Precursor to weight loss?

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Precursor to weight loss?

Postby SusannaRosannaDanna » August 20th, 2004, 1:05 pm

This may be strange, but I have to ask--LOL When I was on Medifast previously, I was always hungry at night--I don't sleep much, and stay up late and rise early, so even if my last shake is at 7p.m., by 9 my belly starts to growl and by the time I hit the sack (midnight or so) my stomach is pinching with hunger--ouch! I soon saw a pattern, though, in that on the nights I got that terrible, gnawing hunger, I ALWAYS showed a 1-2 pound loss the next morning! Without fail!
I had forgotten about that strange experience, until this time around--I've noticed the same thing starting to happen again. It's to the point that if I am sitting here miserable at midnight, I know I will see a drop on the scale when I wake up in the morning.
I just wondered if anyone else does this or has other "indicators" that tip them off before they even get near a scale?

Last edited by SusannaRosannaDanna on August 20th, 2004, 2:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Started 8/2/2004
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Postby explorthis » August 20th, 2004, 2:01 pm

just wondered if anyone else does this or has other "indicators" that tip them off before they even get near a scale?

Last shake at 7:00, meaning if your taking them every 3 hours, your schedule is probably 7:00, 10:00, 1:00pm, 4:00 and 7:00 correct? There is absolutely nothing wrong with adding another shake, if you feel you need it. Remember these things are less than 100 calories, and nada in the sugar, and junk content department, so feel free to add a 6th shake. Nancy will chime in and actually recommend it. Hey, another Medi-shake, is far better than reaching for the ice cream! It’s totally up to you, and will not hamper your weight loss. If you’re hungry, and fighting with yourself about it, by all means shake away. Part of the problem, is your probably sitting and watching TV, or doing something non active, which allows the mind to think you need something – correct? You think you are hungry, but in all probability, your not.

As for the “knowing factor”, absolutely. I can monitor myself through the day, and I can actually feel difference by 1-2 pounds – TRUE. It’s been 8 months and 16 days since I lost the weight. This morning I was only 2.3 pounds from my original goal. Now, I have what I call “P” days, if you get the fluidity of the pun. These days, where I am visiting the lu 10 times a day, like yesterday, I can actually feel/tell a difference. I was 4 pounds over my original weight (223) yesterday morning, and I know there would be a loss this am. I expected about a pound, but alas it was 2!!!

‘nother funny thing, once these 2 pounds slip off, and remember, I am just maintaining within a 5 pound window, I feel an extra urge to be REAL good, thinking I can squeeze off a few more. But, the good feeling only lasts about a day or so, and I am back to normal.

So, yea, I can definitely feel when the body is either packing on a pound or 2, or gonna shed a couple. This might sound like small potatoes in the general scheme of maintenance, however, EVERYDAY religiously (quoting Carrie) after removing the belly button lint, I faithfully stand on my digital scale, and KNOW what I am going to weigh. I worked too hard for this, and am not going to allow it back. Being thin, far outweighs the other!

It’s ALL worth it, every minute of every day.

One other comment - still to this day, 347 days ago I began my trek on Medifast. 8-1/2 months ago I hit my current weight. There (truth) is not ½ hour of any waking day, that I am not thinking about it in someway or another.


Was 337/223 is goal (about 40 to go)
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Postby SusannaRosannaDanna » August 20th, 2004, 2:20 pm

Mike that is EXACTLY my schedule most days, the only change being if I do something stupid like run and chase after a giggling, naked toddler to put his clothes back on and miss the fact that my chili boils over all over the microwave. Then I have to start all over and that bumps me up by a half hour.
The latter part of my evenings, as soon as the kids are all bathed/brushed/read/tucked, I putter on housework for awhile, pack daughter's lunch for the next morning, etc, but the later part of my evenings is pretty inactive--sometimes I fold laundry while I watch tv, but that's the extent of my exertion at that hour!
I don't so much have to fight the hunger...I've just accustomed myself to having five "meals", period. The first week I freely partook of the freebies but even my need for those has lessened recently. The hunger is just something I've taken note of as an indicator that the scale is just about to give up and MOVE! LOL
I think it's amazing how in tune you are with your body and the fluctuations in weight and fluid (ahem)--I hope to be there someday!

Started 8/2/2004
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Postby Nancy » August 20th, 2004, 4:35 pm

SusannaRosannaDanna ~

Well, it’s always somethin’

Re: Your late night hunger. Mike said I’d probably chime in and here I am – ding, dong.

Sorry I was out slugging it out in the yard - trimming, mowing, hauling dirt, raking, etc. I am pooped.

If you are regularly up late in the evening, I would suggest that you have another shake. You are a very busy lady – you are chasing youngsters. If you are not currently taking Medifast 70 shakes, I’d suggest that you order 70’s the next time you place an order. Active females need that extra protein. Women that are sedentary or not very active, take Medifast 55.

Your body needs a certain amount of protein to fuel it and to fuel the circulatory system that you are moving about each day. I feel that 5 shakes or 5 Medi-meals per day are not adequate. You are going to be on the program for a while as you have a considerable amount of weight to lose until you reach your goal. We suggest that if you are on the Full Program that you have 6 (larger people may have up to 7 Medi-meals. I hesitate to write that because some of you will take this to mean that you have free range to have more of everything. Larger people need more food to support their body systems, heart and brain…we are finding that 6 Medifast meals is best for the Full or Complete Plan; however some people will benefit from having 7 ) Your hunger may truly be legitimate and not just your brain tellin’ you to eat because of visual and verbal cues (television commercials or print ad commercials).

There is no problem with having a late night shake. I often awaken at 2:30 AM and have a bite or two of a bar or get up and make oatmeal.

I can tell if my weight is up a bit because my leathers are too tight! Usually if I eat a lot of pickles or pickled veggies or green olives, I retain water and get puffy ankles and feet! Then I need to really push the fluids.

Happy losing, Kids!
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Postby SusannaRosannaDanna » August 22nd, 2004, 9:38 am

Well that is interesting! I do have some 70's I ordered for hubby to try, but I use the 55's. When adding another supplement, is it preferable to double up on one meal (have 2 shakes) or to have an additional meal 3 hours after my 5th supplement? Does it matter?
I knew that the 70's were for active women--I just haven't considered myself "active" in a long time! LOL I didn't think child rearing and housekeeping counted!

Started 8/2/2004
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Postby Nancy » August 22nd, 2004, 2:20 pm

Sussanna, yep - you ARE busy.

Do NOT double up on you shakes - we are learnng how much to eat at a time - training our brain (and eyeballs!) about correct portion sizes - we have distorted our portion sizes because everything is Biggie sized THESE DAYS - EVEN OUR WAISTLINES! just space the shakes evenly - every three hours, every 2-2.5 if you need it!

Shake on, Dudette!
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