Angelia ~
We have a couple of issues here that I want to address.
If you are on the 5 and 1 Program,

I don’t understand how you arrived at 680 calories.
Even if you used 5 shakes (they have the lowest calories of all the products) that would total 5 packets X 90 calories = 450 calories + the Lean and Green which is about 300 Calories = 750 calories.

Are you eating only 4 packets a day?

Naughty Girl!
If you are having a hard time eating that much meat at one sitting, then nibble on it throughout the day. It is important for people to get enough nutrition. The Program we support and endorse is the 5 and 1.
People who are on the complete meal replacement program need to be monitored by their doctor. Remember, I do not have the title “Doctor” in front of my name, just the title, “Fabulous” precedes the name Nancy Pettit.
I did check with Dr. Andersen and also with the Nurse.
There is a change in the protein portion size for the 5 and 1 Program and the new Quick Start booklets are in the process of being revamped.A meal plan less than 800 calories is considered to be a Very Low Calorie Diet. Any time we ingest less than 800 calories per day, we must be monitored by a physician.Angelia, if it hard for you to eat a larger meat portion, I'd suggest that you

nibble at it throughout the day or make two meals - 3.5 ounces of meat and one cup of salad twice a day.

Attention! Noggin’ Noogies Alert!

Many people have been skipping packets or going for more than four hours between meals. It is best to eat every two or three hours.
Many people are living very active lives; they work long hours, stay up late at night and get up early the next morning. They are running out of gas and jeopardizing their health if they do not eat enough food.
We really want people to eat 800-830 calories a day. Unlike other traditional weight loss programs that tell people to not eat after 7 PM, it is fine to eat packets of Medifast in the evening. I always have a bedtime snack of oatmeal, Chai Latte, Cappuccino or puddin' ~ ALWAYS!
I am NOT on the weight loss program but rather
maintenance (Oh, I love the thinniness of that word!) and I have a lean and green supper about 6 PM, a snack at 9 PM (three or four green olives and a few almonds and broccoli, or a piece of low fat cheese and veggies, sometimes sugar free Jell-O and a small amount of meat or shrimp, MF Oatmeal cookies or a MF shake or soup) and another snack at 11 or midnight – my beloved MF oatmeal or Chai. Sometimes in the middle of the night I have part of a bar, too.
Trust the plan to work; Angelia, there are no shortcuts to improved health and a smaller waistline!
I feel that for some who are not losing weight consistently, they may not be getting enough food, especially if they exercise.
I did
VIRTUALLY NO exercise during my weight loss process. None. Honest.
Walking up and down the hallway to the BR was the extent of my exercise program. That is one of the things that attracted me to the Take Shape For Life Program. A 265 pound middle age woman in menopause doesn’t enjoy sweating any more than necessary.
Once I arrived at my weight goal and went through transition, I began

exercising for maintenance and to improve my cardiovascular system and bone health. It has also proved to be a great way to deal with stress and the bumps in the roadway of life…
Less is not more.
Less is not best.
Less is not enough.
Enough (7 ounces) is best.
Enough is enough!