by Nova » May 13th, 2006, 10:54 pm
Happy Birthday, Tiolazz! May I say, your hubby sounds incredibly sweet and wonderful. You should give him a big kiss.
I can sympathize with you. I haven't gone out with friends much, and when I did, it was really hard to stick to my L&G while they're having baked beans, yeast bread, peach cobbler and ice cream. For me, it really helped that I was on the strict MF diet, because I have my little packages and I eat every 2-3 hours. I -know- that if I were doing a calorie counting, or watch-what-I-eat thing, I would have failed many, many times already. Think about how far you've come and how many successes you've already had to make it this far. You're doing fabulous!
Would you rather eat what you want, or wear what you want?