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Postby QT2Lose45 » January 12th, 2007, 9:11 am

Beth... um, okay! Well, i guess you are right... i looked at my avatar and the pic you posted, and yea.... maybe i should change my avatar?!!! he he he...

i thought about using my new 'hair pic' for my avatar, but the guys at work just pointed out that i am naked in it... (i actually had a towel on, i had just got done doing my hair and wanted to take a good pic for Terrance) of course, I didn't even think about that when i took the pic, considering it is just my head and shoulders, but sure enough, the first thing they (men) all noticed was that i was naked!! What's up with that... so maybe i'll take a pic (with a shirt on) this weekend and update my avatar...

How did you prepare your london broil that you wrote about in Debra's journal? I love steak, rare-med rare, but have not mastered cooking it yet... I can pretty much cook/bake/make anything and get rave reviews, but i haven't got the steak down yet... I'm so dumb when it comes to meat, that my mom told me how to make a flank steak once, and i cooked it still rolled up like it was in the packaging!!! She STILL gives me a hard time about that! so please share any steak secrets and cooking guides (time/heat/etc)!!!! Thanks!
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Postby bikipatra » January 12th, 2007, 10:21 am

You can use flank steak. I like it marinated first. Then, well you broil it, and slice it thinly.
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Postby QT2Lose45 » January 12th, 2007, 5:31 pm

welllllll lunch went well, except i think my portions were too big. I had the small outback special w/ broccoli no butter and the salad was kinda small w/ no cheese/croutons and ff dressing. I passed up the temptaion of the bread, so yay for that. I think the steak was 9 oz before cook....so it was probably a few ounces more than i should've had. I drank like 3 glasses of water...

came home a few hours later and took a nap.... should've had a supp right away cuz it had been just over 2 hours, but i didn't cuz i figured the steak had extra cals.... i made Kay some popcorn for snack and was okay with the smell, but then before i went to lay down INSteAD of making a supp.... i caved and ate a handful of popcorn!!! :x so i got up a few minutes ago, and it had been 4 1/2 hours since lunch... i had to make her some dinner, and i made some 'Easy Mac' mac&cheese.... i made myself a shake while her stuff was nukin in the microwave... then i made her plate and she never eats the whole thing of the easy mac, so there was about 3-4 bites of mac&cheese left, and I ATE IT. What the heck was that all about??! sooooo not sure if i'm out of ketosis now, don't know how much it takes.

But what's important is that i get back on track! I mean, i did pretty good at a resturant then come home and cheat on bad food??! that's silly! there was no real reason either... no emotional stuff going on, just saw it sitting there and put it in my mouth. whatever.

Going down to my neighbor's to watch memoirs of a geisha in a few minutes... i'm going to take a pudding and some soy crisps and some crystal light to go.... she is also a big coffee drinker, so i'll probably take my sf syrups and splenda and have a cup of coffee later (otherwise i'll be asleep in the movie!)

Terrance has been 'good' the last few days... we talked at night on Wednesday, then last night we didn't. I left him a message cuz he had this huge presentation he had been working really hard all week this morning for the base in remembrance of MLK day so i wished him luck and told him he'd do great like he always does (he's really good at that stuff, but he always totally stresses out before, and it always turns out great) and that i loved him and i would talk to him today.... so he called me first thing this morning on his way to work and said he had gone to bed early and missed my call. then he called me again this afternoon and told me how it went... Said he'd call tonight, but we'll see. was hoping he'd suggest we go to miami tomorrow for the night, but he hasn't so i guess we aren't. i don't want to suggest it cuz in the last email correspondence when we were going back and forth i told him it was on him for us to see each other at this point. next weekend he leaves on his cruise and then a few days later i'll be gone to SD. :( oh well, it will be good when we do see each other.

til later!!!
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Postby Serendipity » January 12th, 2007, 6:25 pm

QT2Lose45 wrote:Going down to my neighbor's to watch memoirs of a geisha in a few minutes...

The book is soooooo much better than the movie.
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Postby Karli » January 13th, 2007, 10:45 am

Hi, QT :). I am thinkin' that planning ahead would really help you out with this. Just keep going, keep learning. Sometimes we just get impulses to eat, and that's it. Just because it's there (there are a lot of people who make A LOT of money because of this very thing). And, I have had to catch myself because I have sometimes still had the impulse just because I see the food, and then I remember "oh yeah, I don't follow through with that kind of impulse".

Anyway, plan ahead ! Also, maybe you will have to cut back on your daughter's intake on some of this stuff, too, to help not put it right in front of your own nose.

Thinking of you and it's good to read you :).

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Postby QT2Lose45 » January 13th, 2007, 4:28 pm

uughhhh was writing a post, hit the wrong button and it all disappeared!! :x :x :x

anyway, i'm not typing all that over again. Short version: last night was good, had pudding and soy crisps and Crystal light.

today was a good, then a little crazy, then good again. Have been compliant all day... not even that hungry, so i think instead of a L&G i'll just do 6-0 today. (that's a first!!) Cleaned house this morning.... all looks good except my bedroom. Saving that for tomorrow morning. Ran a few errands. That's it. Supposed to watch my neighbor's girls tonight. Kinda don't want to, but i'm her friend, so didn't want to say no. oh well, i got a couple of movies at Blockbuster so i'll let the girls watch something in their room. I just know they won't be home til like 3 or 4 am... going to some 'capricorn' party at the club at the hard rock casino.

