGHT than everything else. I know that it's difficult to do, but try not to focus too much on the numbers on the scale. You're doing great!

Have fun shopping!

Shake it gone, babeee!!!
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Postby DonicaB » January 16th, 2007, 9:07 pm

QT2Lose45 wrote:Good news, though... stopped at TJMaxx Well, they had the jeans that i like (baby phat brand) so i decided i would try a pair or two on. My fav pair of jeans now is baby phat size 15 that i bought in May 05 when i was on deployment. They've stretched out with me, and hung in there for the long haul... so i grabbed a pair of 16, a pair of 14, and a pair 13/14 apple bottom jeans.... tried the 16 first, no problem! they are a little stretchy, so i know after a few hours wear, they would probably be too loose, cuz they fit just right. So i chanced the 14... They fit! :exercise: so i tried the 13/14... they fit too!!! Granted, the 13/14 and 14 were snug... but the muffin tops weren't TOO horribly bad, and they all have some stretch to them, so they will loosen for sure with wear.... YAY for me!!! ...

Ok, I have a confession........I'm not very fashion savvy (I'm a teacher what can I say).......anyway........I have no clue what you are talking about........apple bottom jeans??????? muffin tops??????.............are we talking jeans or food? I'm just trying to get a visual..........So far I am picturing you wearing jeans with red apples around the hem and blueberry muffins hanging from the waist. :dunno: No wonder they are called baby phat (fat) brand. I think I will just stick to good ole Levi's. ;)

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Postby QT2Lose45 » January 16th, 2007, 9:49 pm

Donica... I am cracking up reading your post..... :roflmao: seriously, i have tears in my eyes after reading that.....

'apple bottoms' are a brand by Nelly (the rapper) made to accentuate your apple 'bottom'... muffin tops is a term i learned on this forum.... (i didn't know this at first either) the fat that hangs over the top of your jeans/pants and looks like muffin tops with your pants on... :) clever, huh? Baby phat's are made alot like the apple bottoms, they all have some stretch going on (bonus) and they dip below your below button so they are not 'super low rise' but they don't come up over your waist.... and they accentuate the rear... in a good way (i hope anyway, ha ha ha) i'll take some pics ;)

so i went back... my friend coudn't go with me, so i just bought them all :shock: and she's gonna check them out tomorrow.... made sure i could return them and i haven't taken the tags off yet. In fact, i tried them all back on when i got home tonight, and i think i'm gonna take the 16's back... the 14's fit pretty good, and they are not cheap, even for TJMaxx.... the regular tags say $84, $79, and $64 and i got them for $35 each. i also got the jacket, the tag said $66 and i got it for $29.... goal is to be able to button it comfortably!!! :roll: it looks really cute though. Then i looked really quick in the kids section ( which i should ALWAYS avoid) and i got Mikaela a little frilly pink nightie that's super cute for $3 and an absolutely ADORABLE apple bottoms cropped jacket for $12!!!! It was supposed to be 45.... yea right... i would never spend 45 for a childs jean jacket... cropped at that! But it is super cute... she wore it all night over her nightie... I had to peel it off her for bed! I SOOOO love getting good deals!!!! :coolnana:

Okay, it's late... enough about my affair with TJMaxx.... thanks for all the encouraging words about the scale.... it is true... i do feel a difference in my clothes. I'm sure the scale will catch up, and yes, Biki, i am being compliant! Another day down..... thought about cheating today, but decided that i would flush all my hard work down the drain if i did that, and what do i want more??? so i stayed compliant... not even a bite of ice cream sandwich that Mikaela and her friends had! didn't even taste it and spit it out! talk about resistance!!!

Well, till tomorrow... Maybe i need to stop hoping the weight loss fairy visits everyone else so she'll have time to stop at my house!! :muahaha: j/k! Good night!
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Postby bikipatra » January 17th, 2007, 3:42 am

I sent her over. She wasn't looking too thin herself....maybe it's all those layers of chiffon she has to wear on the job. I gave her Nancy's number just in case...
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Postby QT2Lose45 » January 17th, 2007, 7:17 am

Thanks Biki, but she must've got lost.....

Still at 212 this morning! UUUGghHHHHH BUT i am going to continue to think about all the good things you have all been writing, and not let the scale bother me :roll:

This morning i am okay.... just want the next week to go by. I woke up thinking about sleeping in and realized i have my drill this weekend for the reserves! :x no sleeping in for me.... i hate when i have to work the weekend... i have to be there at 7:30 sat and 6:30 sunday! no way i can be late saturday either... some Admiral is coming to 'talk to us'... whoo hoo. have to make sure i drink some caffeine that morning. :snooze: he he he... anyway, should at least make the time go by... Babysitting Friday AND Saturday night... don't want to, but could use the money for my vacation, sooooo i'll do it. Then i gotta get some suitcases out of the closet and start packing... cuz Wednesday before we leave is appt. day for nails/eyebrow wax/hair (mikaela's; i'm getting it braided; wish i knew how to braid it myself! ah, who am i kidding! I don't have the patience for that!!!) so everything except toiletries should be packed Tuesday night... YEA!!!! I'm really hyping this trip up... but when i think about it, i haven't taken a 'vacation' so to speak in a very long time.... i was in SD for my best friends wedding Nov 05 but that was only for 5 or 6 days, and it was VERY hectic. That was the last time i saw all of them (my friends). So i would like to go back again later this year.... and after some more time doing MF! :)

alright, just got to work. i need to run to walgreens and get some ex-lax!! :roll: i've never used that stuff before, so i'm a little scared of what the results will be! But i need to go!!! TMI, right? :)

till later....
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MF Start Date: 10/10/06-234lbs. Restart: 1/3/07
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Postby bikipatra » January 17th, 2007, 7:53 am

Considering all the bodily functions we talk about on here, almost nothing is TMI!
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Postby DonicaB » January 17th, 2007, 9:42 am

Thank goodness you cleared that up for me, QT. I totally get the term "muffin top". Now I have a better name for what I usually refer to as my spare tire. My DH gets really frustrated when I change my clothes 5 & 6 times because of the muffin top problem. Oh......what will we call it when it is gone?

Hang in there, that scale will move. Just keep telling yourself that it has to eventually.

Have a great day! Here's to the successful removal of muffing tops! :buddies:

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