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Postby Karli » January 10th, 2007, 7:31 pm

Yes, I understand everything you said in your post. And, you are right. There is one part that caught my eye in where you said that "when he comes home for good." I guess I have been under the impression that you two are living these completely different lives, that he permanently lives somewhere else with one of his other children, and that, in essence, he keeps telling you that someday you two will get married and all be together -- but that this time and date are nowhere in sight. So, in the meantime you are raising his child on your own with limited communication and time with him. But, maybe there is more to it that I should have read a couple of pages back. Or, maybe I misunderstand. Whatever the case, I don't mean to be so bluddy nosey and I do indeed wish you the best !

And, in the meantime, keep shakin' !! :)

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Postby QT2Lose45 » January 10th, 2007, 8:03 pm

Oh no... it's all good Karli... here's the break down of the situation: we met in San Diego where we were both stationed in 2004... we started dating, moved in together, yada yada yada.... (he's not Kay's biological daddy... that's a WHOLE Other journal. He might as well be though, he's been with me since she turned 2, and he's done more for her than her real father ever did/does..i'll venture into that story one day when i have a LOT of time on my hands.... it's actually pretty entertaining. Sad, but entertaining.) Then he received orders to go to Key West May 05... I was heading out on 6 month deployment may 05... i honestly thought that would be the end of 'us' and told him that. (i've been in the military since i was 17.... i know how it goes, and what to expect or more importantly, what NOT to expect) BUT he totally proved me wrong... he did everything he could to prove to me that he was here waiting for me. i struggled with the decision of staying active duty or separating at the half way mark (10 Years in active) .... thanks to Mikaela's REAL father and his stupidity, and the support i had from Terrance, and some bad dynamics going on in my workcenter on the ship i was stationed on, I made the decision to leave active duty. It was the best decision i ever made! anyway... the whole plan was to come to florida where i'm from... T is in Key West, and my family is here in Tampa where MacDill AFB is and some major job opportunities in my field (communications) so it made more sense for Kay and I to move to Tampa vice KW. T had been stationed here in tampa before San Diego and we decided that this would be were we 'settled down'.... it took a few months, but i got an awesome job offer, and that's how we are where we are today... there is NO WAY i can leave my job, and he retires sept. 08 and then we won't have to be separated anymore. He is trying to wrap up his naval career down there and retire, and then he (and Cori) will move back here with us and we will buy the house, get married, another kid, etc, etc.... Before i got my job offer, i was going to school full time, (just one semester) and we were in the midst of discussing that i could go to school anywhere, so Kay and i should move down to KW cuz long distance sucks.... this was also before he got full custody of Cori (Sept 06) and then out of nowhere BAM, i get the job offer.... it was WAYYY to good to turn down, so now i am a 'national defense operations analyst' for a company out of Wash DC and work here in tampa at the SATCOM (satellite communications) Support Center for Continental US and US Central Command as a Senior SATCOM Analyst. MY JOB ROCKS :yay:
so there went our plans to move down there with him til sep 08. so we have lived together before... we used to see each other a lot more often before Cori moved in with him in September.... I have to understand that... the last time he was a 'full time father' to her, she was 4, Mikaela's age.... now she is 14... he has his hands full!! so it's not 'empty promises' or just going off of our future, it's based on a lot of past and present.... whew! does that clear it up for ya?! :lol: you're not being nosy at all.. i welcome your comments! shoot, some of you journal entries, and 'Karli epiphanies' are what keep me going sometime!! So keep it comin, sista! :lol:

getting ready to eat my pudding and call it a night....

my hair job turned out good!! but i'm worried cuz my sis said that after you get your hair done at a salon for so long, whatever products they use removes the pigment from your hair, so if you try to color it yourself, it only stays for a few days or week or so before it washes out and your back to where you started, needing to go to them! Anyway, it looks good, i have to keep looking at it, cuz the last time i had ALL Brown hair with no highlights was so long ago, i don't even know when it was! my neighbor friend loves it! we'll see how it goes over at work tomorrow... what am i talking about?! i work with all guys! they wouldn't notice if i came in with no makeup and purple hair!!! hmmmmm.... we'll see :)

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Postby Karli » January 10th, 2007, 8:16 pm

Okay, I have to admit that I feel about a ba jilliion times better :mrgreen: :shock:. Thanks so much for taking the time to fill me in... I was *a lot* more worried about it than I needed to be. I have a whole different perspective now and I really think you are handling this well and you are being smart about it. And, it makes a big difference knowing that he is not Mikaela's biological father. That just changes things a little.

