by oregonrose » August 25th, 2007, 2:20 pm
Alright, here I go. First week was o.k. not too many slips. this second week was even better till I was babysitting yesterday and ate 3 hershey bars and some bread! Then, just like everybody else I beat myself up and feel like Jaba the Hut! Today is better, totally on plan, drinking lots of ice teas. I like the idea of of each having our own journal blog, I've never done one before, I am a member of the "If I dont write it down I didnt actually eat it" club., I am really going to do this this time. I have known Nancy for 2 years now! losing and gaining the same "first 20 lbs" about six times! Changing from Lexapro (antidepressant) to wellbutrin, I read that lexapro causes weight gain and I know the cravings have not been as bad these past few days since I started to change over.
well, more tomorrow. n
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