H pylori and Medifast

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H pylori and Medifast

Postby FitQueen » July 26th, 2006, 6:42 am

Does anyone know where I can get information on the effects of Medifast products on h pylori or stomach ulcers?
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Postby supermom » July 26th, 2006, 8:30 am

Well, I don't have H Pylori, but I do have stomach ulcers. I have been on MF for a while, and I have to say, my symptoms are gone. I am due for an EGD next month. I will have more to report at that time. I rarely EVER have heartburn or reflux of anykind anymore. I am not taking any protonix anymore. Has your H Pylori been treated? I don't think that is something that you ALWAYS have. I am pretty sure it can be treated and cured. The ulcers can also heal, which I have a feeling mine have. I have been down the ulcer road before. I think it is the high protein, the low carbs and the lack of fried and processed stuff that makes it so much easier to "be" with an ulcer! As for info to read, I don't know of any. Maybe you could call the nurse line??
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Postby FitQueen » July 26th, 2006, 8:49 am

Thanks for your reply. Yes, I had to take 2 strong anti-botics. I still have minor pain. I went to a health food store on yesterday and one of the sales people told me not to eat soy based products like Medifast. It is too harsh for my stomach to breakdown or digest.

I am still starting Medifast this week.

I was just curious about the impact of Medifast on h pylori or stomach ulcers.
Ruth aka FitQueen

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Postby DogMa » July 26th, 2006, 5:44 pm

There are a few people who use only the non-soy Medifast products that have whey protein instead of soy. There are fewer products that way, of course, but it can be done if you end up having too much trouble with the soy.

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