by Nancy » January 23rd, 2005, 3:52 pm
Women who are preggers or who are lactating ought not to restrict their calories. The Complete Program and the 5 and 1 Program of Medifast is a low calorie diet and therefore are not compatible for such conditions.
Sylvia is absolutely correct - there is nothing in Medifast that is harmful to the baby - little children may eat the soy protein shakes, soy protein bars and soy protein soups and soy based oatmeal & puddings because Medifast has no harmful herbs and no harmful ingredients. It is just good food.
We have several clients, including our daughter who use Medifast during pregnancy for good nutrition and they eat two lean and green meals and have additional servings of veggies and protein. Healthy meals, appropriate sized servings, plenty of water, exercise = the things we are learning on our weight loss sojourn help us to maintain our weight for life and while we are carrying life, too.
Women can become more fertile while on a weight loss program. Estrogen is stored in our fat and as we lose flabbage, that means the estrogen is running around having a party in our bloodstream. If you do not plan on becoming preggers, then take precautions. Leopard Woman warned ya!
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
The Formerly FLABulous and Now very Fabulous
Nancy Pettit