Dear Guy ~
We are happy to have you peek in here and see what all this losin' stuff is about!
Although over 15K docs have used Medifast in their practices, (What's with THAT word 'practice' anyway? I want someone who knows what they are doing, not practicing or trying things out on me! Hah! Just kidding...), there are many physicians who are uninformed or misinformed about Medifast.
Big Ron, I appreciate your comments about those other
DIEts from the 70's, Medifast is a soy-protein based meal replacement program and has shown to be safe for most people - Jan and Ron both indicated the folks that need to steer clear. Our 8-month-old grandson eats the peach oatmeal, really old guys like my 83 year old Daddy can have it, kids eat the bars and drink the shakes and hot cocoa all the time because there are no questionable herbs in the products, the products are nutritionally balanced and low glycemic.
My own doctor was not familiar with Medifast and referred me for gastric by-pass. I preferred not to undergo potentially deadly weight loss surgery and I chose Medifast. I made an appointment to return to my primary health care provider the day I started my weight loss program. I got in to see her 6 weeks later and had already lost a lot of weight and lowered my BP since our last appointment, I explained to my doc what I had selected and asked my doctor to monitor my health. She agreed and I checked in to see her every couple of months for a BP & blood test.
With that said, I feel it is imperative for people to see their doc, especially so if they are taking medications for just as Patti said, all too soon meds are cut in half and some may be eliminated.
Here I am, 135 pounds flabber-free and it's been over three years that I have been walking around thin.
LadyHawke ~
Get your butt in here now!!
you are a crack-up....
Guy, keep reading, if you would like a copy of the information we have for physicians, just send me a PM. If you call the 800 number on our Homepage, I rarely answer that line but if you ask for me when you call, Becky or whomever has the phones this weekend will give you my number or will help you.
What do you have to lose?
You could gain a completely new healthier life!