6 pounds of potatoes

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6 pounds of potatoes

Postby smartipantz » January 19th, 2006, 8:13 am

Just visualizing what 6 pounds of potatoes look like............. cuz that's how much I lost in my first week!!!!! :exercise:

For all you newbies just starting the program............. Medifast is fantastic. I'm at the point I have to put a timer on to eat cuz I forget. Eating 2-3 hours is great, curbs the appetite. Have I mentioned Chai Latte is: #1 MY FAVORITE!!!!, and #2 Cheaper than Starbucks!!!!

Jan, thanks for the call last night and appreciate you being there for me! You are awesome!
Restarted 9/29/08
1st month = 16.7 lbs
2nd month = 9.5 lbs
3rd month = 10.8 lbs
4th month = .4 lb /
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Sack of Potatoes

Postby Jan » January 19th, 2006, 8:27 am

Hi Smarti,
Well, we think alike. :D I always head off to the grocery store and check out the potatoes. People must wonder about me because of course they never go in my cart :D I just pick up the bags and look at them. Have you noticed how lumpy and bumpy they are ?? -- just like that nasty fat. And, when you lift six pounds it is pretty heavy. Just wait til you are looking at a 10 pound bag or even two. It gets quite dramatic when you see all those heavy lumps and bumps. :mrgreen: Keep up the good work --you are doing great.
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Postby Nancy » January 19th, 2006, 8:29 am

Smartipants ~

:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: I'm tickled PINK for you!

You had an awesome week! Isn't this fun?

The cool thing about the Chai Latte is this:

No Waiting in lines as Starbuck's either!


No :eyecrazy: staring at the goodies in the bakery case at Starbuck's while you are waiting for your Latte...

Lattes at home mean you can relax a little longer, maybe even :snooze: sleep-in 9 minutes longer than if you were making a 'bucky stop!

:lol: :lol: :lol: Happy for ya! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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