I wanted to share some of the things that are happening to me on MF. I know that people are posting this kind of thing all the time. Some of these things seem pretty small and I guess in the grand scheme of things, maybe they are, but they really add up to me. First, I went through a ton of stress last year between September and December. So many bad things happened. I was having problems at home and not sure if life as I knew it was going to continue. Work was also stressing me out and on top of it all, my husband and I got into a motorcycle accident that we should have never walked away from (technically we were hauled off in an ambulance, but you get the picture). Through it all, I went from 232 to 197 between September and December. I could NOT lose weight before that and I was NOT on a diet folks. For the first time, I didn't eat out of stress. I COULDN'T eat or sleep. All that stress resulted in a big weight loss for me. At first I didn't think too much about it because I was just concerned with getting things straightened out and making the pain stop. It finally did and things got better. My husband and I are mostly recovered from our accident. By February I was back to my bad eating habits, only this time I was exercising. I realized that I felt much better having all that weight off and maybe this was only the beginning. I kept doing the same things eating and exercising wise and managed to lose another 2 or so pounds. Then I started reading about Medifast and decided to give it a shot. It was mostly this forum by the way that made my decision for me. I didn't think I was going to lose any more weight after the stress period, so I bought about 6 or 7 pairs of pants a couple of new shirts. Most of the pants were pretty snug and so were the shirts, but they were 16s darn it...so what if they weren't so comfortable. Back to the reason for my post, here's what is happening for me:
1 I wore a belt to work today.
+1 At 5'1 (my husband is 6'1) I almost weigh less than my husband. This has only been the case for about 5 months out of the 3 years we have been together.
+1 I went to the mall and was able to try on size 14 bottoms.
+1 The skinny boogers aren't looking quite as skinny these days.
+1 I lost 10 pounds in 2 weeks (this is huge for my snail metabolism).
+1 I realize the power that food has over my life and I'm changing that.
+1 My family and FRIENDS tell me how good I look lately.
+1 I don't feel like a failure and that weight loss is impossible anymore.
+1 I'm excited, not embarrassed, to see people I haven't seen in awhile.
Grand total: 1,000,000. Even though my accomplishments are small and I have only been on the program for a short time, I am 100% better than I was only 2 weeks ago. These are the reasons I am doing MF. These are the reasons I give myself when I think about the temporary and empty/false feelings of comfort or happiness I THINK a bite of forbidden food can bring. I know all of you have these same experiences and I'm so glad that we can share them together. Thank you all for being there for me and helping me through desperation, fear and worry. I wanted you here for the good times, too