on my own

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on my own

Postby old guy » February 24th, 2006, 4:37 pm

Hello everyone.
I'm a 42 yr old male with very high blood press... and I am thinking about starting the Medifast plan on my own.
I'm about 150LBS. over weight and None of the doctors I have been to will recommend this plan. I have several friends that use this plan and have lost a lot of weight with no side-effects. Should I just dive in and go for it?

Thanks for any input
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old guy

Postby falisamarie » February 24th, 2006, 4:56 pm

There are a few wonderful men that use this forum and I can tell you that my Dr recommended it to me with 100% endorsement. My advice to you is to go for it. You will feel so much better and the weight is sure to come off. If you work the program than the program will work for you. I am in my 6th week and at the 5week point I had lost 25lbs. There is also a wonderful transition and maintenance program once you reach your desired weight. If you do decide to go for it I would order right through this site. There is no difference in the price but you can get your own personal Health Advisor at no additional cost who will help you right along plus you have this wonderful board to come to for help or support or just to vent. Also remember that this program has been tested by John Hopkins University which that in itself is good enough for me!

Hope you decide to join us

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Postby SueInSLO » February 24th, 2006, 5:19 pm

Hi old guy!! :wave:

Geeeeeeeze, 42 and you think you're old. NOT!! ;)

Honey, I am 50 and loving life!! You aren't even in your prime yet. :D
OK, giving you a hard time.

I agree with Vicky and Lisa! Give MF a try. It's such a great way to get the pounds off and feel good and healthy again. You can do it! Read some of the old posts here, it's sooooo inspiring. I couldn't do it if it wasn't for the great people in this forum.

Click on the picture of Nancy and Terry and order from them and jump on the wagon with us!! :bounce:

Best of luck to you and I hope we see you around often!

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Postby mmob » February 24th, 2006, 7:13 pm

Hey there - I'm 42 and I'm not old!! LOL

I did this on my own - still doing it - works great so far!! I say go for it!! THis board is full of support and information. And Lots of success stories - that was enough for me!!

Climb on board!!!


Started MF 1/23/06 at 204.5lbs

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Postby Jan » February 24th, 2006, 7:47 pm

If your major problems are the weight and the blood pressure with no other problems such as a recent heart attack, kidney failure etc. My advice would be go for it. However if your Dr. has specific reasons why you should not use Medifast then I'm afraid you need to listen to him/her. Your Dr. should know your particular problems far better than anyone else. Many many Dr's do recommend our program -- perhaps yours is just not familiar with it. I myself had quite high blood pressure and is has come right down using our program. Your weight is also an issue particularly for heart related problems and diabetes. I really feel you must do something to part with the pounds. Otherwise your risk of a weight related disease will remain constant or may even increase. We alll know the dangers of "belly fat" especially for men. But, women need to worry also. You are still a young man -- with many years to live. Take control now so that your years will be healthy ones.
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Postby big ron » February 25th, 2006, 1:08 am

Welcome old guy,
I am a 40 year old man who has been on the program many times over the last 20 years. The program works and I never had any problems in fact a marked improvement happens. My problem is going back to old habbits which is the case with any plan. If you try it for 90 days seriously and honestly you will be amazed. The problem seems to be from the 70's when there were the first liquid diets which many were not well balanced and had poor protien quality which caused problems including death in a selection of people. Medifast is a very high quality product which is supported by the John's Hopkins Hospital. It is designed to be muscle sparing and safe. It is safe and works. The group of people who cannot be on it are type 1 diabetics however type 2 diabetics can and do well/ give it a try you wont be sorry Ron

ps guys lose 4to6 lbs a week safely how can you beat it?
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Postby Patti » February 25th, 2006, 4:17 am

Hi Guy..(can't put old in there...because you're not)

I'm in my 50's and had very high blood pressure for many years. I've been on the program 1 and 1/2 months and my blood pressure medication has been cut in half. I could probably get off of it entirely if I quit smoking, but, just not ready for that yet.

Perhaps your doctors are just not up-to-date on Medifast. If you wanted to pursue the program further with them, give them a copy of the John Hopkins study. There are many people on this forum who have had their doctors give them the green light to go on the program.

The decision to go on the program, in my opinion, is ultimately yours to make.

Welcome to the forum and good luck.

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Postby ladyhawke » February 25th, 2006, 7:06 am

Get your butt in here now!!
Check out the recipes and tips and don't forget to drink the water.
Call Nancy or Bonnie, their phone numbers are on the forum, that beautiful lady at the top of the page is Nancy, they have a lot of good tips and tricks to the program, we will help you and in 10 days you will see a marked difference and be bouyed by the weight loss.

Lean Cuisine on the forum is the recipe section.

We are here for you and these are the greatest people you could ever want to meet. Do you know about the 1 week free when you buy 4 wks o the program, the starter kit, then you can add other products, my secret weapon is the chili, with Rotel and a teaspoon of Fat free sour cream and the multigrain crackers.
We will help you with any recipes and it is worth the effort.
I eat the chicken noodle soup everyday with hot sauce, yum.
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Postby falisamarie » February 25th, 2006, 7:39 am


You might want to check with Bonnie or Nancy or someone but I beleive that I read that FF sour cream, FF cream cheese and FF mayo have been removed from the freebies list. They are suppose to be coming out with an updated list soon. Just a heads up.

Great to have you back

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Postby Nancy » February 25th, 2006, 12:50 pm

Dear Guy ~

We are happy to have you peek in here and see what all this losin' stuff is about!

Although over 15K docs have used Medifast in their practices, (What's with THAT word 'practice' anyway? I want someone who knows what they are doing, not practicing or trying things out on me! Hah! Just kidding...), there are many physicians who are uninformed or misinformed about Medifast.

