I just thought I'd drop a note to say...to newcomers (or maybe those of you who've been around, too) that if you haven't let your soup simmer and swell...you're really not sampling the soups at their savory best! (How's that for alliteration? lol)
I add extra water and put a lid on the pan...add some fresh herbs if I've got them or dried...set the heat to low and let it go for 20 minutes. The vegetables swell, the beans get soft...and there's just nothing better on a cold afternoon.
(This isn't necessary for the fast soups...and probably not for the chicken noodle, either)
If I'm having a very hungry day (in my head more than in my belly, I think) I may add a bullion cube and even more water. I get several bowls of soup out of it.
This and a pack of crackers... YUM!
Oh..I saw that they're selling tiny little crockpots now. Individual serving size. I thought one of these (they're cheap--under 20 bucks) might come in handy for those who would like to have soup at work. You could just set it up when you get there in the morning...and by lunch time have a nice prepared bowl of soup waiting for you. I haven't tried this yet but it seems like it would work.

Best wishes.