Hey, Donna Girl ~
Sorry about that Girl Thang.
Yeah, it does happen and it sure can be a pain for a few days. Didja warn your family so that they could move out to the garage for a few days?
FYI, estrogen is stored in our fat cells (no wonder they are so plump, eh?) so when we lose weight, the estrogen swims around in our bloodstream without a home for a while.

Yikes! This can be a serious time for us ladies. We can become Fertile Myrtles with all that estrogen doing the backstroke through our system. Be careful, be ver-ry careful as that higher estrogen level can result in a pronounced stomach and a screamer may appear in about nine months, if ya get my drift!
Some women get extra grouchy initially and PMS symptoms can be more severe when first starting on your weight loss plan- lookout! Run for your lives!

Avoid Donna for several days!
Menstrual cycles can be affected sometimes but it all evens out shortly.
Take good care of yourself.

Get plenty of rest – avoid family conflicts! Go to bed with a good book, a hot water bottle or a heating pad on your belly. Slurp lots of water – hot tea can be soothing.
Water in, water out! Move it through your system and you’ll be down a few pounds in no time at all.