In praise of M.F. Soups!

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In praise of M.F. Soups!

Postby betz » December 2nd, 2005, 1:52 pm

I can't tell you how glad I am that M.F. is not a "shake only" kind of program. It's been pretty cold in my neck of the woods lately and I have really enjoyed the soups and chili!

I just thought I'd drop a note to newcomers (or maybe those of you who've been around, too) that if you haven't let your soup simmer and're really not sampling the soups at their savory best! (How's that for alliteration? lol)

I add extra water and put a lid on the pan...add some fresh herbs if I've got them or dried...set the heat to low and let it go for 20 minutes. The vegetables swell, the beans get soft...and there's just nothing better on a cold afternoon.

(This isn't necessary for the fast soups...and probably not for the chicken noodle, either)

If I'm having a very hungry day (in my head more than in my belly, I think) I may add a bullion cube and even more water. I get several bowls of soup out of it.

This and a pack of crackers... YUM!

Oh..I saw that they're selling tiny little crockpots now. Individual serving size. I thought one of these (they're cheap--under 20 bucks) might come in handy for those who would like to have soup at work. You could just set it up when you get there in the morning...and by lunch time have a nice prepared bowl of soup waiting for you. I haven't tried this yet but it seems like it would work. :)

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Postby mama2benandrachel » December 3rd, 2005, 9:25 am

I know exactly what you mean Betz! I too am not a "shake only" kinda gal! I LOVE the soups, hot cocoa, and cappucino! I haven't tried the puddings yet, but I hear they are to die for!!!!! But right now, I need hot food, living in Michigan, it's rather chilly this time of year!!!!!!!!
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Postby Lisa in NY » December 3rd, 2005, 9:53 am

I'm with you guys - I think one of the biggest strengths of this program are the HOT items - hot cocoa, oatmeal....but I absolutely could NOT live without the puddings!!!!!
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Postby betz » December 3rd, 2005, 9:59 am

Gosh. I'm gonna have to try that pudding...:)
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Postby shellwipp » December 3rd, 2005, 10:22 am

I just tried the banana pudding for the first time.............YUMM-OOOH!! :yay:

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Postby mama2benandrachel » December 3rd, 2005, 12:05 pm

Yes Lisa, the oatmeal gets me going in the morning!!! I had a 2nd oatmeal last night because I was STARVIN' for some reason! It hit the spot!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm with you Betz, I'vt gotta try the pudding! I think I will lean more toward the chocolate!!!!!
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Postby TN Mom » December 31st, 2005, 6:21 pm

What is the secret to making the oatmeal taste better?
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Postby mama2benandrachel » December 31st, 2005, 6:38 pm

For me, it's Splenda and cinnamon!
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Postby mytime » December 31st, 2005, 9:16 pm

Mom to B&R I think our tastebuds are related - I LOVE the chocolate pudding and do splenda and cin in my oatmeal daily. Mytime
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Postby Nancy » January 2nd, 2006, 12:14 pm

Betz ~

Thank you for your comments about the soup - I totally agree, simmering the Chicky With Wild Rice and Vegetables or the Chili makes a world of difference. The first time I made the Chili in the saucepan, I realized there was burger in it! Hah! I had gotten so lazy and didn't cook much because I had been having shakes so often and then I thought that I didn't want to 'dirty up' a saucepan and wash it out so I just made it in the microwave. Stovetop simmering fills the senses with the wonderful aroma of the soups and the taste is superb!

I know of a person that got a mini-crockpot at K Mart and he simmers his chili in it. He adds chopped onions and all his co-workers drool when they enter his office - who knew being a loser could taste so good and feel so wonderful?

Having a hot meal is good because as we lose weight, we feel cold and can get chilled easily. Warming yourself up on the inside in a cold climate will keep you feeling comfy and cozy.
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Postby Gwenski » January 4th, 2006, 4:38 pm

Ooh a new kitchen gadet - mini crock pot here I COME!!! YEAH!!

I make my soups and oatmeal on the stove while I am getting ready in the mornings. Then I cart them to work in these tiny single serving thermos bowls I got at Bed, Bath and Beyond. The oatmeal gets nuked for about 45 seconds and it is a bowl of warm clinging goodness for me. By lunch time, my soup is all sorts of hydrated -- no hard beans please! I put it in for a little bit, pull out my crakcers and diet soda for happiness. Joy of Joys!!