Big Ron, I appreciate your comments about those other DIEts from the 70's, Medifast is a soy-protein based meal replacement program and has shown to be safe for most people - Jan and Ron both indicated the folks that need to steer clear. Our 8-month-old grandson eats the peach oatmeal, really old guys like my 83 year old Daddy can have it, kids eat the bars and drink the shakes and hot cocoa all the time because there are no questionable herbs in the products, the products are nutritionally balanced and low glycemic.

My own doctor was not familiar with Medifast and referred me for gastric by-pass. I preferred not to undergo potentially deadly weight loss surgery and I chose Medifast. I made an appointment to return to my primary health care provider the day I started my weight loss program. I got in to see her 6 weeks later and had already lost a lot of weight and lowered my BP since our last appointment, I explained to my doc what I had selected and asked my doctor to monitor my health. She agreed and I checked in to see her every couple of months for a BP & blood test.

With that said, I feel it is imperative for people to see their doc, especially so if they are taking medications for just as Patti said, all too soon meds are cut in half and some may be eliminated.

Here I am, 135 pounds flabber-free and it's been over three years that I have been walking around thin. :walk:

LadyHawke ~

Get your butt in here now!!

you are a crack-up.... :roflmao:

Guy, keep reading, if you would like a copy of the information we have for physicians, just send me a PM. If you call the 800 number on our Homepage, I rarely answer that line but if you ask for me when you call, Becky or whomever has the phones this weekend will give you my number or will help you.

What do you have to lose? :huh:

You could gain a completely new healthier life! :easyrider:
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Postby MusicalMomma » February 25th, 2006, 4:09 pm

Hello! I can't add anything to all the wonderful information you already read other than to tell you my hubby has a little over 200 pounds to lose and at 5.5 weeks he is almost 1/4 of the way there!!!! (He's kickin my butt!!! ) Hope to see you around the board :)
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Postby old guy » February 25th, 2006, 8:51 pm

Thanks for the input.
My Doctor is one that says "you just need to eat more Veggies and exercise more" Well, it's hard to exercise when your 345LBS and all ready beat from a hard days work.
I have thought about surgery but I can't justify the risk.

Yes, I think I will Get my butt in here and get started.

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Postby Nancy » February 25th, 2006, 10:03 pm

Old Guy ~

Your doctor's comments are word-for-word what my doctor told me. If we knew how many more veggies we ought to eat, and if it were possible for us to exercise more, we would have done so! It's not like we enjoy hauling around extra weight. Sheesh!

By the way, BG, It is not easy nor is it recommended that we exercise excessively when we are obese - it hurts our joints and can damage them permanently. That is one of the things that appealed to me about this program, we are not required to exercise until we have lost some weight. I hate to sweat...

Some people that come to us have been exercising for some time before they begin their weight loss phase. We ask them to cut their exercise routine in half for the first three weeks and then they may gradually re-build to their former intensity but limit exercise to 40-45 minutes during the weight loss phase. It takes about 21 days for our body to adjust to the fat burning state and for the fluid levels to rebalance.

For people who are significantly overweight and have NOT exercised regularly prior to starting the weight loss phase (and that was me) wait until we've dropped some weight and then begin with gentle stretching, walking, parking a little further away from the door of the grocery store, etc. and as we are able increase the length and intensity of our exercise.

For weight management, we exercise about 40 minutes most every day .

Here's a funny story...my current primary care doc is overweight. For six YEARS I told her (and the other docs before her) that I needed help losing weight and when I started REALLY pleading with her for help, she gave me the same answer you site. She told me she worked out two hours a day - treadmill, weights and spinning. She has young kids. I thought she was nuts getting up at 4 AM to go to the gym and then come to work and tell me to just eat less and exercise more.

That was the time she sent me to the weight loss surgeon.

In the time I lost 135 pounds, by shaking it up, She lost 30 pounds - she said I 'inspired her' to lose she needed to lose more than 30 pounds to have a healthy BMI. Now when I go back for check-ups, I'm still healthy and she has regained her 30 pounds and most likely 20 more and she is STILL getting up early to go to the gym for 2 hours. She always tells me that I impress her, that my BP & cholesterol are better than ever and yet...she does not support programs outside our HMO....argh!

She has patients that need what we have and I could help them - she has diabetic people on BP meds that NEED us! Seems wackydoodle to me that many 'health care' providers would rather give prescriptions to people and then give other prescriptions to combat the side effects of the other meds and we have the Prescription For Life right here in a little shaker jar - we lose weight, feel great, look great and we do it by way of nutritional intervention, not pharmaceutical intervention and not surgically. Weird-o-lah, eh?

Wishing you peace of mind and better health!
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Postby ktrout » February 26th, 2006, 10:46 am

Welcome to the forum Old Guy. I tried to get into a local hospital's weight loss program but all they wanted to do was push me into a surgical solution. Anyway, long story short I started this program January 1, 2006 at 313lbs and less than two months later I am at 259 lbs and losing a consistant 4-6 lbs a week. I love the program and it's become a very easy habit to maintain. I don't have to think about what I can eat, when I can eat. I just follow the three hour meals guidelines and so far, 54 lbs have left the building. Feel free to IM me off line for any specific questions that you may have.


Always good to see another guy on the forum, we're heavily outnumbered by the women but those are odds I don't mind taking !

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Postby ladyhawke » February 26th, 2006, 12:30 pm

1 more thing, OG, my sister had the gastric bypass surgery and lost 100 lbs, it took 1 year and what she went through, forget it!
If you stayed on Medifast for 1 year you would have to run around in the shower to get wet!

You can lose all your weight on MF without major surgery, please, start this week, you won't be sorry.
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