Portion Control Hocus Pocus

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Portion Control Hocus Pocus

Postby mytime » August 14th, 2005, 9:16 pm

Honestly I was sitting here tonight catching up on how everyone is doing and eating my chilli and crackers like I have every night for seven weeks and I had the oddest thought. I was too full. I had to force myself to eat the last bite. I had my dinner about 3.5 hours ago and was hungry.The weird part is I remember when I had one of my first chilli and crackers I was eating and scouping and then it was gone. And I looked in my bowl in disbelief. That's it I thought ? Well I better remember every bite moving forward b/c there is hardly any food in there. I remember telling my husband four spoonfulls and that is it - OH HOW WE DISTORT. Too funny. my big conern about maintaneance has been I cannot eat as much as I want - now I need so much less - and it crept up on me. Anyone else had an awakening like this ? Well anyway thanks everyone thought I would share it and THANKS MF for making what is a reasonable portion satifying for the first time in oh like ever :) Mytime
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Postby Unca_Tim » August 14th, 2005, 10:08 pm

You're gettin' it Mytime...:)

Now just study a bit on how to properly balance (protein, fats, carbs) real meals, when it comes time to transition and maintenance, and you'll BeSlim and healthy for life.

Portion control, balance, and lots of good ole H2O and you're there. This is truely, Taking Shape for LIFE....


PS: I'll be posting the nutrition guides that I promised too long ago ASAP.
Last edited by Unca_Tim on August 14th, 2005, 10:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby martha » August 14th, 2005, 10:09 pm


YEAP---YEAP---YEAP :mrgreen: :mrgreen: Same thing on this end..Takes alot less to fill me up now too. Isn't it great??I love it..I was worried about portion control too.. I am beginning to think I might can do this after all..Keep up the great work. and thanks for sharing...Martha
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Postby Nancy » August 15th, 2005, 2:48 pm

MyTime ~

I can totally relate.

When I first started Taking Shape, I drained my shaker jar and thought I might croak. Is that all there is, I wondered? :scratch:

I made my shake in the blender and fluffed it up, added crushed ice to increase the volume to fill my belly.

In not much time, I realized how well it satisfies and keeps me fueled.

That's great that you are learning the importance of eating smaller meals more frequently. Portion control = weight control.
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Postby mytime » August 17th, 2005, 8:38 pm

Thanks everyone and remember I was one of the one who had to pop Pecid AC like it was tic tacs to get the tummy growls to go away. Miracle upon miracle or I guess MF miracle, perhaps the days of overdoing regularily are behind me ! Mytime
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Postby Marcelle » August 18th, 2005, 9:16 am

MyTime - you were reading my mind! I noticed that too in my second week.

That brings a really good question, because there are times like last night, that I had to force myself to finish my chx at dinner.

My question is this, if we are supposed to be listening to our bodies and stopping when it feels full and I can't finish my meal, does that then jeopardize my ketosis state and or my MF program?

Will the body get what it needs to maintain if I can't eat it all?

Any input on this is appreciated.

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Postby Nancy » August 18th, 2005, 9:20 am

Nope, your body needs all the nutrition from each of the packets and the Lean and Green.

Eat slowly, eat it all. Every day.

Skipping meals, skimping on the portions will not increase the speed of your weight loss and may slow it down. It will not keep ya perking along. You need every calorie you get.
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Postby Marcelle » August 18th, 2005, 9:24 am

Nancy - thanks for the input, because that's what I did. It took me more than half an hour to finish my 6oz Chx, (AMAZING HUH?!?), but I did.

I'm relieved, :yippee:, because I want to stay compliant.

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Postby Nancy » August 18th, 2005, 9:36 am

I know. I used to polish off two plump meaty chicken breasts with skin and breading, smashed putaters with butter and gravy, a green salad with blue cheese dressing, green beans with bacon and butter, several baking powder biscuits or slices of sweet black bread with butter and homemade jam, and then have a hunk of sour cream lemon pie with whipped cream and coffee laced with cream in ONE meal....Sunday afternoons are different these days, eh?

That's what kept me climbing the ladder to rotund roundness!

Portions are smaller now and so is my waistline. Food is fuel...food is fuel...it's not all about food...it's not all about food...people are more important than food... :sheepjump:
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