Put me in the 10# club!

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Put me in the 10# club!

Postby cdixon » May 19th, 2004, 7:41 am

I couldn't resist getting on the scale this morning. So much for weighing only once a week.

Anyway -- down 10 pounds in 9 days -- go figure. I figure most of it was "water" weight but I'll take it where I can get it!

Start Date 05/10/04
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Postby Landylue » May 19th, 2004, 8:15 am


Congratulations. Keep up the great work!

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Postby Leigh » May 20th, 2004, 8:18 pm

Way to go Christina! :toast:

Start date: 3/29/04

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Postby Jeanette » May 21st, 2004, 6:51 am

Hey...pounds are pounds baby!! Don't discount the loss!!

Jeanette :star:
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Postby cdixon » May 21st, 2004, 6:54 am

Thanks everyone! It means a whole lot that there are people out there that care!
Start Date 05/10/04
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Postby Echo » May 21st, 2004, 10:10 am

Congratulations on the 10. I'm not due for my weigh in til the 23rd, but I weighed myself this morning and I'm in the 10lb club too! Every loss is something to be proud of. I know when I would climb on the scale and have gained 10lbs I didn't minimalize it and say, aw, just 10 lbs. That's like three big cans of crisco off me in two weeks and it feels good!

The biggest challenge I have is at night. I want to snack before bed, but I haven't given in and I'm so glad, cause now I've reached my first goal. :D

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Postby LadyChamp » May 22nd, 2004, 9:38 am



299 1st Goal

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Postby MegMc » May 22nd, 2004, 7:35 pm

Hi, everyone,

Like cdixon, Echo, and Amanda (congrats to all!, and I'm sorry if I missed anyone else) I'm also a new member of the 10# club this week. I was just thrilled when I got on the scale this morning and saw that such results are possible after only 7 days.

And, what a week it was - a lot of stress at work while trying to train a new employee, my car died and I need to come up with $4,500 for a new engine, and I had a rather lonely birthday since I live and work in a different state than most my friends and family. But, I still managed to stick to the plan.

No birthday cake this year (an Oatmeal Raisin bar, instead). But, believe me, I didn't miss it. I'm not getting any younger, and would really like to have a major weight loss to celebrate next year. There won't be too many more birthdays in my future if I don't lose this weight once and for all!

Even though I didn't have a chance to post anything during the week, I have been reading the forum. I especially liked the very honest posts from PrettyFace (discussing what others think or say about heavy women), and Carrie (about how others, especially men, might perceive us after we've lost a lot of weight). I can relate to all those feelings and concerns. The social/cultural/sexual issues surrounding weight and weight loss are both maddening and fascinating.

Looking forward to week #2...
(highest weight - 9/7/03 - 254.5)
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Postby Echo » May 23rd, 2004, 6:21 am

Thanks Meg, congrats to you too, and everyone else who lost this week. And, if you didn't lose, don't be discouraged, stick with it and you will. Is it Mike that says 'It's impossible not to lose on MF!'

I think one of the great things about MF is that you don't have to measure, weigh and think about what you are going to eat. It allows me to focus on other things. Like cleaning out my closets and getting rid of my fat clothes.

The weight/date dynamic is interesting, but being thin doesn't remove dating problems, it just changes what those are. I have been on both sides of the spectrum now, and part of me may have gained the weight as a shield against men. I know, it sounds crazy, but date enough losers and an evening with a cheesecake almost does sound more rewarding. :lol:

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Postby Nancy » May 23rd, 2004, 5:11 pm

Christina ~

AWESOME! Ten pounds is a great loss for the first week! Very good!

Only half of the first week's weight is water loss that means you lost five pounds of pure unadulterated flab!
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