by Lauren » January 24th, 2006, 9:32 am
Hey, KarmaGirl-
I also go to the gym in the evenings after work. The obvious benefit to going is getting the exercise and burning calories, but to me, the bigger benefit is getting out of the apartment at night. Also, when you return from working out, you are generally less likely to snack (as long as you had ample MF before and right after working out), because you don't want to sabotage the hard work you just did!
I just remembered that you are new, so no real exercise for a couple weeks, but it certainly couldn't hurt to walk slowly on a treadmill or outside. Usually, when we do something really healthful for ourselves, we won't immediatly "ruin" it by snacking.
Just be sure to bookend your exercise with ample water and MF meals, even an extra shake if you feel hungry.
***And by the way, I have always been an insomniac and a night eater. I always assumed I was eating because I was awake BUT it turns out, I was awake because I was eating!!! If you adjust your internal clock a bit, and just "shut down" earlier, you will find there is less time in the evening to snack.
Good luck!