Okay, QT -- I just read up on what's going on with you. I only read this page of your journal to catch up on your relationship so I don't know much about what's been happening before this page... but, being a slightly opinionated woman myself

I did find myself developing some thoughts. I am going to try to just present them in a mature fashion.
First of all, the things that you want in a relationship are completely reasonable in general. All you need to figure out is where and how you are going to achieve those things in your life, and then be honest with yourself in terms of working those details out and whether they are really happening or not.
You know, I am a person who believes that most people are probably "good" and well-intentioned -- though life is messy and we each do what we can to cope. I think that each individual has a huge potential to live out in their lifetime. I believe that you have a knack for seeing the good in others, for seeing their potential as an individual, and for appreciating those qualities, and that is why you treat them so well -- in your eyes they deserve it.
BUT, who they are
RIGHT NOW, and everything they can be should NOT, in anyway, hinder
your potential as an individual, either; it should utterly support it. That is a healthy and working relationship. Yes, compromises must be made, but, it is something along the lines of the type of things we give up to be getting our eating in order... we are actually only trading something less for something more (in some way), and it therefore works to build us in a better way. But, that's up to you and truly discerning whether you are making a proper trade within yourself.
The thing is,
you cannot build a relationship on *future* potential alone. I know that you have had some beautiful times with Terrance. I know that these are special and that is evidence that there is potential in your relationship. BUT, what is happening right now MUST also be working for you on *at least* a weekly basis, of some sort, if you are thinking about this relationship being there for the rest of your life.
Yes, it will change over the years. EVERY relationship does, and, there is no such thing as a perfect relationship. Also, there is no such thing as a relationship that will fulfill our every single need. That is what LIFE is for. Relationships are only PART of life, though they are a very vital part of life.
Living our potential is something that we do in each moment. It's not just something far off that we reach after walking through a barren dessert or swimming through oceans and climbing over mountains. It's something we do in each moment with where we are at NOW. I believe most things (and I believe this the more I watch and observe in my life and the life around me) about living our potential boils down to three basic elements :
1. Motivation/Inspiration
2. Action
3. Commitment
All three of those elements are needed to live one's potential in each moment. I must be motivated to eat right today, then I must do it, then I must be commited. As I work this out through the day, the success of its working brings about some kind of result that further motivates me, gives me more courage to act, and increases my commitment to whatever I am doing. Without any one of those three elements, one may get somewhere, but I don't believe it's to one's full potential.
I may be motivated to eat right one day and I may also be commited to it in the long run (or even for the day), but if I don't
act on it, I won't accomplish what I could have. I think it's similar with all three elements.
And, I think it's similar in relationships, too. Does this relationship motivate you both to live your potential ? Does this relationship's motivation inspire you BOTH to
act out your full potential ? Is there a mutual commitment to this relationship ?
I don't know what any of those answers are. I know what my impressions are from hearing your side in your journal here, and I will admit, I have some *alarms* sounding off about it all (but sometimes I am easily alarmed

). But, take all of that strength and intelligence that you have and think about your daughter and what she is really getting out of the deal. Be honest with yourself about what this relationship is giving you and Terrance. It will probalby change things... but things change anyway. And, thinking through these things is not going to harm anything if it can't be harmed. You know ?
Well, I have blabbed. I am sorry, but relationships are tricky sometimes and I just really feel for you. You just keep your head on straight and TRUST yourself.
Best wishes,