Oh no... it's all good Karli... here's the break down of the situation: we met in San Diego where we were both stationed in 2004... we started dating, moved in together, yada yada yada.... (he's not Kay's biological daddy... that's a WHOLE Other journal. He might as well be though, he's been with me since she turned 2, and he's done more for her than her real father ever did/does..i'll venture into that story one day when i have a LOT of time on my hands.... it's actually pretty entertaining. Sad, but entertaining.) Then he received orders to go to Key West May 05... I was heading out on 6 month deployment may 05... i honestly thought that would be the end of 'us' and told him that. (i've been in the military since i was 17.... i know how it goes, and what to expect or more importantly, what NOT to expect) BUT he totally proved me wrong... he did everything he could to prove to me that he was here waiting for me. i struggled with the decision of staying active duty or separating at the half way mark (10 Years in active) .... thanks to Mikaela's REAL father and his stupidity, and the support i had from Terrance, and some bad dynamics going on in my workcenter on the ship i was stationed on, I made the decision to leave active duty. It was the best decision i ever made! anyway... the whole plan was to come to florida where i'm from... T is in Key West, and my family is here in Tampa where MacDill AFB is and some major job opportunities in my field (communications) so it made more sense for Kay and I to move to Tampa vice KW. T had been stationed here in tampa before San Diego and we decided that this would be were we 'settled down'.... it took a few months, but i got an awesome job offer, and that's how we are where we are today... there is NO WAY i can leave my job, and he retires sept. 08 and then we won't have to be separated anymore. He is trying to wrap up his naval career down there and retire, and then he (and Cori) will move back here with us and we will buy the house, get married, another kid, etc, etc.... Before i got my job offer, i was going to school full time, (just one semester) and we were in the midst of discussing that i could go to school anywhere, so Kay and i should move down to KW cuz long distance sucks.... this was also before he got full custody of Cori (Sept 06) and then out of nowhere BAM, i get the job offer.... it was WAYYY to good to turn down, so now i am a 'national defense operations analyst' for a company out of Wash DC and work here in tampa at the SATCOM (satellite communications) Support Center for Continental US and US Central Command as a Senior SATCOM Analyst. MY JOB ROCKS
so there went our plans to move down there with him til sep 08. so we have lived together before... we used to see each other a lot more often before Cori moved in with him in September.... I have to understand that... the last time he was a 'full time father' to her, she was 4, Mikaela's age.... now she is 14... he has his hands full!! so it's not 'empty promises' or just going off of our future, it's based on a lot of past and present.... whew! does that clear it up for ya?!

you're not being nosy at all.. i welcome your comments! shoot, some of you journal entries, and 'Karli epiphanies' are what keep me going sometime!! So keep it comin, sista!
getting ready to eat my pudding and call it a night....
my hair job turned out good!! but i'm worried cuz my sis said that after you get your hair done at a salon for so long, whatever products they use removes the pigment from your hair, so if you try to color it yourself, it only stays for a few days or week or so before it washes out and your back to where you started, needing to go to them! Anyway, it looks good, i have to keep looking at it, cuz the last time i had ALL Brown hair with no highlights was so long ago, i don't even know when it was! my neighbor friend loves it! we'll see how it goes over at work tomorrow... what am i talking about?! i work with all guys! they wouldn't notice if i came in with no makeup and purple hair!!! hmmmmm.... we'll see