An Ounce of Prevention ......

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An Ounce of Prevention ......

Postby Carrie » April 6th, 2004, 9:14 am

Ok Everybody the Easter Bunny's comin' this Sunday, we've gotta get our act together and have a plan to get through the day without pouncing on the chocolate bunnies.

The store ads have been driving me nuts for the last couple weeks .... all that candy. I keep reminding myself that Easter will happen again next year, and then I can have a big ole chocolate bunny if I so choose. Right now I think I'll settle for a MF bar.

For you parents, you may have to deal with packing Easter Baskets for the lil tricycle motors. Let's pool our ideas for getting through this. A couple that come to mind right now are:
1) Buy the prepackaged baskets that are sealed, and have the kids keep em in their rooms.
2) Have a candyless Easter and get them non-caloric presents like stuffed animals or a toy they want.
3) In lieu of gifts take em someplace special they've been wanting to go .... down here we have a petting zoo open Easter morning.

For the big Easter dinner ....... I think I'm going to opt for a lean/green and spend some time before hand thinking/planning/preparing to NOT start indulging in other things. I may also tell my mother what constitutes a lean/green and have her police me. No way am I gonna have her take me to task in front of the rest of the family and guests!!!

What are your plans/ideas for making it through the Holiday without going off your plan?

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Postby pinkgeek » April 6th, 2004, 11:51 am

Hey Carrie!

Its great that you want to help everyone devise a plan to avoid the evils that easter brings :) I don't think its going to be an issue for me since its just me and the hubby. I'll send him to work with his bunny and tell him to keep it out of my face! That's an awesome idea about going out to a special place or giving toys/gifts instead of candy. I bet a lot of people can take advantage of that. Also, great idea about getting your mom to police you! And like you said, you can always have a bar instead of sugary, fatty, baddy! Keep those good ideas coming girlie!

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Postby explorthis » April 6th, 2004, 2:37 pm

...through the day without pouncing on the chocolate bunnies.

I keep reminding myself that Easter will happen again next year, and then I can have a big ole chocolate bunny if I so choose.

Have a candy less Easter and get them non-caloric presents like stuffed animals or a toy they want.

Ok, from the voice of someone that has kids, and has lost a substantial amount of weight, and Someone that would Marry Mrs. Medifast, if’in she existed. If ya have kids, thar ain’t no such thing as a candy less Easter. Why do we celebrate Easter again? It is religious isn’t it? Or is it for the Candy? Kidding of course.

I think this is the time for the Power-O’er-The Bunny-Punch. Carrie is correct. Easter will come, and it will go. Next Easter ALL of you will be not lean/green, but LEAN-MEAN. You will have lost the weight and be ready for anything. I think having the Candy within your reach and saying NO, will in fact make you stronger. I am a glutton for punishment, but if you can resist the Choco-tab just this one day, you can resist it anytime. Look how far all of you have come. Look what Medifast has done for you. Look how strong you are. Look at the benefit of saying NO for the first real time in your lives. Have your lean/green, or what ever you are shaking at that moment in time, and say I am strong enough to say NO.

It’s true, somewhere I read that the longer you abstain from sweets, the less the craving. Mike saying that? Naaa… Oh yes, folks, its is true. The sweet bug hath left on a jet-plane. I honestly have no desire for sweet(s). For the past 212 days I can honestly say, I had 2 pieces of Valentine Candy (1 from each kid’s box) and it was NOT that great.

212 days later, Easter is still here. All that food, all those temptations that got us here in the first place are still here. They did not go anywhere.

I am still proud of myself. I have taken a stand and said NO. I know for gospel truth that these tiny things we say yes to, become LARGE compulsive problems, that compound into a rolling ball down the hill, non stop. (ever see the Domino’s Dot commercials on TV?)

Be the strong one. Say no to the Choco-tab, you will not regret one second of your decision, I promise!

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Postby shineface » April 6th, 2004, 3:48 pm

Hi Guys ---

All good stuff as usual - a couple of things....

Mike-- you hada mention the Domino Dots? This is the one and only commmercial that is currently making me crazy when I see it (I' a definate carbo-holic) then I see the kid squirting everyone with the hose and realize how there really is so much more to life - GOD somedays I wish I could squirt a few chosen people with the hose - aahhh to be a kid - a skinny kid this time...

