Donica... I am cracking up reading your post.....

seriously, i have tears in my eyes after reading that.....
'apple bottoms' are a brand by Nelly (the rapper) made to accentuate your apple 'bottom'... muffin tops is a term i learned on this forum.... (i didn't know this at first either) the fat that hangs over the top of your jeans/pants and looks like muffin tops with your pants on...

clever, huh? Baby phat's are made alot like the apple bottoms, they all have some stretch going on (bonus) and they dip below your below button so they are not 'super low rise' but they don't come up over your waist.... and they accentuate the rear... in a good way (i hope anyway, ha ha ha) i'll take some pics
so i went back... my friend coudn't go with me, so i just bought them all

and she's gonna check them out tomorrow.... made sure i could return them and i haven't taken the tags off yet. In fact, i tried them all back on when i got home tonight, and i think i'm gonna take the 16's back... the 14's fit pretty good, and they are not cheap, even for TJMaxx.... the regular tags say $84, $79, and $64 and i got them for $35 each. i also got the jacket, the tag said $66 and i got it for $29.... goal is to be able to button it comfortably!!!

it looks really cute though. Then i looked really quick in the kids section ( which i should ALWAYS avoid) and i got Mikaela a little frilly pink nightie that's super cute for $3 and an absolutely ADORABLE apple bottoms cropped jacket for $12!!!! It was supposed to be 45.... yea right... i would never spend 45 for a childs jean jacket... cropped at that! But it is super cute... she wore it all night over her nightie... I had to peel it off her for bed! I SOOOO love getting good deals!!!!
Okay, it's late... enough about my affair with TJMaxx.... thanks for all the encouraging words about the scale.... it is true... i do feel a difference in my clothes. I'm sure the scale will catch up, and yes, Biki, i am being compliant! Another day down..... thought about cheating today, but decided that i would flush all my hard work down the drain if i did that, and what do i want more??? so i stayed compliant... not even a bite of ice cream sandwich that Mikaela and her friends had! didn't even taste it and spit it out! talk about resistance!!!
Well, till tomorrow... Maybe i need to stop hoping the weight loss fairy visits everyone else so she'll have time to stop at my house!!

j/k! Good night!