I pigged out so bad last night, and I don't know why!!!!!!

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I pigged out so bad last night, and I don't know why!!!!!!

Postby mama2benandrachel » November 5th, 2005, 6:57 am

Oh my gosh!!!!!! I was a terrible glutton last night and I don't even know why!!!!! It was awful! I can give you all my excuses, like a REALLY stressful day at work, I was WAY off on eating my MF products, didn't get my water in like I should because I was on the phone constantly etc..., but this was TOTALLY insane!!!!!! I got home at about 5:30, put a frozen pizza in the oven for the kids, fixed a MF chicken noodle soup for myself and ate it at about 7 o'clock. DH was outside with his nephew working on my car. The kids were in the house with me, I was feeling REALLY physically hungry. I had some decaf green tea with splenda. I made scrambled eggs, sausage and toast for DH when he got in. I went into the kitchen to start cleaning it up. Three pieces of cold pizza were staring at me! I resisted and put them in a baggy in the fridge. DH forgot to take his meds, so I went back out in the kitchen to get them for him. I inhaled a piece of pizza in the kitchen. I went back a few minutes later and got the other two, I proceed to eat an icecream sandwich, followed by potato chips (a small bowl) and topped it off with about 5 oz of cheddar cheese. The thing that scares me the most is that I wasn't even hungry when I started this binge, and the whole time I was doing it, it was like a little angel and a BIG devil were on my shoulder: the angel was whispering to me "you need to stop now"! The BIG devil was yelling at me, "YOU ALREADY BLEW IT, WHY NOT EAT MORE?!!" I want to know in my head how to stop this!!!!!! I don't write in a journal, you all are my journal, my conscience, my counselor, my confessor! I had a huge eye opener last night! I went on the total fast because I was so out of control with food and wanted to eliminate it from my life for awhile. I now realize that I may be learning how to eat small meals every 2-3 hours, but I am not learning ANYTHING about controlling these horrible urges and binges! Please help me people!!!! You are all I have between compliance and plunging into the deep abyss!!!!! I started out this morning with a 16 oz cup of water and an MF apple cinnamon oatmeal! I have got to get out of my head that I have to start all over! I've lost 46 lbs. on this program! I've got to quit thinking of it as a diet! For me, diet means "temporary"!!!!!!!!! I have been so positive, so up, why am I going through this???????? HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Take care and God Bless,
Judy <><

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Postby bande1102 » November 5th, 2005, 8:02 am

First of all of many hugs to you. Second, congratulations on your lose of 46lbs! :D Third, I think most of us here can relate to what happened to you. I wish I had the answers cause I struggle with this, too, but I really don't.

When a binge hits me, it is all-consuming--the way you described it. I feel out of control. I feel like I MUST eat whatever is there or I will die. It took a long time for me to admit that it was that bad, but it is. In that moment, all I can think about, all I can focus on is getting that food. It's a feeling of terrible desperation.

So, what I'm doing is trying to buy myself time. Every single time a binge hits me, I've received warning signs. It took a while for me to pick up on them, but they're there (mostly I start feeling tired/bored and then restless, you know, wandering into the kitchen). So my strategy is to try to pick up on the warning signs and do anything to buy myself time and calm myself down before the full-fledged binge hits. Cause once it does, its hard to stop.

The other thing that struck me about your post is that your situation was really tough. I mean you're stressed and physically hungry and then cook pizza, then sausage and eggs, and then head back in to clean up--that would push me over the edge for sure. I cook dinner once for my family. I cook dinner at 6 pm and then whoever's not in heats up leftovers. With three growing boys involved in a ton of activities and a husband who works shiftwork, I could be in the kitchen all day---and then I'd never be able to resist temptation.

Anyway, you've already lost 46 lbs (not a small achievement)! You can definitely do this!

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Postby Lisa in NY » November 5th, 2005, 8:15 am

First of all, we are all HUMAN!

Second, the MOST important thing right now is that you do NOT let the binge continue. Since you are AWARE of what happened, you have already begun to FIX the problem.


So you had a little one-night stand with some forbidden fruit - time to MOVE ON !!!!! You deserve to win this battle and YOU WILL !!!!!!