Carrie -- ASK MOM TO POLICE MY FOOD --??? :shock: May work for some but I see a move like that putting me back on a shrinks couch and me becoming his annuity for life!! I am really growing because at this point I AM WILLING to take RESPONSIBILITY for my own choices - I pray they are good ones. Coming here helps me to do that!!!! :lol:

Thanks everyone for thinking ahead and talking about this stuff - I'm still trying to get over daylight savings time change - and that's not a holiday although in the past I certainly coulda whipped up a reason to celebrate it with food!!!!!! :roll:

Hang tight everybody ----

WE WILL do this together!!! :stroll:
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Postby Landylue » April 6th, 2004, 6:28 pm

I have never, ever missed giving an Easter basket of some type to my kids, who are now 27 and 29. This year sure won't be an exception. I sent my daughter a huge basket filled with various candy, health bars, fruit & nut mixes, candles, and scented shea butter soaps. I even included items for her new puppy (my first granddog) like various treats, doggie bandanas, and doggie toys.

My son got basically the same human items inside an ornate wooden trunk.

I saw a sign one Valentine's Day outside of a shoe store at the mall which asked the question, "What would you rather see your Mom wearing this Valentine's Day?" It had a picture of a big box of candy and a pair of Nikes. When I was packing the kids' baskets, I kept asking myself if I wanted to wear any of that candy this Easter.

I didn't.

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Postby TamiL » April 6th, 2004, 9:37 pm

Great posts you guys!! I laughed out loud Landylue about your first GRAND-DOG!! thats cute!! ;) My mom still sends me easter candy...but this year..I told her a yankee candle would do!! :)
Easter, Memorial Day weekend...barbaque's coming this summer..4th of July..its all events/holidays that as Mike said..will always come, and the food will always be there!! the food and chocolate bunnies arent going any where...and I know one thing for sure..THEY AINT GOING IN MY MOUTH OR ON MY HIPS!!! NOT THIS TIME!! those Mini Eggs that I used to sneak bags and bags of untill I was sick can go on someone elses THIGHS this easter...NOT MINE!! my Chocholate Medifast Deluxe Shakes that I whip up in my blender will do me just fine....GUILT FREE!!!


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Postby Carrie » April 7th, 2004, 5:13 am

OK, Ok, I didn't mean to start a mutiny by mentioning a candyless Easter for the kids LOL! Spoken like a true childless person huh? Actually, I get off easy in that department .... I only have 1 parrot kid and 2 cat kids, so some sunflower seeds and catnip constitute Easter candy in my house. (My Mom has already gotten Maggie (the parrot) 4 Easter presents)

Mike and Pam ....... it is so wierd you mentioned those dang domino dots commercials. Everything else on the TV pretty much passes right through my head, but I see those dern things and drool! And I know, I know, the 'police mom' thing is drastic, and I can totally relate to the flight to the shrink's couch. BUT my attitude has changed. Before if my Mom told me I didn't need to eat something, I'd make sure I had 3 helpings. Hurting my Mom? Nope. Hurting me? Yep. And my Mother is just trying to show me how much she loves me, and wants me to be healthy. And she is being very supportive of me and cheering me on. And if she goes too far and starts to annoy me about it I just tune her out (lately she's been pushing hard for me to start exercising).

But I know one thing for certain - if I do tell her what a lean/green is ...... and know she's watching me ..... there is no way in heck I will put anything out-of-bounds on my plate, because I'd rather STARVE than start THAT discussion with her! Know what I mean?

It's not that I'm not taking responsibility for what I eat .... it's just that I know when surrounded by a huge table of good food, it'd be pretty easy for me to decide 'a little of this won't hurt' and then off I go to gobble-land. It's just another form of responsibility. And I'll take full advantage of anything that will help me get to my goal.

Keep A-Shakin'!
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Postby pinkgeek » April 7th, 2004, 6:48 am

Ohhhh cheese! You guys just had to mention that...yes those darn round things are covered in them...that's okay...I will not be overcome by cheese :/

Tami, good to see you again! I thought you were taking a break from us
:( Glad to see I was wrong. How's the exercise coming? Are you FIRM'ing up? I think I'm gonna have to start exercising soon, too. I am on week 3 and have lost some little lbs, but I'm noticing less muscle than I would like and I also have some of that nasty cellulite to get rid of. If I find some magic exercises, I'll let you know. Maybe I should try that butt blaster at the gym. Sound intimidating? You should SEE the thing. It puts you in a very compromising position! Let us know how you are doing!

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Postby moutoncove » April 7th, 2004, 9:42 am

This is one topic that has been on my mind all week - getting through Easter. Easter has always been my favorite holiday - all the trees are green, flowers everywhere, and the good old Easter candy which I think is the best chocolate ever.

Unfortunately every year we fix 9 Easter baskets for our grandchildren. I asked my husband if we could just give them money or something else and he said "The kids look forward to getting candy in Easter baskets" sooooooo I went this week and bought Easter candy. My favorite has always been Brach's malted milk balls and they're hard to find (Brach's). Well low and behold not half way down the isle there's the Brach's. I bent over to get some and before I touched one bag I said to myself - "Is this for the kids or is this for you - quit fooling yourself - you know you're going to be buying that for you." I did not put one bag of them in my basket. The kids are not having malted milk balls this Easter and neither is Brenda. This was a major accomplishment for me. I was very proud of myself.

