7 ozs of chicken

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Postby Patti » February 23rd, 2006, 4:57 pm


I am so bad about spoiling my doggie, he will be doing Medifast next! Although he does love the dog ice cream. Have you seen it. I just discovered it in the ice cream section at WalMart. Purina puts it out...Frosty Paws (how cute). It comes in little ice cream cups, just like real people's....my little doggie thinks it's people food.

<img border="0" src="http://tickers.TickerFactory.com/ezt/d/3;10720;129;0;1/c/132/t/125/s/154.5/k/ed31/weight.png">

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oh no!

Postby guest » February 23rd, 2006, 5:14 pm

really, all??? 7 ounces is alot???I guess I am in big trouble! LOL I am am satisfied but can DEFINITELY eat more if had the opportunity...haha!
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Postby Nancy » February 24th, 2006, 12:02 am

Yeah, I agree - a 7 ounce cooked portion of dry chicken can seem like an entire turkey! It's gotta be moist or argh, it's tough to gag down!

I don't know about you but I used to feel like a Hoover - I mean I SCARFED my meals down so fast I barely chewed them and I could do a lot of caloric damage in a very short period of time! I inhaled bread, crackers, cheese, cookies, etc. I sucked up candies. I Hoovered!

It is suggested that we eat all of our meals s-l-o-w-l-y. I make my shake and oatmeal last a long, long, time. I am no saint, Folks...I need restraints when it comes to eating bars - yup!

I Hooverize them so I must keep them in the mudroom pantry...so I have to purposely walk a distance from the office, think about what I am about to do and consider my new personal Bar Rule. I was so naughty with bars - must have been feeling sorry for Gwenski who had to go barless for a while last month so I evidently wanted to eat her share...I make myself do the "bar walk" schlemp off to get one, unwrap it and make it last for a minimum of 15 minutes, not 15 seceonds.

Slow is the way to go...drink plenty of water, prepare the meat so it's juicy and moist.

After a while, our tummy adjusts to the program, it seems to know when it's had enough and eating slowly allows enouygh time for our brain to get the STOP signal. - I never thought I would be able to figure out WHEN to stop eating because before Medifasting, I thought I was always hungry.

Lauren, I'm with you - I followed the example of others in the crowd, when they stopped eating, I did, too not because I was full mind you but because I thought it was the 'polite' or expected thing to do. As soon as I got home, "Let the scarfing begin!" Our poor dog rarely ever got to try the treats in the Styro Box, Triskets!

Triskets, the protein portion size for the 5 & 1 program has changed somewhat from a while ago so you may be thinking about it. I'll send you the newer version of the Quick Start if you need it. I am using Terry's computer right now - I'm in a BAD way...I'm sick, my iPaq died last week - it is my $ handheld PC data device with telephone and all my data reminders for Auto Ship inside croaked & AND also my computer went belly up. Our precious Unca has been burning the midnight oil trying to recover, restore and revamp Leopard Woman's Larry the Lappy (I use a laptop! Just in case you're wondering who in the heck Larry is!) and I am having a rough go right now. I am SO glad that I am learning to deal with stress in appropriate non-foody ways. :mrgreen: Since the replacements will alos be $$$, Terry will have to learn to deal with HIS stress in non-foody ways, too. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
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Postby Marseilles » February 24th, 2006, 5:51 am

Good luck with all of your technology woes Nancy! Boy oh boy, when it rains it pours! Ill keep my fingers crossed for you that Unca can get it all sorted for you with minimum damage to both your waistline and Terrys wallet! Although, I think Terry's wallet might just be rooting for Unca even more than your tiny waist!!! ;) Its amazing how dependant we become on our little magic boxes and how one doesnt really realize until they go kaput. UGH! All fingers and toes crossed that they are fixable!!!


Hope you feel better soon!
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Postby Jan » February 24th, 2006, 12:37 pm

This isn't really about program but .... I am such a dog lover... :mrgreen:
That I'm posting a little warning here. :D Be very very careful with dogs and fish. :( Our daughter -- a med student who perhaps should have known better --- didn't think and fed her begging English Mastif 1/2 of a crab cake. It was a nurotoxin for her and she ended up paralysed and in the doggie ICU. She made it through but it has taken a year for her to recover. As for us, munch away :mrgreen: fish, and shellfish are great!!! And you get to eat 7 Oz Whooo Hoooo!!
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