Plum Tuckered Out

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Plum Tuckered Out

Postby bikipatra » May 9th, 2005, 4:06 pm

As I have told you guys before, I am exercising again after leading a VERY sedentary lifestyle. I don't work so I don't even move around that way. I do my grocery shopping online and have a cleaning, you ask, do I ever move? Before Medifast, it was not unusual for my only activity to be back and forth from bed-television-computer-fridge-computer-fridge-bathroom-bed-fridge...The problem is that when I walk two days in a row and actually get off my rear and run errands, I am bed ridden for a day afterwords I am so exhausted. Sunday, I spent 2 hours out walking, browsing, looking at real estate and shopping (all on foot). Today, I did the same, with a trip to the doctor thrown in. My legs ache, my ankles ache, my feet are blistered on bottom sole and on top of my toes. Also, after all that, I can't even stay on the computer more than 20 minutes because my lower back starts to spasm. I am only not in pain when I am in bed drinking water. I feel like I am falling apart. Any suggestions?
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Postby want2Bthin » May 9th, 2005, 4:18 pm


I am very sorry you are having so much pain. I was in a bad car accident in November and I have a permanent back injury from that. I have to be careful in the exercise department so I don't do more damage. I also struggle with dizziness due to the head injury from the accident. I can relate to suffering from the pain. If I do much (such as vacuum or laundry) I end up paying for it. I guess I would just say keep on trucking the best you can. You have to respect your bodies limitations. I have a daughter and before the accident I was very active. I have just had to make some temporary adjustments and be patient. Maybe instead of 2 hours of activity, cut it back to 1/2 hour and see if your body responds well to that. I take short walks (only about 15 minutes). Or I do my exercises that I have been doing with my physical therapist.

Please don't push yourself harder then your body will allow. I know how horrible chronic pain is and I hate that you have to deal with that. Just cut back and see if that helps. Build yourself up slowly. I will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

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Postby LilMsTexas » May 9th, 2005, 4:22 pm there are ALL kinds of bells and whistles going off for me right now. I may not get it all out in a very coherent order but I'll give it a go........

1. You can't go from SUPER SLUG to SUPER STAR over night! I want you up moving a little bit every day. But you can't get all enthusiastic and overdo. Just like you've you'll be really down for a while to recooperate. :cry:

2. Sounds like you need a MUCH better pair of shoes. I SURELY hope you weren't out doing all that walking in SANDALS! :shock: You simply MUST MUST MUST take better care of your feet. As a diabetic it is critical that you do not get sores on your feet.

3. You probably were not hydrated enough for all that extra activity for the day.

Bottom line........this is a process and it doesn't happen overnight. It is WONDERFUL that you have committed to getting up everyday and moving about. But sloooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwly at first. Keep an exercise journal and see that you are adding something about every 3 days. Even if at first it means you walked out and got the mail....sat outside and enjoyed this nice weather we're having for a change.....walk around your house once in the morning and then once in the evening. You don't have to become a marathon runner for goodness sakes.

Give yourself permission to achieve small goals before you reach for the stars. For now you have to recooperate and then begin again, but at a much slower pace. now.......don't make me come up to D.C. 8)

I'll be watching :shock:
Christi AKA LilMsTexas


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Postby DonicaB » May 9th, 2005, 5:25 pm

Biki~~ Christi & Angelia have both given you some very good advice. You need to start slow and then add a little every few days.

You don't want to end up in bed because you over did it. Remember a baby first learns to roll over, then sit up, then crawl, then walk, then run, then drive you crazy. :nana: What I am saying is don't try to run before you learn to walk or you will drive yourself crazy.

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Postby bikipatra » May 9th, 2005, 6:05 pm

Thanks guys. I had not considered an exercise journal. I write down all my MF'ing etc but not my exercise. This morning when I left, I hadn't been up that long and had only had one glass of water and a shake. I SHOULD have taken water with me but got coffee at Starbucks instead. I see that was a mistake. I will start taking STROLLS tomorrow and build up. My husband may kill me when I tell him I need new shoes. I convinced him I needed these to exercise in...they are cute, pink and Italian and LOOK sporty. I should have purchased REAL athletic shoes instead of fancy schmancy things that sparkled (they have adorable metallic pink insets on the toes). Its those insets that have rubbed the skin off the top of my toes. My feet look so UGGGGLY right now. I still feel some shame though. That I have sat on my rear so long and consumed so much food and alcohol in the past that I am not capable of a regular lifestyle right now. For instance, if my husband needed me to get a job, I doubt I would have the stamina to do anything continuously for 8 hours. I have handicapped myself with my weight and inactivity. And I didn't even realize it until I started to crawl out of the hole. Until I tried to get active and hit a wall. I see those people on Montel Williams or other shows who weigh 600 pounds and can't leave their houses. People wonder "How on earth could that happen?" I see now how it could and how denial works.
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Postby LilMsTexas » May 9th, 2005, 6:43 pm

ok........I got nothin' new to say on this but had to write something so I could put in this cute fella hehe :treadjog: seemed to fit :muahaha:
Christi AKA LilMsTexas


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