Only 10 lbs in 2 weeks

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Only 10 lbs in 2 weeks

Postby Snail Queen #2? » March 17th, 2005, 10:45 am

I've been doing this for 2 weeks and have lost only 10 pouns!! Argh. Some days I do just want to quit and bury myself in foody solace but I haven't yet. I just keep waiting and waiting and waiting...
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Snail Queen #2?

Postby 24KaratGold » March 17th, 2005, 10:58 am

Snail Queen, "only" ten pounds? Ten pounds is awesome! On what other diet could you lose ten pounds in two weeks?? Congratulations on sticking it out for two weeks and seeing that success. Don't give up now. Things move more slowly after the first week or two, but they do move, and fast.

I urge you not to get on the scale every day. Doing that drives us crazy. Once at maintenance that's another thing, but during the weight-loss phase try to weigh just once a week (and then come over to the "Roll Call" forum on Sunday mornings and report in. It provides accountability).

Stay with it, you will be glad you did.

Scrabbler will be along momentarily with the link and a suggestion that you register on the board. :mrgreen: Welcome!

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Postby scrabbler7 » March 17th, 2005, 3:21 pm

24K - Now you are on the band wagon huh? LOL tooo funny!

My first instinct was to grab that link -- but my second was -- 10 pounds in 2 weeks!!! That's incredible -- do you know how many people are going to be so envious of that kind of flabbage release????? WOW!! It's amazing. Remember Snail, that the standard weight loss for people on MF is 2 to 5 pounds a week; you have hit the high end of that scale! You need to have a shake in celebration.

Oh - and then you need to just click right here on this little link, right here, below this line .... see it??? ... the little link??? ... e=register

This will take you to the registration page for MMT. By becoming a member of the site, it lets you create a profile, use private messaging, put those great little avatars under your name ... etc etc etc -- and all for the great low price of zilch zero nada nothing ... thanks to the wonderful Nancy and the MMT Team.

oh and btw - welcome!
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Postby Kauket » March 17th, 2005, 4:28 pm

Hey there Snail Queen!

Look at it this way... That's 5 lbs a week, 20 lbs a month, or 260 lbs in a year!

Sounds a little bit better when you think of it that way, doesn't it? :) Keep in mind that you might not always hit the full 5 lbs/week, but just imagine how much you'll lose if you just keep at it. :) Welcome aboard!
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Postby doglover » March 17th, 2005, 4:43 pm

Welcome Snail :wave:

I too think 10 lbs in 2 weeks is awesome! You are right there at the top of the avg! But then again, you KNEW you were above avg all along didn't ya!! ;)

Glad you're here and keep us posted!
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Postby dlr2424 » March 17th, 2005, 5:07 pm

You guys amaze me at your .. powerful.. positive ..quick .. responses.. :D .....NOW......SNAIL QUEEN #2.....I appologize if I offend you but First ....that name DOES NOT FIT YOU!!!!!...anyone who loses that fast is the "QUEEN OF SPEED"... :drive: ..Second.....10 lbs. in 2 weeks IS AMAZING ....:yes:...& Third...You deserve a bow... for keepin on track even when you didn't feel like it...:bow:....I know we want to drop all our excess by tomorrow but that's not gonna happen...stay off the scale (easier said than done)...stay focused....keep on shakin & in no time flat you will reveal the thin person within you :yay: ...Have a great week and I'll be sending out many Mediprayers your weigh ;)


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Postby cthrn007 » March 17th, 2005, 6:26 pm

I think I just want to ditto what Donna...dlr2424 says from now on... she says it so much perkier than me :D !

I too wanted to say heloo and welcome AND that 10 lbs in 2 weeks is SOOO awesome!!! That took me over a month!!!


Keep up the good work!!
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Postby raederle » March 17th, 2005, 7:01 pm

All I can say is.... Yup! What they said! If I could lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks, I would diet just for fun. I would run around stuffing my face with pizza and beer because I'd know it would take me only 2 weeks to get rid of it! ;) Your loss is enviable, and you're doing great. Don't sweat it.

And Ame-- all I have to say to you is... :roflmao:

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Postby kassilou » March 17th, 2005, 8:33 pm

Hang in there. The weight will never come off as fast as we'd like---I'd love to wake up in the morning and have it all be gone, but since that's never gonna happen, MF is as close as I can come. It does take time, but I didn't get to where I am overnight, either. :oops:

Stay compliant, keep coming here, read some other info like "My Big Fat Greek Diet" and "Success in a Shaker Jar". Are you measuring inches? People who do have said that their inches go down even when the scale isn't moving. Some people count how many days they've been compliant. Don't let the scale be your only measure of success.

And just for the record, 10# in 2 weeks is awesome. We're supposed to average 2-4# as we progress in the program, so 5/week is great for your start.

Stay compliant. Keep on shakin'. It'll happen.
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