Glad to hear about the hair job, too :).

Cheers, QT,
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Postby Taangrl21 » January 11th, 2007, 6:59 am

Glad to hear you are happy with the new shade...and yes guys dont notice hair most of the time.But sometimes youll get surprised and one will say something outta the blue...
Hope things are going good today. Catch ya later! :)
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Postby QT2Lose45 » January 11th, 2007, 8:13 am

WHOA! My hair must be a little more drastic than i thought... Cuz EVERYONE has said something about it already today... There is one of the active duty girls here today, and i knew she would notice... the reactions/comments has been funny... she said that she liked it better the other way, and that "don't take this the wrong way, but now you look older" then she changed older to more mature.... on the otherhand, all the guys like it. (the ones in already anyway, about 5) hmmmm... maybe she's just jealous, ha ha ha... j/k. Here's a pic: Unca? can you help me out? Thanks.....


On another note, work has been really busy this morning! (that's what i get for talking it up yesterday, ha ha) It's good though... I love my job, even when i have to do it! HA HA.

ANNNNNDDD even better.... the scale finally moved!! 214!!! which technically puts me in the 20# club, but I want to wait til sunday to update ticker/club status to make sure. i got on first thing this morning with a tshirt on and it still said 216 :x but when i took my clothes off, it was 214... i got on like 6 times. But i want to make sure tomorrow morning or the next morning that it stays that way...

okay, gotta do a conference call... i'll be back!
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MF Start Date: 10/10/06-234lbs. Restart: 1/3/07
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Postby bikipatra » January 11th, 2007, 8:28 am

QT2Lose45 wrote:
ANNNNNDDD even better.... the scale finally moved!! 214!!! which technically puts me in the 20# club, but I want to wait til sunday to update ticker/club status to make sure. i got on first thing this morning with a tshirt on and it still said 216 :x but when i took my clothes off, it was 214... i got on like 6 times. But i want to make sure tomorrow morning or the next morning that it stays that way...


I even take off my socks! And I also weigh multiple times, one right after another, JUST to be sure!!!
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Postby QT2Lose45 » January 11th, 2007, 9:23 am

yea... that's what i did, in the buff.... 214 about 6 times. Got back on with my pants and shirt on... 216. SOOOO i'll wait a few days before i 'rejoice' about 214.... :?

so i just ate a bar... and i was thinking about yesterday. I TOTALLY SKIPPED A SUPP!!! I didn't even realize it! I usually have one right before i leave work around 4-4:30 and yesterday i bolted outta here and thought 'oh i'll just make a shake as soon as i get home'. I got sidetracked, and by the time i got my hair stuff, stopped at publix to get the shirataki noodles for my tuna casserole, picked up Kay and took the dog out, i just started making dinner and forgot about the shake. Then i had my pudding at 10 and went to bed. i know its important to get all your supps in, so i'll pay more attention today.

The guy at the cube next to me is chomping away at some chips... mmmmm... i can hear the crunch and damn near taste the salt, ha ha... i have soy crisps at home, but i try not to bring w/ me, to save for a snack when i REALLY need one. (silly, cuz that would be now, but they are not here at work, they are at home in the back of the cupboard. if they were here, they wouldn't last so they still wouldn't be here for the 'emergency'... does that make any sense??! :nutz: )

no water again at work... I'm about to go fill up the jugs myself... what's up with that?? My co worker went to get a drink this morning, so he grabbed a couple of waters for me, i'll get more at lunch. I wish i had some tennis shoes here, cuz i would walk to the 'shoppette' to get my water. Hmmmm.. maybe i will go home and get them. I think the store is about 1/8 or maybe a 1/4 mile away. that would be better than nothing.

alright... off to do some work!
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MF Start Date: 10/10/06-234lbs. Restart: 1/3/07
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Postby Taangrl21 » January 11th, 2007, 11:36 am

I think your hair looks good. :)
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Postby QT2Lose45 » January 11th, 2007, 7:27 pm

THanks Debra!

ew.. i was in a YUCK mood tonight... very frustrated! work was fine... good... busier than normal. The guys i work with are clowns, so it's always a good time. Had rtd this morning, bar, brocc. soup, and a banana shake....

