I was going to be going to a convention in Orlando and was going to extend my time away for a little R & R in Disney World. What I learned on that trip was the ugly truth. I could barely carry around my 300+ pound body around one of the parks, let alone all four. Wound up having to rent one of those electric carts to take me around because there was no way I was going to be able to walk around the park without going on oxygen or having to sit down and rest every few minutes.
I remember being embarassed to have to rent one of those electric scooters...everyone else that seemed to need them were a good 10-20 years older than me. So, I'd mutter something about having "knee surgery" (<--a lie), to the cashier as I paid for my ECV to carry me through the different lands. I even developed a fake limp!!! That's what being so overweight and out of shape had reduced me to...lying and limping to cover up my embarassment at needing assistance to get around Disney World. (Walter Brennan would've been proud...

Whenever I thought of giving up on this Medifast program, (and despite my success so far, there were many times when I'd feel like chucking the whole thing and going back to the "good old days" of fried foods, and rich chocolately desserts and bread and chips,) I'd remember how I felt that day in Disney World, and how I never wanted to feel so badly about my physical shape again that I needed to lie to cover up my embarassment.
I guess what I'm saying is what's helped me to get as far as I have is to hold on to that one really embarassing moment last year, when I realized that I was no longer just "big boned", or "pleasantly plump" (and pleasing more people every day...), but rather in a serious life and death battle to not just "look good", but to be healthy and able to live life as it is meant to be lived, as an active participant and not someone just sitting on the sidelines with some pompoms, a beer and a hot dog.
And it's worked so far. And the time has flown. When I started in March of '06 I'd planned to be at goal by Thanksgiving, but it's past that, and I'm still on it, and I'm fine with that. If you stick with it, then the time it takes to get to your goal will take a back seat to how great you feel while getting there. Half the fun is enjoying the compliments and the NSV (non-scale victories) that will come each day. The longer you stay at it, the more they will come your way.
Sorry to be so long-winded, but I'm seeing all these newbies out there and I wish I could fast forward you to where I am right now...but again, it's all been worth the wait and the ride...enjoy it, live it, shake it and be stirred.