Hey Michelle - Welcome aboard! I've was diagnosed with PCOS a couple of years ago, but honestly the associated conditions never bothered me very much. Typically, I had cycles 4 to 5 times a year, but since I started Medifasting I've become totally regular, for the first time ever I think. Otherwise, I had some melasma that has subsided. I have some excess facial hair that I think is more related to genetics than the PCOS, but that's just my opinion, and I haven't noticed any difference there. I still have to pluck and wax as much as always, darn it!
I haven't had my hormones checked in a while, but I would be very surprised if they haven't leveled out quite a bit since losing weight releases estrogen stored in fat cells combined with my now normal monthlies, it should bring it back more in line with my testosterone. I should probably get them checked soon, just so I'll have an update! Although I'm not currently taking Metformin my losses have been great ... 73 pounds in 5 months. I know there are some other of our "cysters" here that may chime in. In the meantime, your making a great choice to improve your health. Many well wishes as you begin this journey to a new you!! I look forward to seeing your posts.