I like all of you have been on most diets out there. I came upon the makemethinner website this morning, and after reading alot on the forum and investigating on my own on the internet I took the plunge!!!!
I had lost 50 pounds in 2003 (right before I turned 40!). That was the most weight I had ever lost. I hit a plateau at that point, and then had an appendectomy that Labor day weekend. Of course no exercising for 2 months, and I fell of the wagon with ease. Needless to say all but 5 pounds are back on. I have much more than 50 pounds to lose, but will take it one day at a time.
I am anxious for my package to arrive next Wednesday. All of you seem very informed, and I look forward to being an active member on these forums.
Thanks for the support you have already given me.