To those who have NOT experienced the pudding -- it is a must. I am addicted to the banana pudding with Walden Farms Chocolate Syrup splashed on top. YUM---OOOOOOOOOO!! Walden Farms now has a marshmellow dip which is terrific and woudl be perfect for the chocolate pudding. Here is a hint, get a hand mixer that has a wisk attachment and make your puddings ahead of time so they can sit and chill and set in the fridge for ultimate tongue popping happiness!

That People Magazine article about people who have lost half there size put the downside of Medifast as not teaching people how to eat properly. Okay so TECHNICALLY that is SORT of correct but hello, we eat enough to properly fuel our bodies and we are learning to deal with life without food being our best false friend and crutch --- isn't that better???

Okay off my soapbox, I have got some mini crock pot shopping to do!!!!

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Postby Lauren » January 4th, 2006, 4:48 pm

An interesting thing about the oatmeal, and most other MF hot foods. I just run instant hot water from my sink at home or the hot tap on our water cooler at work, stir, and drink/eat. I am suprised and impressed that so many of you choose to cook and prepare and carry, etc., as I want to spend as little time as possible dealing with food and kitchen!

I buy the RTDs and bars for the same reason. It's all easy, fast, and to go! But with all the talk of Magic Bullets and ovens and crock pots, I am wondering if I am the only one who chooses this high-speed solution?

Thought I'd throw that out to you all...

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Postby Gwenski » January 4th, 2006, 5:03 pm

Lauren -- I live for the bars, they are like my candy that isn't candy somehow but light at the end of the tunnel. The only one a day thing breaks my heart!!!

I am all for fast and what not but I like to cook and let things get as saturated and mixed as possible....especially if they are dehydrated.

Could also be in my head but the few times I have made soups and just eaten it, I was totally disappointed and with the chili, I thought I broke a tooth but it was just a nasty hard bean. Something about being a Food Channel devotee and simmering to marrying the flavors and letting them hit my senses and anticipating it....<shrugs>

Haven't tried the RTDs -- are they better than the regular shakes or what? Only vanilla and chocolate - right?

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Postby Lauren » January 4th, 2006, 5:31 pm

Hey, Gwenski-

I agree that the chili and soups are not good with instant hot, but that's why I don't generally eat them! The fast soups and bouillon are totally good, though, as they don't have any freeze dried veggies of any significance.

I actually prefer the RTDs to the shakes, but that's probably due to ease. I only drink the chocolate, I think the Vanilla is too sweet. I am not a big fan of things that taste really artificially sweet (except diet soda, which I love), so I never liked the vanilla or banana shakes. Anyway, the choco RTD just tastes like a chocolate milk. No muss no fuss. But if you are a person that takes pleasure being in the kitchen and letting things marinate, than you are certainly doing the right thing cooking!

I, on the other hand, live in Manhattan, and while I have a beautiful new kitchen that I renovated just months ago, I have very little desire to actually "cook" in it! :-) ha! It's just there to look purty and entertain my friends!

The woman who inspired me to go on MF lost about 150 pounds, and all she drank were chocolate MFs, and she ate lots of veggies. Shhh, Nancy, don't get mad, but she ate unlimited veggies! Anyway, she told me she just didn't want to have to think about it, and it's worked for me as well. I have my weigh in again tomorrow, but I am currently at 36 pounds in 7 weeks. Tomorrow will mark my 8 weeker, and we'll see what it says. 40 pounds would ROCK, but it's that time of month, so not likely.

But I digress...yes, the bars are yummy! I am actually relieved that we can't have more than one a day, because I suspect that they are too close to feeling like a cheat. I actually try not to eat them every day because I REALLY like them, and that sort of scares me. Does that make sense? So I save them for heavy exercise days, or movies, or that kind of thing.

Wow, so much to say. Sorry for that loooong reply!

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Postby Serendipity » January 4th, 2006, 6:28 pm

Lauren, I'm gonna chime in here and let u know that I'm another simple Medifaster. I nuke the oatmeal for 2 min, I use my hotshot hot water to make the soups ( I like them crunchy). I haven't tried the chili because everyone seems to doctor it up and that's way too much trouble for me. I like the RTD's because I can just grab them and go. BTW, they do taste better to me than the regular shakes, but suprisingly, I don't crave them or choose them over the other shakes if I have time to mix them. I prefer the shakes as is except I usually put cinn. and nutmeg in the vanilla. I eat my one bar a day. My favorites are the lemon and the oatmeal raisin.....amazing, the chocolate bars are ok, but not my fav. For awhile, I was using a few of the SF syrups, but that's just a bother now and I don't like to take the time. Anyway, u get the picture. Simple is better for me, too. 8)
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