So this morning i got on the scale as soon as i went to the bathroom, and it said 212.. i got on like 6 times, so i'm good with that. Get this: I haven't got back on it AT ALL... not even like 10 minutes later or anything!! i'm taking the advice that if you like what it says first thing, and you test it a few times and it stays, then go with it, and don't get back on.... so hopefully tomorrow will stay at 212 or lower! and then i can 'officially' join the 20 # club (actual: 22) 7 lbs til first mini goal of 205 for vacation....

also, i've been having issues with my pudding recently. I love the choco pudding but no matter what i do, it's never smooth and i end up with some chunks... EWWWW i mix it with a little bit of water at a time, and use a whisk after i've got it all mixed together, but no joy... so today i tried something new... and OMG!!!! I took one banana pudding and one choco pudding and mixed with a little over 8 oz water with the electric mixer, and WOW.... smooth and creamy! i split it into 2 bowls and had one after it chilled for about 10 minutes, and will have another before bed..... yummy!!!!

Okay, till 'roll call' tomorrow! hope everyone has a great night.
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Postby casma500 » January 13th, 2007, 5:13 pm

Hey QT; I was sick last week and I am trying to catch up on everyone's journals, but it takes a while.

WOW! just read your posts. first, glad you got right back on plan after you couple of small slips. THAT is something to be proud about. also, i LOVE your hair!

I used to be in the army, so the military talk brought back some good memories :) i actually wanted to suggest a great book i read recently (it was a friend's) called Waffles & SPaghetti. It talks about how differently men & women think/communicate. men are waffles. Their thoughts all have their own little square (like waffles). They finish one thought and then they are done and move on to the next square. WOmen, on the other hand are like a plate of spaghetti noodles. each noodle is a thought and each one touches all the others, so we can think/do multiple things at same time.

anyway, it was a great learning tool for me and VERY eye opening ~ just thought you might be interested.

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Postby Taangrl21 » January 13th, 2007, 5:16 pm

Hey QT-

Well it sounds like you got some stuff done today...me, nada...still no car washing...can I be more lazy??? Anywhoo hope your night runs smooth with the kids.See ya in the morn for weigh in. :)

p.s.-enjoy your pudding recipe...sounds yum!
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Postby Unca_Tim » January 13th, 2007, 9:13 pm

QT2Lose45 wrote:uughhhh was writing a post, hit the wrong button and it all disappeared!! :x :x :x

A good habit to get into is, when you've got an epic post going, just before you submit it, right-click, select all, and copy the text. If anything goes wrong, you still have it saved to your clipboard and can paste it back in again.

I always do this if I have more than a short reply going.
Hope this saves some frustration next time....:)
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Postby QT2Lose45 » January 14th, 2007, 7:46 am

Casma~ thanks for the book suggestion, will check that out for sure... How long were you in the army?

Unca~ thanks for the tip... and thanks for changing club stat!!

Debra~ still so much to do.... it never ends around here.... i'll be joining Biki in the crusade against my laundry basket today. and i still haven't cleaned my car either..... i HAVE to do it today.

no other big plans today... would like to go for a walk, but don't know if i want to chance the frustration w/ Mikaela and the dog. maybe i'll see if she can hang out at the neighbor's while i go. Or i could go to the base and walk around the track, that way Kay can play in the field and i can see her from any angle... wanted to walk by the water though... so we'll see.

Haven't played cards with my friend for a while, so maybe i'll do that.

finally in the 20 lb club... actually got there a few days ago, but wanted to be sure. down to 212, 22 lbs down. happy about that, but really want to be down to 205 before the 25th... we'll see.

til later...
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Postby bikipatra » January 14th, 2007, 8:01 am

QT2Lose45 wrote:finally in the 20 lb club... actually got there a few days ago, but wanted to be sure. down to 212, 22 lbs down. happy about that, but really want to be down to 205 before the 25th... we'll see.

til later...

OMIGOSH. We're twinkie twins! We weigh exactly the same! You have lost one more pound than I have though and are three inches taller!
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Postby QT2Lose45 » January 14th, 2007, 8:18 am

Biki~ up for a little challenge???

a little competition always keeps me more on track... see who can stay 100 % compliant this week??
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Postby bikipatra » January 14th, 2007, 8:21 am

QT2Lose45 wrote:Biki~ up for a little challenge???

a little competition always keeps me more on track... see who can stay 100 % compliant this week??

I am TOTALLY up for it. Compliance more than the pounds! Fun!!! My rough time is always at night. My sleep meds are like a drink, they lower my inhibitions so I will be extra careful! You stay away from extra bites off your daughter's plate!
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Postby QT2Lose45 » January 14th, 2007, 8:24 am

DEAL.... yes, that is definitely my weakness, making food for her. :(

Alright, let the challenges begin! (i've already battled one this morning, when she wanted a brown sugar cinnamon pop tart for breakfast...passed w/ flying colors but it's still early!)
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Postby bikipatra » January 14th, 2007, 8:32 am

WE CAN DO THIS!@!!!! :) :) :)
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