by KellyC » December 7th, 2007, 8:21 am
Are you feeling any better?
I too have been extremely tired lately, falling asleep sitting up at work even. But for me, when life gets too stressful or depressing, the tiredness sets in, to the point where I will fall asleep anywhere, anytime. It would be funny if it wasn't scary sometimes.
Seasonal Affective Disorder... wow, they put a name to it. When I was a kid, every year my mom would freak out and have me tested for mono because come winter time, I would do nothing but sleep. I was tested for everything you can imagine, and they never came up with anything but a mild case of anaemia.
Moving to Canada has made it even worse, the days are much shorter here in fall and winter than they were in Georgia. But in summer, it stays light out until like 10:00.. it's so strange.