Peach Tea Shakes Question

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Peach Tea Shakes Question

Postby ErikaEastwood » February 22nd, 2004, 9:13 pm

I got some peach tea coming in and was wondering if I can mix them up with my choc appetite suppression, like do 2 choc and 3 peach or vice versa. ( for a daily requirement)
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Postby elle4nelly » February 23rd, 2004, 8:40 am

Hey friend?

I'm assuming those have next to no calories right? 'cause I hear people mixing Crystal Light with their shakes allthe time! So as long as they are sugar free with 0 to 5 calories per glass...I don't think it matters...

I don't mix anything...but I drink 2 glasses of sugar-free Crystal lights on top of my 3 Liters of water and 2 green tea cups. Yeah...I live in the bathroom all day and night!!!!!!!!!!!

Enjoy! I say personalize your shake for as long as you're not adding sugar or fat in it!

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Postby elle4nelly » February 23rd, 2004, 8:44 am

By The way Erika???

You ARE going to drink 5 shakes per day right???? You're not supposed to replaced THEM....but you may alter the taste of them!!

Just making sure you weren't trying to get by on 2 shakes per day!!!!!!!!! That would be dangerous and not recommended AT ALL!!!!
Don't forget your HEART and BRAIN are Muscles!!!!! That alone should stear you away from attempting a starvation diet...which is what drinking 2 shakes only would do!

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Postby Nancy » February 23rd, 2004, 9:54 am


The Peach Pro Tea and the Raspberry Tea ARE considered meal replacements, too. They are used to replace shakes. have 90 calories and 14 grams of protein. They are SOY FREE and LACTOSE FREE.

When you shake them up in your little shaker jar, they are rather frothy and not at all thick and creamy like the regular Medifast 55 or the Mediast Plus Appetite Suppression shakes. I like them mixed in the blender with ice or else I like them heated and drink them as a hot beverage. Both are whey-based beverages

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Postby ErikaEastwood » February 23rd, 2004, 10:14 am

Thanks! I dont like " real tea" but someone highly recommended it to me and said I would so I thought Id give it a try. :) Also, do you think drinking to much water could cause retention? It seems like when I drink alot I feel really bloated and almost sick to my stomach.
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Postby Nancy » February 23rd, 2004, 10:35 am

Erika, how MUCH are you drinking?

Are you drinking it regularly throughout the day or a whole bunch at once?

If it is hard to get your water down, have you tried drinking warm water?
I didn't particularly care for water when I first started the plan. Terry likes ice cold water and it bothers my teeth so I tried drinking warm or hot water and I did much better with that. I like herbal tea with a drop of lemon juice and that was another way to get some water in during the evening hours.

Some people do drink more than 64 ounces of water a day in addition to other beverages. Usually your body gets accustomed to the fluids and then begins to easily flush out the excess.
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Postby ErikaEastwood » February 23rd, 2004, 12:01 pm

im drinking 64oz of water a day and I usually drink 16oz at a time in between my shakes. Maybe im drinking it to fast? I always have ate and drank my food/drinks fast even before the program. lol--I guess its a habit I need to break.
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Postby Nancy » February 23rd, 2004, 1:06 pm


It is best to sip your shakes - make them last for fifteen minutes if you can. People that inhale their food can easily inhale too much food - it takes our body a few minutes to feel satisfied. Sip your water, too. You are not having too much water but if you are not used to drinking it, then it may feel like you are drowning!

Water flushes out that burned up fat and then it is buh-bye! :wave:
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Postby shineface » March 2nd, 2004, 11:31 am

OK Guys -- I'm usually not this thick.... :scratchhead:

Are there two peach teas --- the pro-peach tea that's a suppl. and peach iced tea that's a freebie extra ???

I just thought there was iced tea and pro-tea --- both the same??? I'm afraid to go there if I don't know for sure - has anyone tryed them - like them?

As always, I appreciate the help!

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Postby Nancy » March 3rd, 2004, 10:58 am


The Peach Pro Tea and the Peach Iced Tea are one and the same. They are NOT freebies. They are treated as a meal replacement/shake.

They are a completely different consistency than the regular Medifast 55/70 shakes. The Peach Pro Tea is soy-free and lactose free but DOES contain whey protein. It has 90 calories. When mixed it is a watery consistency - like tea but a bit cloudy. It is refreshing on a hot day. I think it is all right heated. It is not one of my favorite products. It does not stick to my ribs as well as a regular shake.

I have the Raspberry Tea and I do like the taste of it but again, no soy. no lactose, etc.

I think the Teas are good mixed in the belnder - they whip up rahter frothy and icy but it is a different consistency than the other shakes
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