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Postby Nicole81 » May 2nd, 2006, 1:25 pm

Hey everyone! I was just reading that old PCOS post and noticed there are quite a few of us on this board. Who else here has PCOS and how do you best cope with it? I am worried about being able to have children. How many of you PCOSers out there have had babies with out a problem?
I already got pregnant once but miscarried at 3 months. I have not ever really gotten over it and am worried it will happen again and that was over 3 years ago. It doesn't help that I read we have a 45% chance of miscarriage because of our hormones.
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Postby Shana » May 2nd, 2006, 1:35 pm

I have a double whammy - PCOS & Endo - it's completely "normal" in my family - only 2 out of 4 aunts were able to have babies due to the same combo.

I've known since I was a young teen (13ish) that I probably wouldn't be able to have children, so I think it's a little easier for me than it is for women who find out later (or after they miscarry) - I've come to terms with the fact that if I want kids I'll probably have to adopt, and since there are so many wonderful kids out there that need loving homes, I don't have a problem with it. Yes, it would be neat to feel a baby growing & kicking, but this way I'll get to keep my new Medifast figure ;)

For me, the only way to deal with it is by looking at the bright side - it could be a lot worse! :)

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Postby Nicole81 » May 2nd, 2006, 1:48 pm

The first Dr. I went to tested me for PCOS and told me I was negative then I went to my GYNO and she said he didn't do the right test and lucky me I am positive for PCOS. I got really upset when she told me and my first thought was omg! I can't have kids but she told me I can. She said lose at least 20 pounds and that would probably be enough to do it and she said if it continued to not work there are fertility drugs some cheap and some expensive but she thinks I shouldn't have a problem. I hope she is right...I am just so nervous to try now. My godmother also had severe endo and she just had a baby but she had to have surgery to get the scar tissue removed first. I love kids and I don't know what I will do if I can't have any...I want a family, and adoption just isn't the same. Not to mention everything you have to go through to adopt.
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Postby aphrael » May 2nd, 2006, 3:21 pm


I too have PCOS and it is just so much fun...

Having kids is possable after finally getting diagnosed with PCOS I was sent for fertility treatments. Year later through medications I was able to get the PCOS under control for the most part and get pregers.

2 years later, 30 pounds down with Medifast (and no medications!) and to my surprise I am pregers again. This is after I had 2 fertility clinics tell me it wouldn't happon on my own.

Stick with the plan, keep your goal in mind, and enjoy the baby making process with your new thinning body :)

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Hi Nicole

Postby Ginabobina1969 » May 2nd, 2006, 3:46 pm

First I would like to say I am so sorry for your loss. (((hugs)))

I also have PCOS and have pretty much had wildly erratic cycles ever since I can remember.

I was diagnosed I believe in 2002 and supposed to be on metformin and I did take it for awhile but frankly after trying to have a baby for so many years with my current husband and investing so much time and emotional energy as well as money we just laid off of everything trying to concieve related(well cept for the "main" ingredient) :shock: :lol:

Anyway, I do have two children with my ex husband. My 10 year old took almost 2 years of actively trying and three cycles of Clomiphene before I surprisingly found out I was pg. My 9 year old was a pleasant and easy surprise..I got pg with him when my oldest was 5 months old. 8) . I thought that would be all that I would try for but I didn't get my tubes tied..just in case. Once I divorced and remarried...lol Hubby and I would like to have one together. We actively tried for about 4 years... I highly reccommend tracking your cycles (TCOYF has a great program for that) If your cycles are erractic or irregular at all, this kind of tracking can really help you pinpoint when/if you are ovulating also if your having any luteal phase issues. Very helpful information to have when trying to conceive.
I could ramble on and on. You are not alone. It is ENTIRELY possible to get pg and carry that pregnancy to a healthy and successful conclusion even if you do have PCOS. The most important things you can do for yourself and any future pregnancies/babies is to get healthier by loseing weight and dont stress. ;)


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Postby Pashta » May 2nd, 2006, 5:27 pm

What is PCOS? :?:

edit: Nevermind, I saw the other old post here someone explained it. :)
- Tonia

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Postby Nicole81 » May 3rd, 2006, 12:52 am

Thank you all for partially putting my mind at ease! I just noticed it seems like 1/2 people with PCOS think you can't get pregnant and 1/2 are optomistic and know it is possible. I will think positive and hopefully be brave enough to try in a few months when my weight is down a little more.
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Postby sheila » May 3rd, 2006, 1:54 pm

I am so sorry to hear that you have this. I am not very familiar with the term, but lets think positive that you will be able to conceieve, and I will pray for you as well. Again, if you ever want to talk, I believe you have my cell#, just give me a call. And I am going to try to go to the next MF support meeting here, if I can remember. You might have to remind me. You take care!
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Postby vb » May 11th, 2006, 4:36 pm

I have it too. After going to many different doctors to figure out why I had my period NON STOP for a year and a half, I finally went to an Endo becuase I thought maybe I had diabetes (constantly thirsty, massive moodswings when hungry), he diagonsed me.

To the women w/PCOS - has it made your weight loss slower? Did your symptoms clear up?
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Postby Nicki » May 11th, 2006, 4:55 pm

Another PCOS'er raises her hand. I don't know if there are different degrees of PCOS, but if there are, maybe I have a mild form of it. It never bothered me much, especially since I've never tried to conceive. Anyway, my biggest effect was one I didn't mind - irregular cycles. Immediately after beginning the program they were regulated. Other than that, I had some melasma that has totally gone. I don't think it affected my losses personally, but it may have, and I would think the insulin resistance would 'cause most of us to have slower losses. But clearly, I'm not sure. ;) My main other symptom was the hormone imbalance, and I haven't had that checked since beginning the program.
Hope this helps, feel free to PM anytime!
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