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Ordered Yesterday

Postby cydj21 » January 7th, 2006, 11:18 am

Hello all! I ordered my first shipment yesterday, and am eagerly awaiting its arrival so I can get this show on the road! :D

Interestingly enough, I really didn't know much about Medifast at all until New Years Day when I was sitting with my laptop in front of the television and decided it was time to make a change. I stumbled upon the Medifast website and was instantly intrigued. After reading the message boards on the Medifast site and reading several different success stories, I slept on it for a few days and decided to give it a shot....the only thing really holding me back was the price. While I know you cannot put a price on good health and feeling great, I am a fifth year college student with at least another 3 years to go. In other words....I am poor poor poor.

So my first supply was charged to the trusty credit card, and I am going to try and pick up a few more hours at work this semester to try and help pay for future supplies, but I don't know how long I will be able to afford it. I am hoping for a good jump start to my weight loss and go from there. My mentality is that if it is working and I am feeling great, hopefully I can find a way to keep going. Any thoughts on how to afford it would be a great help! :oops:

Additionally, the Medifast website says you shouldn't exercise much. I actually love to go to the gym (usually 45 minutes of intense cardio and 30 minutes of light weight training 4 days a week), and would hate to not be able to do so. Any thoughts? :idea:

Anyway, I am proud for myself that I have taken this first step. I have a long way to go...100+ pounds. I have opted not to set a final weight goal just yet, and instead have decided to focus on dropping 40lbs over the next 5 months when I will graduate [finally] with my bachelor's degree. I want to look and feel great when it comes time to walk across that stage!
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Postby Serendipity » January 7th, 2006, 12:25 pm

Hi and welcome! Hey, just wanted to let you know, your minigoal of 40 in 5 months is more than doable. I've lost 42 in a bit less than three!!!!!

Good luck
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Postby dlr2424 » January 7th, 2006, 1:03 pm

Cydj...... :wavie: ...welcome to you...... :you: .....you have a great attitude .. :D ..congratulations in taking the first step..... :shock: ....you will be amazed at the results if you follow the plan.. :hmmm: ..and come stage time... :whoohoo: ..you will lift your head high and float across stage as you will not only have accomplished a degree....you will have added much value to your health.... :bravo: .....take one day at a time..... :scratch: ...as far as the cost.....I too had concerns....however, many people I know spend far more on take out....cigarettes.....groceries...wasted money....than the price of good nutrition.......i still can appreciate where your coming from.........but once again... :yes: ..take one day at a time and leave the rest to God... :angel: ....if there is a will there is a way.............much success to you and i look forward to sharing this journey with you.


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Postby dlr2424 » January 7th, 2006, 1:11 pm

oh..and I forgot to mention.... :secret: .....lay low on the exercise for the first 3 weeks or so...........your body is adjusting to a new way and taking in less calories... :weightlift: ..if you overexercise your body will tend to hold onto the weight ....do a search on exercise as there is alot to read on it......but for now I would decrease.......for me that was the best part.... :bouncie: ...how exciting....a food plan with little to no exercise at first.... :whistle: ..music to my ears


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Postby Jan » January 7th, 2006, 3:59 pm

Hi There,
First about the exercise -- yup Donna is exactly right -- you need to cut it down by about 1/2 for the first three weeks and then limit it to about 45 minutes after that. That's about all the calories you have to spare. Otherwise your body will think it is being starved - go into self preservation mode - and refuse to part with any pounds :cry:
Now as to the cost. I understand poor poor poor college students. I have one of my own -- my daughter who is a senior in pre-med So,we all know how much education is still ahead for her :? But, here's the good news --she's on program -- had a knee surgery and gained a few pounds -- and thinks the program is pretty economical. She of course was running to the fast food restaurants because she never had enough time to cook -- now she tells me "I can't believe how much money I spent getting fat"
All those litttle charges (and I think some are not so little :mrgreen: ) add up -- we just have a harder time keeping track at $5.00 or so a time.
You are doing the best thing possible for yourself. Soon you'll be well educated and in great shape.
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Postby cydj21 » January 7th, 2006, 5:36 pm

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone. Knowing there is a great support group for me to turn to when it gets tough makes me even more excited to get started! :D I will definitely listen to all of your suggestions regarding exercising...I certainly don't want to overdo it and do more bad than good, because that would defeat my entire purpose now wouldn't it? :shock:

Now all I have to do is wait for it to get here! In the meantime I've been giving a lot of thought as to how I will incorporate this new lifestyle...as well as working on clearing the remaining holiday yummies out of my house. I think the thing that will be toughest for me is breakfast....I LOVE having scrambled eggs and wheat toast in the morning. Yet, I suppose it is to good to be taking these last couple of days to focus on the potential rough spots and how to alleviate those. I think I am going to spend some time later tonight cutting out pictures of some of my favorite potential dresses for my wedding next summer and placing them strategically throughout the house. I haven't even wanted to officially start shopping for a dress yet because I want to wear a beautiful dress and not a giant white tent.

Again, thank you so much! I will be back often. :D
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Postby Nancy » January 8th, 2006, 1:43 am

cydj ~

Greetings soon-to-be-tinning-thing!

No worries about having to shop for a white tent or about ordering an XL Graduation gown - Medifast works. It is safe. It is rapid and you will have added mental clarity to study and do well on your tests and energy to enjoy being with your friends and fiancée after the studying is done!

