8 POUNDS GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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8 POUNDS GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Postby Lois » November 11th, 2003, 7:22 am

Today is the official beginning of week #2 for me, so I stepped on the scale this morning......my mantra was "the scale is my friend...the scale is my friend... :? ......

And lo and behold, I LOST EIGHT POUNDS MY FIRST WEEK!!!!!!!! :yippee:

I think I may have heard angel choirs singing!!!!!!! :angel: :angel: :angel:

GONE are my fears that this program might not work for me!!!!!!! :D

I am on my way to Skinny-Land 8) !!!!!

Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU to everyone on this board......I have turned here SO often for encouragement this week. You all are the absolute BEST :heart: !!!!!!!!!!!!


Last edited by Lois on November 12th, 2003, 8:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Way to go!

Postby VK » November 11th, 2003, 8:05 am

Eight pounds?! Wow, congrats! :cleader:

I don't own a scale (some lingering bitterness from previous diets) so I'm just judging my progress based on how my clothes fit and how I feel, but we started at about the same time and I'm already getting looser pants, so I may have dropped 5 pounds this first week. I'm thrilled that you're progressing well, so we'll just have to keep on shakin' our way through this together! :stroll:

Congrats again,
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Postby Ellen » November 11th, 2003, 8:06 am

Lois, Lois, you're the girl, mix those shakes and watch them whirl :cleader:

Those pounds are melting day by day, and soon your clothes will fall away!:cleader:

When summer clothes come out this spring, your friends will say "YOU SKINNY THING"! :cleader:

GOOO LOIS!!!:cleader:

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Postby Jeanette » November 11th, 2003, 8:41 am

Great Job Lois! I'm right behind ya!

Jeanette :star:
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post subject

Postby susan » November 11th, 2003, 9:22 am

Lois , you are doing great keep up the good work . :smoke: and just keep :) susan
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Way to Go-o-o-o-

Postby Nancy » November 11th, 2003, 9:48 am

Hello and Howdy doo, Gang ~

Isn't this the best thing? :lol:

I am so very proud of all of you. You are on your way to a healthy and happy new you. ;)

This New Year 2004 will hold such wonderful things for all of you. First of all, even losing a small amount of weight will affect your health and longevity. Secondly, you will feel better physically and mentally. Third, your self-esteem will twang right up there and you will affect those around you in positive ways because you will feel so good! :exercise:

Remember, nothing tastes as good as thin feels! Keep on shakin' and chuggin'. :toast:

Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
The Formerly FLABulous and Now very Fabulous
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Postby Donna501 » November 11th, 2003, 2:58 pm

I am so happy you lost 8lbs. Today is one month since I have been on the diet. Between the weight I lost on this diet so far and the 15lbs I lost on Atkins while waiting for my stuff, it is a total of 33lbs. I am sorry to say this last week I stayed the same. Scale wise. I had that girl thing :twisted: going on this week. I stuck with the program and drank all my water, but I kept part of the water in my system this week. I could tell by my feet. But have no fear, the "girl problem" is now over :-P . Sooooooooo I am praying that ALL that water will go away and poof I will be skinny. :angel: Ok maybe it won't happen that fast, but I am hopeful. You always have to dream. So I have the dream that I will wake up skinny.

But for all those that lost this week, way to go. :cleader:

I live in Sunny 8) Tampa , Florida. This summer we can all party on the beach and not have to worry that Green Peace will have a full call out because we are on the beach!!!! We will be out in all our glory and sipping our shakes and having a great time..
Have a great day.

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That Girl Thang

Postby Nancy » November 11th, 2003, 11:52 pm

Hey, Donna Girl ~

Sorry about that Girl Thang. :x

Yeah, it does happen and it sure can be a pain for a few days. Didja warn your family so that they could move out to the garage for a few days? :twisted: :twisted:

FYI, estrogen is stored in our fat cells (no wonder they are so plump, eh?) so when we lose weight, the estrogen swims around in our bloodstream without a home for a while.

