by DutchChoc » December 10th, 2008, 8:09 pm
You're doing a great job and so is Shane. Lots going on there for all of you right now so just take a big breath and think that next week things will probably be much more like normal. You've had a succession of things to deal with - so you deserve a break, by which I don't mean eating anything to mess yourself up, either, just a mental break and some peace.
I hope Shane will see signs of things moving again soon. Has to, really, it's just being able to hold things together and not decide the he88 with it and eat what one would like, at the moment.
Well, that's it for me for tonight. Keep healing and, I guess, heeling. darn if that's not a good one!
Ending weight MF 10/2004: 126
Starting weight 12/1/08: 168 :-(
Loss December: -7/-0