Now if I can just get over Easter day. We always have the family over for Easter. We do all the cooking and I'm not going to even tell ya'll what I have to prepare. The only way I see to get through this is to stick to the shakes 100% that day. Not even one bite can go in my mouth. I gave myself permission three weeks ago to eat a meal and I didn't stop eating for a whole week afterwards. That episode pushed me back 2 weeks.

I wish I could just sleep through Easter and wake up and everything would be over. I'm really dreading this Easter and it used to be one of my favorites. I know I will always have to face things like this - celebrations won't go away and I just soon learn how to deal with them starting with Easter Sunday.

I hope it's true what Mike says that the cravings will go away. I can't wait for the day when I can look at food as fuel for the body and nothing else.

I plan on keeping a bottle of water in my hand and a piece of gum in my mouth and after I'm finished cooking to stay out of the kitchen as much as possible.

Good luck to everyone - I'll be praying for all of us that we will get through this.

Sorry if I rambled too much but Easter has me worried and I know it will be my choice how I handle it. I WILL NOT FALTER, BUT I'M STILL WORRIED.

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Postby Landylue » April 7th, 2004, 10:18 am

Brenda, I have no doubt in the world that you are going to make it to the other side of Easter a much stronger person. In fact, I'll look forward to reading your post about your success. Get your family to help out where they can. Being on a fast like this is definitely a family effort.

I had a friend who after months on a purist fast, just wanted to taste the dressing at Thanksgiving to see if she got the right amount of sage in the mix. She measured out 1/2 tsp. to taste, and wound up eating half of the dressing in the bowl. If you know in your heart that you are the type to do this, as I am, as some of the others most likely are, please be forewarned. One little slip can set you back on your heels really fast.

I used to put packages of cookies into the grocery basket 'for the kids' and then take them out of the sack when I was loading the groceries into the trunk. I would eat half the package while I drove home! I KNEW the cookies wouldn't stand a chance of ever making it home when I picked them up off the shelf!

I think the first step to stopping that kind of behavior, though, is recognising that you do it in the first place.

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Postby moutoncove » April 7th, 2004, 11:18 am


I had a friend who after months on a purist fast, just wanted to taste the dressing at Thanksgiving to see if she got the right amount of sage in the mix. She measured out 1/2 tsp. to taste, and wound up eating half of the dressing in the bowl. If you know in your heart that you are the type to do this, as I am, as some of the others most likely are, please be forewarned. One little slip can set you back on your heels really fast.

That's exactly how I am and I know it. It makes me wonder how in the heck will I deal with maintenance when you have to start introducing food back into your diet. As hard as I try to tell myself you can have a small serving (like I did three weeks ago) it will end up in a binge. It's like trying to eat one potatoe chip - that ain't going to happen - I can't just have a small serving - I have to have the whole pot.

As far as getting my family to help - that's out of the question - I'm on my own. Their response would be "Oh go ahead and eat - it's Easter" - the same reasons I gave myself before MF.

BUUUTTTT I will be here Monday morning to let everyone know I have SUCCEEDED in getting through Easter. I'm not allowing myself to get set back another 2 weeks from my goal weight.

And by posting this I have to be accountable to all of you. Thanks for being there.

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Postby Carrie » April 7th, 2004, 1:36 pm

You guys are so great. I was reading Brenda's success story about her battle with the malted milk balls and almost cried because I was thinking ..... 'A damn malted milk ball is so powerful??????' And the answer is ...... yes. Sometimes. BUT we are stronger than the mighty milk ball, reeses easter egg, domino dot, all of it!

Everytime we win the battle we get a little stronger, and the milk ball loses a little bit more power over us. I can honestly say that controlling myself with respect to food feels WAY BETTER than bingeing ever felt.

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Postby Landylue » April 9th, 2004, 8:13 pm

Here, here, Carrie! But, it's not the malted milk ball itself that has the power, but our addiction, or even possibly what the candy represents. For me cookies are love, comfort, celebration, consolation--you name it--it's an excellent reason to have a cookie. It's what I was 'medicated' with all the time when I was a kid, and I have dragged that bad habit into adulthood. We are all fighting for freedom from addiction, or just our plain bad choices.

Brenda, we will, indeed, hold you accountable for your actions and choices this Easter, and will expect a full report on Monday.

You are strong! You are woman! Let us hear you roar with victory after Easter.

We're all pulling for you.

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