Yeah, I agree - a 7 ounce cooked portion of dry chicken can seem like an entire turkey! It's gotta be moist or argh, it's tough to gag down!
I don't know about you but I used to feel like a Hoover - I mean I SCARFED my meals down so fast I barely chewed them and I could do a lot of caloric damage in a very short period of time! I inhaled bread, crackers, cheese, cookies, etc. I sucked up candies. I Hoovered!
It is suggested that we eat all of our meals s-l-o-w-l-y. I make my shake and oatmeal last a long, long, time. I am no saint, Folks...I need restraints when it comes to eating bars - yup!
I Hooverize them so I must keep them in the mudroom I have to purposely walk a distance from the office, think about what I am about to do and consider my new personal
Bar Rule. I was so naughty with bars - must have been feeling sorry for Gwenski who had to go barless for a while last month so I evidently wanted to eat her share...I make myself do the "bar walk" schlemp off to get one, unwrap it and make it last for a minimum of 15 minutes, not 15 seceonds.
Slow is the way to go...drink plenty of water, prepare the meat so it's juicy and moist.
After a while, our tummy adjusts to the program, it seems to know when it's had enough and eating slowly allows enouygh time for our brain to get the STOP signal. - I never thought I would be able to figure out WHEN to stop eating because before Medifasting, I thought I was always hungry.
Lauren, I'm with you - I followed the example of others in the crowd, when they stopped eating, I did, too not because I was full mind you but because I thought it was the 'polite' or expected thing to do. As soon as I got home, "Let the scarfing begin!" Our poor dog rarely ever got to try the treats in the Styro Box, Triskets!
Triskets, the protein portion size for the 5 & 1 program has changed somewhat from a while ago so you may be thinking about it. I'll send you the newer version of the Quick Start if you need it. I am using Terry's computer right now - I'm in a BAD way...I'm sick, my iPaq died last week - it is my $ handheld PC data device with telephone and all my data reminders for Auto Ship inside croaked & AND also my computer went belly up. Our precious Unca has been burning the midnight oil trying to recover, restore and revamp Leopard Woman's Larry the Lappy (I use a laptop! Just in case you're wondering who in the heck Larry is!) and I am having a rough go right now. I am SO glad that I am learning to deal with stress in appropriate non-foody ways.
Since the replacements will alos be $$$, Terry will have to learn to deal with HIS stress in non-foody ways, too.