i left work around 4:45, went and got Kay and asked if she wanted to do a walk on the bayshore w/ Vegas.... she wanted to take her scooter, so i told her yes, but only if she rides it the whole time (the last time we lugged it out there, she rode for 30 seconds then talking about 'i'm tired, i don't wanna ride anymore') uughhh.. so we went. the whole point of me going to walk is so that i can get a little bit of exercise, relax, enjoy it, get us all out to do something active together, and wear the dog (and her) out! I end up more frustrated and tense then before the walk!!! MIkaela, I swear, is soooo uncoordinated! Clumsy, that girl is.... i was the same way as a kid, so can't blame her, but DANNNNGGG! she fell on/over her scooter about 5 times, and at one point she was walking (i was carrying the scooter, fun) and she tripped over some air and busted her butt.... I don't get her... anyway. trying to relax now. *deep breath*

so while i was walking i wasn't ver hungry, so i thought that maybe i would just have 6 supps today. i didn't take any chicken or steak out, and i didn't want to spend money, and i know i'm eating out tomorrow. i got home and thought about what i had that didnt need defrosing, so i ended up throwing together 2 eggs, mushrooms, onions, garlic, s&p and scrambled it all together... i had some salad mix, so i had salad w it. It was good! anyway.... watching Grey's anatomy, and then i'll make some hot cocoa before i fall asleep. (i want to sleep now, but trying to stay up to get all my supps in)

oh... hope the magic weight fairy visits me tonight and takes a souvenir with 'em! :) hope everyone has a great MF night :)
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Postby Taangrl21 » January 12th, 2007, 6:12 am

So did the weight fairy visit???

Sorry, to hear you were yuck last night. Hope you rose this morning on a good note...
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Postby GucciGoo » January 12th, 2007, 6:34 am

I missed Grey's Anatomy last night. I fell asleep!
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Postby QT2Lose45 » January 12th, 2007, 8:10 am

well well... i'm confused!

Woke up at 6am and went potty, weighed and it said 212!!!!!!!!!!! i couldn't even believe it, so i got on about 10 more times and was ecstatic. Went back to lay down for another 45 minutes til i had to get up.... when i did get up it was back to 214 (?) okay. so i got ready for work and got on again before i left, naked, and it said 215! I don't get it... i know you fluctuate during the day, but in the same hour and a half, and i didn't even eat or drink yet! (i usually drink my RTD in the car on the way to work) Whatever. Not going to change anything til Sunday roll call anyway.

When I leave for SD i would like to be 205 steady.... morning, night, whatever.... 205. It's less than 2 weeks, so i don't know if it'll happen. I'm going to stay very focused on staying compliant though, regardless of what the scale says.

I'm very much looking forward to my lunch at outback today... steak w/ shrooms, here i come!!! yum yum.

hmmm... thinking about the scale, if i can be 212 on sundays roll call, then 207 by roll call on the 21st... i could probably make 205 by the 25th? maybe? Maybe i'm being unrealistic.... my other concern with the scale is this... i've been using the same scale for years. It's digital, but only to the whole pound. I would really like to get a new, maybe the taylor digital that others say they have and are happy with BUT i have this fear that i'm going to get a new scale, and it will be a lot higher than the one i have now.... is that CRAZY!!! Like the last time Terrance came home, he got on our scale and thought it was low or that he had lost weight... we went to publix and he got on the big huge scale there and it was like 4 lbs higher... (i won't get on the scale at publix for everyone walking by to see, forget that!.... Does anyone even know WHY they have that huge scale at publix?? always wondered that) So i told myself that if i get to onederland on my scale, i will buy the new one. But then i'll probably still be over 200 :( is that a silly fear?? okay... gotta do some work...
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MF Start Date: 10/10/06-234lbs. Restart: 1/3/07
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Postby QT2Lose45 » January 12th, 2007, 8:11 am

ps..... Grey's anatomy was really good!!! maybe you can see the rerun online at abc dot com
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MF Start Date: 10/10/06-234lbs. Restart: 1/3/07
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Postby GucciGoo » January 12th, 2007, 8:15 am

Here's my rule: If I get on the scale and see a big loss, be HAPPY!!!
DO NOT, whatever you do, get BACK on the scale!!!!!!!

But actually- now that I have my foo-foo WW scale, I never see fluctuations like that. I can move the scale anywhere and it gives the same weight.

One day I tried my Thinner brand scale in 5 different places on the floor- I went up 4, down 2, up one and down 5.
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Postby GucciGoo » January 12th, 2007, 8:24 am

Don't get me wrong at all, please! But every time I see your photo I think of Terry Schiavo. It kind of weirds me out. You both have the same smiling head tilt thing going on...

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