Pam, Tamil, Landylue, Carrie, Marseille, Jeanette ..Mike?

Post your weight loss successes or failures here...:)

Pam, Tamil, Landylue, Carrie, Marseille, Jeanette ..Mike?

Postby elle4nelly » July 15th, 2004, 11:20 am


It won't be a long post. Basically, I had given up totally. To my surprise, I only gained back 6 lbs over a month or so. I was in the Gym 6 days a weeks but ate whatever( not badly actually, I lost my taste for junkfood).
I also got a little therapy ...I needed this....I simply had way to many "Fattitudes" to be succesful at dieting. I still have some of them...but I'm working on getting rid of them.
So here I am.
I want to give Medifat my very last but most earnest and sincere push in an attempt to reach my goal.
I have too. Being overweight is not an option. This weight must come off. I need you guys along the way...I thought I could just go on on my own but realised that struggling alone is not a good thing.
So I am back, I am humbled, more calmed down from the therapy and ready to give it one last shot.
I have truly missed you guys and I am glad to be back among you all.

your long lost friend,

Final Restart on Dec 18th
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Postby Marseilles » July 15th, 2004, 11:31 am


Aww, is SOOOO good to hear from you. I know many of us have oft wondered after your whereabouts and have been anxious to hear from you.


Welcome home Nelly..we are all here for you and have missed you tons. There are lots of new and wonderful additions to the forum, Im sure you will hear a great many words of encouragement.

Here is to our bio-conductor..she's baaaaack!!!!

Dont go away again, k Nelly?

*hugs again*
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Postby Carrie » July 15th, 2004, 11:59 am

Hi Sweetheart - good to have you back - don't disappear again! A bunch of us have stumbled lately and we're all pickin ourselves up, dustin ourselves off and continuing on! Let's go girl!
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Postby Jeanette » July 15th, 2004, 12:30 pm

Welcome back, Nelly!
Jeanette :star:
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Postby elle4nelly » July 15th, 2004, 2:28 pm


Thank you guys!! It really was lonely out there. Friday is my big day one/restart. I've got you all, medifast, food journal and therapy. I 'm optimistic now!! Big time!

Thank you!

Final Restart on Dec 18th
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Postby Lois » July 16th, 2004, 7:32 pm

Welcome back, Nelly! Good luck! You CAN do this 8)


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Postby shineface » August 3rd, 2004, 2:23 pm

Hi All --- Missing this like crazy...

FIRST THING - DO NOT EVER BE DETERRED FROM YOUR PROGRAM EVEN IF IT MEANS SKIPPING A CRUISE!!!!!!! My plan was perfect - I never cheated and that was for 4 straight months --- getting that level of losing discipline back is a -itch!!!!

I'm OK - still right at the weight I was at when I went on the cruise. I am still me-afasting. Oh, I'm drinking shakes and eating bars and keeping the weigh OFF - I really do know I can't eat like I did in the past - I really do feel better and look better and think better --- BUT I'm in a maintenance frame of mind with another 75 pounds I want to lose!!!!!

I never check into the forum anymore and I know how much that helped my success in the past SO here I am --- I want this to be the month I regain my discipline!!!! I never imagined it would be so hard ---- BUT I will do this and reading the posts of you old-timers and newbies helps me because remember ...

Pam -"I AM the ME in MEdifast"
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Postby Sylvia » August 3rd, 2004, 3:01 pm


You don't know how much you just helped me! I'm getting ready to go on vacation in a few weeks and was already mentally going down the road of "well, if I exercise a lot, a should be able to at least TASTE a few bites here and there..." You have reminded me of what I already know - that gaining the memontum back once you've lost it is really hard.

So it will be the program for me. I've moved to the 5-1 plan already but will stick to it strictly, defying all temptation.

Check in often - even if you're not fully on program. It's the times we need the forum most that we're least likely to seek it.

Thanks Again!

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Postby Unca_Tim » August 3rd, 2004, 5:47 pm

Welcome back Shiny,
I knew you'd be back...:)
Keep us posted.
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Postby explorthis » August 3rd, 2004, 9:26 pm


I missed you!

Welcome back....

Was 337/223 is goal (about 40 to go)
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Postby Simmshe » August 4th, 2004, 10:01 am

Glad you're back and on track, Pam! Your posts were very inspiring, too (I've read a ton of your posts :))!
Restart: 5/01/05

Original start: 7/13/04-12/12/04
High weight (1997): 386lbs

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Postby Guest » August 4th, 2004, 10:12 am

Echoing Mike !

I missed you too. And H-E-Double Hockey Stix !!! It is hard to get that momentum when you let go!!!!!!!!!!!!! Say no more here!!!!!!!!
What a mess!!
To all of you Newbies, Don't ever let go!! Getting back on track and staying on track is really really Tuff Biz!
Anyway, Glad you're hanging in there. I am too.
And yeah...together we will do this!!

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Postby Nancy » August 4th, 2004, 6:52 pm

Whoa, Nelly and Keep Perkin' Pam ~

Welcome Home, Kids!

We miss ya when you're out and about!

I feel like I have been away for a month. I have been lonely for all of you!

I am recovering from pneumonia...I may sound bad but I SURE do look good!

No more Medi-moments, side-trips or wagon-fall-offs!

....keep up the momentum. Get to your goal.
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
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Postby TamiL » August 5th, 2004, 11:21 am

Hey Girl!!
Ive been amoung the missing myself...still get on this forum every so often..but not as much as I need to be!! NELLY, PAM, guys were the ones who kept me coming back in the beginning...your posts were truly inspirational to me! I dont know how much weight I have put back on..a few pounds at least...but I HAVE NOT GIVEN UP!!
I just read some great posts here today...and I found my old journal and just finished DUSTING it off...perhaps if I start back doing what I did in the beginning of Medifast...I can stay on track!! its like I let myself go for a few days..then get back on track...only to stray again....
I miss the WINTER...weird I know..but there was much less vactions...and I LOVED MY SOUPS In the winter time...the fast soups that warmed my hungry tummy!! its too hot for them now...but no excuses...
PAM...good to hear from you again.... never gave up as our conductor....we will make it to thinville...even after more than a few detours!!
this forum has certainly many new people....its great to read the posts....very inspiring!!

Medifast RESTART 13 March 09
150/my goal weight is 130
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