40+ lbs. is a MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENT - keep thinking about how far you've come.....and how GREAT you'll be looking in a few more weeks/months!! It's all worth it.

Lisa :mrgreen:
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Postby 24KaratGold » November 5th, 2005, 9:23 am

I second the words that say just pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and go forward. Also, it is my experience that one-time things like this don't cause a weight gain that's hard to get rid of. If you go right back on plan, you'll be fine.

You might consider doing the 5 and 1 instead of the full fast if you can handle "regular" food once a day. I couldn't have done the full fast because I couldn't have stayed away from "normal" food for so long. That piece of chicken and salad, or shrimp and asparagus, made all the difference for me, and was a big help in controlling the urge to "binge." Sometimes when I really need to have some solid to chew, the sugar-free pickles from Mt. Olive are a godsend, or making cookies from the MF oatmeal.

You've done so well. Hey guess what, you're human. Don't focus on the one night when you went off program and ate (and probably didn't even really do much damage to your weight loss), just remind yourself that you've done so well, and focus on your goal. Life happens.

Good luck.

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Postby Michelle1210 » November 5th, 2005, 11:39 am

You are doing great!!! I like what Lisa said "so you had a one night stand" An act which many would consider a shameful act, it is hard for this not to take you down, learn to forgive yourself, Yes you slipped up but today is a new day with fresh snow and you get to make the tracks........you sound very much like me........and for me....I'am learning to let go and forgive myself ;) Wow 46 pounds down :lol: That says alot :mrgreen:
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Postby Nancy » November 5th, 2005, 2:56 pm

Dear mama2benandrachel ~

If I knew the true answer to why people binge, I’d be everybody’s best friend, including my own! It happens to me at times, too and almost always when I have failed to eat on time and drink adequate amounts of water. Usually it is when my defense mechanisms are weakened – when I am alone, weary and hungry. It is amazing how much foody damage occurs under those circumstances. Bande is really right on – try to analyze your particular food cues and then try to eliminate them.

You mentioned that you got the pizza supper started for the kids at 5:30 PM but you didn’t get your Chicken Noodly soup until 7 PM. You came home stressed, hungry and dehydrated and then delayed your own Medigrub a while longer.

Pizza, sausage and buttery toast are all very fragrant foods – it is harder to resist when foods smell good…use Vicks Vapo Rub under your nose to defuse the great odor!

I see that you actually did some good things in the midst of your binge – you bagged the food right away and put it in the refrigerator – getting food out of sight is great. You had the green tea with Splenda – good idea to fill your stomach with something warm and comforting.

I have got to get out of my head that I have to start all over! I've lost 46 lbs. on this program! I've got to quit thinking of it as a diet! For me, diet means "temporary"!!!!!!!!!

You are not starting all over. You’ve done a super job, you have lost a significant amount of weight. This is not a deadly sin, it is a detour and the regular road lies before you – you’ve already gotten back on track with your water and oatmeal for the day. Give yourself credit for your good success, for the wise choice to tell us and for getting it together and for planning ahead to prevent it from occurring again.

You are right – this is not temporary, it is the way we will have to eat most of the time – frequent small low fat/low calorie/low carb meals. I am proud of you for your super weight loss, for your desire to turn off the binge switch and for learning all you can during the process of reaching your optimal weight. Be prepared when you get home from work to have something right away to fill your stomach – the Green tea with Splenda at 5:30 may have helped you to make it until 7 PM but I’d have gone for the Chicken Noodle Soup at 5:30 since your day was hectic and your meals were sparse.

You are on your way, you’ve brushed off the crumbs from your thinny chinny and are heading around the binge bend toward improved health and better food choices.
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Postby mama2benandrachel » November 5th, 2005, 3:11 pm

Thanks everyone! I am doing wonderfully today! On program 100%!!!!! Special thanks to Nancy! You are fantastic! You ALWAYS have the right things to say!!!!!!!
Take care and God Bless,
Judy <><

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Postby Nancy » November 5th, 2005, 4:04 pm

Whew! Glad to know it helps!

You are the star! You figured out that the best way to get back on track was to just do it! With the :twisted: event in your rearview mirror, you are full steam ahead and headed for the goal line!
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