Once your body has adjusted to the fat burning state and you begin to readjust your exercise routine, you may need to add an extra packet to your meal plan to support the calorie expenditure of your routine. Be sure to check with your Health Advisor regarding your exercise routine as I feel it will need to be modified somewhat. I would suggest that you select Medifast 70 shakes for future orders since you are quite active.

It will be so much :bouncie: fun to shop for that dress and you will be a lovely bride. I like the idea of placing pictures around your home to remind you of your goal.

Our goal needs to go beyond just one very special moment in our life but be attached to a long-term goal as well.

Before I began Medifasting, I used to diet for a specific purpose like to look better for a special event and then once the event came and went, so did my diet – the diet died once the event died.

:shock: I realized that if I wanted to be healthy ad STAY then I had to eat healthy nearly every time or I would put an end to my health again. I changed my perspective and Take Shape for Life helped me to do it.

:toast: Here’s to you, cydj!
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Postby Guest » January 8th, 2006, 5:53 pm

Goodness! :D I just want to say thank you to everyone (again) for your thoughts and support. I've been taking a lot of time over the last few days to read up and look through the forum...a lot of inspiration here! :byebye:

Now....if my order would just get here! lol I am ready to start! Motivated and looking forward to it...I am hoping to start no later than next Sunday, as classes start up again for the semester next Monday and it will jump start the whole semester. I figure if I start the semster out right it will be much easier, because I don't have the taste of campus food or late night binges on mochas and bagels at the local coffee house (for which my friends and I are notorious) fresh in my memory. :dooh:

7 days or less until the new me is on the way! :yay:
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Postby cydj21 » January 8th, 2006, 5:54 pm

Oopsy! :oops: Forgot to login last time.....thanks, again!
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Postby cydj21 » January 11th, 2006, 4:06 pm

Update! :D I just logged onto the Medifast website where a tracking number has [finally] been posted for my shipment. Looks like it should be here tomorrow! Woohoo! :yay:

I am really looking forward to busting that box open and seeing all the health and beauty my hard earned money has bought me! lol It will be difficult not to start right away, but I think to be safe I need to wait a couple of days. Friday my schedule is jam packed with meetings, etc. so I'm not sure it's the right day to start a new lifestyle....I don't want to sabotage myself. :shock: Saturday, a lot of my friends will be returning to town for the start of the semester on Monday and I just know it will be a day loaded with temptation....our tradition at the start of the semester is always a pizza and movie night the Saturday before classes start, and seeing as though this is my last semester as an undergrad I'm not sure I have faith in myself to resist. :oops: So I guess that leaves me starting on Sunday. :D But man oh man, I don't want to wait that long!

Any thoughts/suggestions from anyone? I can already tell this forum is going to be my lifeline in the coming weeks.... :heart:
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Postby dlr2424 » January 11th, 2006, 4:30 pm

Cydj.... :yeah: ......I think you have a great plan.... :yes: ......you go and enjoy yourself these next few days...... :partytime: .....maybe you can practice working on portion control with the food choices you will be having.... :bigidea: ....still eat them but not as though they were your "last supper".....and then read as much as possible like you have been..... :puter: ......when Sunday rolls around you will be good and ready....... :yay: ....you will get the most out of your new plan when your mind is in the right place!!!!!..... :angel: ....my prayers for your strentgh and success on this journey and looking forward to sharing it with you


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Postby Nancy » January 11th, 2006, 5:21 pm

Hi, cydj21 ~

I am so happy that your box of Medigoodies arrived and I think your plan sounds great, too! It will give you a few days to sort everything out, to plan your schedule and decide what you will eat plus allow your special time together with your friends. The first few days to a week will find you frequently traveling to the sandbox as your body adjusts to the program so Friday's meeting day could be awkward.

You are going to love the ease of this in a week or two - you are a busy person!
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Postby cydj21 » January 11th, 2006, 5:33 pm

Thank you, Donna and Nancy! :D Your advice definitely helps me feel better about holding off another couple of days....I just know that when I do this, I want to do it right! I don't want to find myself "starting over" within a few days because I messed it up.

Nancy....yes yes, I am a very busy person! I think that is part of why my weight issue has gotten out of control (eating whatever, whenver it is available...odd meal times, etc.), but ironically enough the same reason why I think this program will be perfect for me! Bring a shaker and some packets with me to campus in the mornings and I won't be wondering when/what/where to eat. Yippee!

Again- thank you both! I can tell already that I have come to the right place. This was meant to be, I just know it....and that gives me the faith and confidence that this is a battle that I was meant to win! :clap:
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Postby falisamarie » January 11th, 2006, 8:18 pm

I too have decided to wait till Sunday to begin the program as that is the day that the forum weighs in :mrgreen:

I look forward to beginning this journey together with you :buddies:

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Postby Nancy » January 11th, 2006, 8:19 pm

cydj21 ~

Something that I have observed over the last few years is that many of us that have difficulty with food are just that: busy! We are so busy that we do not take care of ourselves, putting others, jobs, deadlines, projects first and health last. When one is young, it is easier to get by like that for a while but it takes its toll as the years go by and that develops habits that are very difficult to turn around.

I used to think that I didn't have time to make and pack a lunch so I didn't and then I ate crackers and candy - it took just as long to walk to the vending machine or run to the Quickie Mart and back as it does to shake up a healthy shake and slurp it down. MediFAST is FAST to prepare and gets the weight of FAST, too!

You will start to feel so good in just a few days - I mean GOOD! You will be able to study efficiently and recall what you've studied because you won't be in a sugar stupor any more!
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