Product Updates May 26, 2006

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Product Updates May 26, 2006

Postby Nancy » May 26th, 2006, 7:17 pm

Just when I got my husband used to the idea of eating vegetables...the new Ranch and Red Bell Pepper Italian Salad Dressings are temporarily unavailable. :x

Due to some packaging problems, the yummay salad dressings are being revamped. Hopefully they will be back in the boxes and on their Mediway to our lunch and dinner tables!

:yippee: Chocolate Mint Bars Are Back in Stock! :yippee:

Chocolate Mint Bars (item #6490) are once again available for purchase. Back orders are in the process of being filled. Sorry 'bout that...I know they serve as pretend Girl Scout Mint Cookies for some of us! :oops:
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Postby electra000 » June 8th, 2006, 1:17 pm

Hi ! :wave: I love the Creamy Ranch Dressing is it still unavailable ? Please let me know because I am almost out and need to order some more. I hope they still make it and it is as good as it always has been ! Thanks ! Terri
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Postby Nancy » June 9th, 2006, 8:17 pm

The dressing really is awesome, isn't it? They are working on the packaging right now...can't wait for it to reappear! As soon as it is available, I'll be sure to letcha know about it! My husband is going through withdrawl - the only way I can get him to eat green beans is to drizzle the Creamy Ranch or the Zesty Red Pepper Italian Dressing on the beans!
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Postby supermom » June 9th, 2006, 8:24 pm

Nancy--have you tried marinating uncooked, canned green beans in Zesty Italian dressing and having them cold?? I do this with black eyed peas, diced onions, and diced jalapeno peppers. I serve it with crackers and tortilla chips (I know, not on MF), but you could use the MF crackers. Anyway, ya'll are on maintenance. We call it Texas Caviar. Since the black eyes are not on plan, I tried it with grean beans. YUMMY!! I used the French Style green beans, and drained them and dried them well before I added the dressing. I let it marinate overnite. Try it!! You will like it, and I bet he will too.
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Postby Nancy » June 12th, 2006, 5:07 pm

Oh, that sounds very good and I will have to try it, Super. I especially love jalapeño peppers and onions so it sounds like this is perfect for me.

Yes, the French Cut Green Beans are a nice change. I sometimes mix them with thinly sliced zucchini and summer squash and red onions. I like it as a cold salad.

Ya know what? I have NEVER ever in all my days had black-eyed peas...I am such a northerner, eh? :oops:
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The Formerly FLABulous and Now very Fabulous
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Postby supermom » June 12th, 2006, 6:13 pm

We can them from our garden every year. I will have to send you some. You just don't know what you are missing. And the Caviar, be sure you eat it cold. I don't remember if I mentioned this!
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