Full Name: Sammie
Date Of Birth: January, 2003.
Birthcity: Asheboro, NC
Currently Live In: Cary, NC (5 miles from Raleigh, NC)
Height: 1.5 ft.
Weight: 25 lbs
Hair: White with brown spots
Eyes: Black?
Marital Status: Single
College: Didn't Attend
Siblings: 4. Names unknown.
Pets: None
Car: He Can't Drive
Music He Likes A Bunch: The Shaggs, Diamanda Galas, Hulk Hogan, Wesley Willis, Titannica
Movies He Like A Bunch: Finding Nemo, Ju-On (He shuts his eyes when the scary kid appears), An American Tale: Fieval Goes West
His story:
He was found along with his brothers/sisters in a cardboard box on a busy highway. A nice gentleman by the name of James found them, and took care of the dogs until homes could be found. Sammie went to a loving family, with a small child. Unfortunately, the child was allergic to Sammie, and they had to find him a new home. That is when I came along.
Sammie and I hit it off immediately, and after the first meeting, he came home with me. He has lived with me since January of 2005.
Facts About Sammie You May Not Know
*Corn is his favorite food.
*He single-handidly destroyed a bathroom door when I left him in there while vacuuming one day.
*He is scared of smaller dogs but always tries to plays with dogs that are bigger than him.
*Because he was neutered at a small age, he doesn't raise his leg to pee.
*He is really cute. Since he is really outgoing, he helps me pick up women. He has pretty good taste.
*His favorite toy is a bleeding fake arm, which was given to me by Chuck Palahniuk at a book reading.
*He loves VH1 Classic. I leave it on for him everyday.
* This is what he looks like
Edit: Woah, that's a big picture. If you want to shrink it down and replace it, feel free.