:hmmm: Yikes! This can be a serious time for us ladies. We can become Fertile Myrtles with all that estrogen doing the backstroke through our system. Be careful, be ver-ry careful as that higher estrogen level can result in a pronounced stomach and a screamer may appear in about nine months, if ya get my drift! :heart:

Some women get extra grouchy initially and PMS symptoms can be more severe when first starting on your weight loss plan- lookout! Run for your lives! :twisted: :twisted: Avoid Donna for several days!

Menstrual cycles can be affected sometimes but it all evens out shortly.

Take good care of yourself. :snooze: Get plenty of rest – avoid family conflicts! Go to bed with a good book, a hot water bottle or a heating pad on your belly. Slurp lots of water – hot tea can be soothing.
Water in, water out! Move it through your system and you’ll be down a few pounds in no time at all. :cleader:
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
The Formerly FLABulous and Now very Fabulous
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Postby Lois » November 12th, 2003, 8:49 am

Hi everyone!

Thanks so much for your words of support!

Ellen....no one has EVER made up a cheer about me before :lol: !!!
I loved it!

Donna...I'm so glad you brought up that "girl thing" :oops:
I've been wondering what to expect when that week of the month rolls around!

Nancy's comments were so helpful....I'm sure you'll drop that water weight next week ;)

hugs to everyone,

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Ellen's Cheer

Postby Nancy » November 12th, 2003, 9:42 am

Lois ~

Ellen's cheer was so awesome! I loved it, too! Isn't this forum great? We hear all about each other travails - we now know to stay away from tequila shooters after having been on the full liquid shake fast, we know about gradually introducing foods back into our daily eating plan and we know all about the Girl Thang. What's next?

I had a support group at our church for quite a while and we exchanged clothing - as we got smaller, we brought our hugely baggies to church and we exchanged clothes. There are a few of us that still do it - men, too! Cool, eh?

Lemme clarify that last paragraph lest you think me a weird-o. Guys exchanged clothing with the guys and gals exchanged clothing with gals. Got it? Gulp!
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
The Formerly FLABulous and Now very Fabulous
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Postby Donna501 » November 12th, 2003, 3:21 pm

:twisted: :twisted: Hi everyone, devil woman here. You know Nancy I thought about what you just said, that big word "FERTILE" Now that just spoooooooooked me :shock: . I have 3yoa twin girls. Nobody in my family or my husbands family (we looked back 10 generations) has had twins. POOF, I got twins. Now you tell me that you can be extra fertile. Thats it, my husband is moving the the pool house. Ha Ha, Wait, I dont have a pool house. Well he will have to move somewhere. It would just be my luck I would end up with triplets this time. Not that I am saying that is a bad thing. But dang, you have sex once and you get two. ha ha. I must go now. I am packing up my husband. hee hee
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Postby susan » November 12th, 2003, 4:03 pm

Lois , 8# that is so great .keep up the good work . I love this program it is so easy and my husband is a saint he cooks for his self he is so glqd I AM DOING SOMETHING ABOUT THIS WT. and sticking to it .I tried jenny craig,w.watchers and pills and curves and other things just wastd my money but Nancy talked to me and I am on my way to success--------- thanks to Nancy. Susan
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Postby Ellen » November 12th, 2003, 7:53 pm

Lois wrote:Ellen....no one has EVER made up a cheer about me before :lol: !!!

We're mighty silly around this house. I've been making up songs and chants and dittys since my kids were babies. They're 13 and 15 now and we still make up silly stuff (only not when friends are around!!! -- well maybe a couple of the friends).

Life is more fun when you can be silly!

Have a great shaking day everyone!
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Devil Woman & Fertile Myrtle

Postby Nancy » November 12th, 2003, 9:07 pm

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Hah! Poor husband. He WILL get so cold living in the garage for a while, eh? Just think, when he returns, he'll have to shake the sheets to find you. You'll be teensy!


Yep, life IS fun when we are silly. We need to be silly more often. Maybe if we were, we wouldn't stuff our feelings inside by pouring in loads of calories!

Ellen, keep on writin' those little ditties!

Go to Hallmark and read the cards and snort!!

Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
The Formerly FLABulous and Now very Fabulous
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